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Entrapment 14

Chapter 14


I walk out of the wedding shop feeling like I just had an enchanted run of my life.

As Circenn and I walk into the car, I turn to him and He looks at me with a stare of distaste and multiple questions, questioning my own gaze.

“Stop looking at me like that” He snarls.

“You didn’t have to be like that,” I began. “She apologized for taking a picture of me. Getting h

her fired was a bit too much. I said it was fine,”

“This is not about you Naomi Circenn scoffs, starting the car. “She only took that photo because you are associated with me. Without me, or my boys you’re a nobody.”


Rough way to lix his words

I don’t react to how his words punch me in the gut and just continue glaring at him

“She disrespected you by taking that picture. If there’s anything I don’t do, is permit disrespect”

“I know, but she was really sorry” I add,

Circenn hasn’t changed at all. Still a jerk in all places.

I am glad I am getting married to him only because of our contract

His beastly heart doesn’t know what love is and I don’t think he’s trying to learn.

The way the staff back them had pleaded with him to invoke his statement to get her fired.

But he just raised his shoulders and pretended he couldn’t hear her.

He wanted to even take our shopping elsewhere.

If I hadn’t disagreed, we would have left and the entire staff would have been disappointed.

“Sorry doesn’t cut out for mistakes like that. Good luck to her finding a better job elsewhere” Circenn is focused on the road.

What an inhuman thing to say.

I don’t try to argue again and just let him drive.

He asks me where I’m headed and I tell him the hotel Jake and Blake are staying at

The car ride is a suffocating silence, heavy with the weight of our mutual hate.

The air is electric with tension, like the moments before a thunderstorm unleashes its fury. If there’s a word stronger than hatred, that’s what I’m Feeling towards Circenn right now.

It’s a loathing so intense it’s almost palpable, a living, breathing entity that fills the space between us.

After what feels like an eternity, we finally arrive at the hotel where the boys and Maggie are staying


tense atmosphere, but as I struggle to open the door, Circenn swiftly leans in, his large frame trapping me.

I’m eager b to escape

His hand closes around the door handle, his fingers brushing against mine, sending a jolt of electricity through my body.

The sweet scent of his cologne wafts up, enveloping me in a familiar aroma that momentarily disarms me. For a fleeting instant. I forget that I’m supposed to be seething with anger, and my mind goes blank

But as our eyes lock, the tension between us crackles like a live wire, and I’m snapped back to reality. I try to physique and unyielding grip on the door make it clear that he is indeed fifty times stronger than I am.

v to push past

him, but his imposing

“Whar 1 try not to stulter.

Chapter 11

“I want to see the boys too,” He begins.

He should have just said so, not cage me with his big body.

“Well they’re in. Put don’t you think you’ll get recognized immediately?” 1 ask.

“I don’t actually give a shit. 1 just war

want to see my boys” His voice is almost rigid.

We manage to make our way to the hotel room without getting too noticed as the place is as scanty as hell Who would have thought I would get famous for something I considered a mistake.

velop me in a tight hug.

As soon as we enter the room, the twins sprint towards me, their little arms outstretched, and envelop Their faces light up with excitement as they notice Circenn standing behind me, and they quickly release me to run to him, shouting Daddy!‘ in


They wrap their small arms around his legs, gazing up at him with adoring eyes, and Circenn’s expression softens as he kneels down to embrace them, a warm smile spreading across his face.

Circenn is thrilled to have them hug him. And this time he lets it show.

He lifts Blake up before lifting Jake, carrying each of them to sit on his arms.

Blake turns to look at me.

“Mommy Aunt Maggie says you’ll marry Daddy”

Oh Goodness.

I make eye contact with Circenn and he shrugs

“It’s not a lie.” He says.

“I know.” I add, throwing my purse on the couch.

It’s not like we’re doing it out of love.

I stare at the three of them and don’t fail to notice how their resemblance is so solid.

“Where did my genes go!

I’ve got the stretch marks and memories of labor to prove I carried and birthed these tiny humans, but you’d think I was just a surrogate judging by how much they favor their father!

It’s like they’re trying to rub it in my face

‘Hey, Mom, we know you suffered for us, but

Dad’s genes an

genes are way cooler.

I step into the bedroom, leaving the twins with their father and sighing at the sight of Maggie.


at a day,” I sigh

“What a day yet you look like you’re glowing. How was the dress fitting?” Maggie drops the glass of wine in her hand.

“Oli Maggie, don’t even get me started.” I say and She starts laughing

Maggie passe

“Wait. I can hear a familiar voice coming from the living room. Who-


interrupt with an eye roll


jnking” She

She gasps.

-Go see for yourself. I gesture towards the door

Chapter 14

“I’ve only seen him in magazines and on screens, never thought I’d he meeting him in person so soon.” Maggie gets on her feet and adjusts her

“I bet he’s pretty good looking in real life than on screens” Maggie adds.

“I guess I shrug.

“Oh be specific” She slaps my arm.

“He is 11


Maggie and I walk into the living room, and a bright smile appear on her face as she greets Circenn with a warm

But in an instant, her demeanor shifts, and she transforms into an annoying interrogator, peppering circenn with questions like a seasoned detective

I watch in amusement as Circenn, clearly uncomfortable with the grilling, begins to bristle and push back against Maggie’s words. The two of them go head–to–head, their voices ricocheting in a lively debate, and I can’t help but chuckle at the familiar dynamic. They’re like two peas in a pod, both strong–willed and opinionated, and it’s clear that they’re going to keep each other on their toes. Despite the tension, there’s a sense of warmth and familiarity between them, like they’re two old friends who know each other’s buttons to press.

As I observe their exchange, I realize that Maggie is the mother Égure I never had, and Circenn is the stubborn counterpart who brings out the best in her. They may drive each other crazy but I am sure they will become friends faster than Circenn and L who will be getting married soon.

Oh heavens.

The day of the wedding finally scrutiny.

inally arrives, but it doesn’t slip in like a gentle breeze – it’s more like a slow–moving

ving storm, heavy with anticipation and

It feels like the entire world is holding its collective breath, waiting for the moment when Circenn McCain places the ring on my finger. Even as I stand in my lavish wedding dress, I can’t help but sneak a glance at my phone screen, where the live broadcast of our ceremony is streaming to millions of eager viewers

I’m trying to stay calm, but my nerves are frayed – I’d be lying if I said I am not anxious.

The weight of this moment, the pressure is way

Too much.

I take a deep breath and try to shake off the jitters, but my heart is racing with a mix of excitement and dread.

It’s only a contract wedding, yet I feel this wa


Jake and Blake’s noisy play throws me over the edge and I find myself raising my voice at them.

“Please sit your butts down.”

They immediately listen and I turn to the mirror in front of me.

The stylists and everyone that dolled me up has done a really good job. I feel and look like an entirely different person.

The dress on my body, the one we got from the whispering enchanted veils despite the small incident–costs like a billion dollars.

And I don’t know if it’s the price or the heaviness of the dress that is making my ass feel such anxiety.

The wedding bells go off and I try to breathe through my nose.

My boys immediately jump on their toes as they have been instructed that they are the flower boys.

As the wedding bell chimes for the third time, two bridal retinue come in to get my boys and I know instantly that soon they will come for me.

I am getting married to Circenn Mccain.

It’s not like marriage means commitment–it does but ours is different.

I can do this.



Status: Ongoing


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