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Remorse After Breaking Up Chapter 110

Chapter 110

Ravenview City was part of Wave City, and Lord Wavebreaker was in control of Wave City Naturally, his banquet attracted everyone’s attention

Countless people wanted to attend the event badly, but not many people were qualified to attend it

That was why the individuals who could attend the banquet were all wealthy elites of the country.

Ten minutes before the banquet started, Sebastian arrived at the hotel’s entrance in his wheelchair

“What is a piece of trash like you doing here?”

Just as Sebastian was about to show his invitation, he heard someone mocking him from behind.

He turned around and saw that it was Lionel and Lillian’s family

Even Lyra. Belinda, and Lucas had arrived.

Naturally, they haven’t recovered from their injuries yet. However, they didn’t want to miss out on such an important banquet.

When they saw Sebastian, they were angered immediately.

However, they didn’t dare to provoke someone as crazy as him anymore

The person who spoke earlier was Lionel

Sebastian looked at Lillian with a complicated gaze. Then, he turned around and was prepared to go in

“Stop right there. I was talling to you. Didn’t you hear me? Lionel marched forward to block Sebastian’s path. He looked furious.

“Are we that close? Why should I answer your question?” Sebastian retorted.

“How dare you speak to me like that? Do you think I wouldn’t dare to kill you? Lionel narrowed his eyes as he stared at Sebastian with disdain.

Lillian quickly stepped forward and said, “Mr. Lionel, it’s the God of War’s banquet today. You have to control yourself‘

“You’re right”

Lionel suppressed the anger in him and looked at Sebastian. “Brat, this is the last time I’m sparing you. If you dare to bother Lili again next time… That’s not right. After the banquet today, Mr. Gabriel will punish you. It looks like there won’t be a next time.”

Lillian looked at Sebastian and said, “Sebastian, you know Mr. Gabriel has some unfinished business with you. Why didn’t you leave Ravenver Cry?”

“It’s just Gabriel. He means nothing to me at all,” Sebastian said, his tone laced with contempt

Lilian was frustrated instantly. “Sebastion, I thought you would change after we got a divorce. However, you’re still the same as ever. You’re always bluffing. You’re going to get yourself killed”

“You don’t have to worry about me,” Sebastian said nonchalantly.

“I’m doing this for your own good, so why aren’t you listening to me? Listen to me and get out of Ravenview City now. When Mr. Gabriel finds you, you won’t have the chance to leave anymore.” Lillian tried her best to persuade Sebastian

“Lili, he’s not going to accept your kindness at all. So, why even bother about him?

Lionel was upset. Then, he looked at Sebastian. “You might not know this, but Lord Wavebreaker will be my godfather after today. Then, he’ll be our witness as I get engaged to Lili. So, you better play nice and not mess this up. Othersise, don’t blame me for not being nice.”

Sebastian looked at Lillian and said, “There’s a one–month waiting period before a divorce can take effect. It’s only been two days. Are you really that impatient to get engaged to another man already?”

Anxiety flashed across Lillian’s eyes. She didn’t want that as well, but she had no choice.

Then, Sebastian added, “Before the divorce takes effect, you’re still my women. If you get engaged to another man now, you’ll be cheating on me I’ll never agree to that.”

Lionel scoffed, “Do you think we care if you agree or not?“”

Then, he got closer to Sebastian’s ear and whispered, “Not only am I getting engaged to your wife today, but we’re doing the deed tonight.”

Bebastian was infuriated immediately, and he wanted to beat Lionel up senselessly.

However, he resisted the urge. He came here to get back at Lionel today. So, it didn’t matter if he had to wait a little while longer.

Evelyn glanced at Sebastian with disgust in her eyes. “Mr. Lionel, let’s ignore him. It’s getting late. Let’s head in first”

“I know you want to attend the banquet too. Unfortunately, a piece of trash like you doesn’t have the right to enter at all,” Lionel said arrogantly.

Clonel smiled after saying that, and the group entered the hotel with the invitations in their hands.

“Get out of here! This isn’t somewhere you should be!”

When Sebastian was about to enter the building, two Wave City Defenders scolded him immediately.

They heard the conversation earlier and thought someone like Sebastian had no right to go in.

Then, Sebastian took out his Invitation.

“What? This is the highest–ranking blue invitation! How is this possible?

When the Defenders saw the invitation in Sebastian’s hand, they were shocked instantly.


There were three types of invitations to the banquet

rust, there was the normal invitation. Then, there was the VIP invitation that only certain big shots hal tasily, he was the supreme Invitation–the one in Sebastian’s hand.

There was only one supermeation, and Lord Wavebreaker had prepared it specially for Sebastian

Even though he knew it was near impossible for Sebastian to attend the banquet, he still had to send the invitation

To make sure there wouldn’t be a mistake, Lood Wavebreaker made sure the Defender in charge of the banquet would memorize the different types of Incons

That was why the Defenders were able to recognize the superme invitation in Sebastian’s hand at fust place.

They were instantly shocked, and broke out in a cold swot right away. They kneeled to the ground while trembling

The supreme citation was for the Supreme One That most that even if the person holding the invitation wasn’t the Supreme One himself, they would still be someone


Regardless, they couldn’t afford to offend sebastian at all. However, they told him to get out earlier.

Thinking about what could happen to them, the two Defenders‘ faces turned pole in shock. They couldn’t utter a word at all..

“May I go in now? Sebastian said with a smile.

“Y–Yes..” the Defenders shattered.

“Kneel here and reflect on your mistakes. Do not get up before I come out,” Sebastian said.

They didn’t dare to complam at all. At that moment, they could only pay for Sebastian to let the mattergo Otherwise, if Lord Wavebreaker found out about this, they would be

The hotel was decorated lustriously, and a lot of wealthy elites had arrived some time ago.

These who could attend the banquet were all power individuals. There weren’t just elites from lavere Cly There were alsoektes from other parts of Wave City. There were at besta hundred of them in total.

However, even the upper classes were split into different ranks. For example, the Hunter family, the Sage family, and Lord Wavebreaker’s family were a few of the top families in

These top familles were seated in the first two rows.

Meanwhile, the four prestigious families in Riverview City and families from other cities with similar ranks were seated in the middle of the hall.

Finally, there were the relatively weaker families, the Tyler’s mily

When Sebastian mered in his wheelchair, people stared to notice him immediately.

“Isn’t that the useless son–in–law of the Smithily Why is he hete?

“Ma Lillian had already gotten a divorce with him, so be’s no longer part of the Smith Camily. How did he get in without an invitation?

There were many people in the crowd who attended the birthday two days ago,y about what hail transpiel

“This place for a cripple like you Get out of here immediately!” Elunel approached Sebastian furiously as he scalded

Today was the day Lord Wavebreaker would make one his godson Linnel world also pet engaged to Lillian

Basically, those were the two most important moments in Lionel’skie. He would never let Sebastian mess it up for him.

“This ka’t your home, so I can come whenever I like. What does it have to do with you?” Sebastian antorted with a smile devoid of any emotions. Although he didn’t speak loudly, hespoke clearly enough to let the whole place hear him

“Dirst, you really have a death wish, don’t you? Lionel was furious.

He would’ve punched Srbation it weren’t inappropriate.

“You were the one who provoked me first Now, you’re blaming me for making a scene. Don’t you think it’s ridiculous?” Sebastian asked

“You’ve suck in with our invitation, so I must chase you out of here!” Lionel fixed his hateful gaze mm. Sebastian,

“Did you just say I snuck in through your imitation? Sebastian started laughing

“Isn’t that the case Lionel said boldly, “We all need an invitation to get in. Don’tell me a piece of trash like you have your own invitation!”

“You’re right, Mr. Lionel Tyler stood up and said, “A less trash like him could never get an invitation. He showed off his identity as the son–in–law of the Smith family wwwrywhere he went previously. Now that he’s no longer a part of the Smiths, he has become a crippled stay.Haha!”

Tyloudly. When he got med previously, he was miserably slapped by Sebastian. He even got a concussion after being slapped at the bidding wa

He had been so angry for the past few days that he would even dream of getting his revenge on Sebastian However, Sebastian was too strong and even had the South tamiy’s protection. He couldn’t get his revenge at all

Mom, Sebastian’s legs were crippled, and he had fallout with the Smith family. Tyler had no reason to hate anymore.

Sebintan remained calm and collected. “Tyler, is your face not hiting anymore?

When Tyler hoved that, he becane furious instantly. “How dare you stillbeso arrogant when you’re crippled Once the banquet is over, I’ll prish you!”

Maria said with a smile, “Honey, there’s no need to get upset over a piece of trash who’s going to die anyway. After the banquet is over, we don’t even have to lift a finger.Mr. Lionel will never let him go. He even offended Mr. Gabriel. I bet he won’t live to see the sun tomorrow.

Thecrowd agreed with a nod

Sebulan had truly ended too many people. At first, he offended three out of four prestigious tamiles. Then, he infuriated Gabriel, Jordan, and Lionel.

Dually, a person would be dooined after udlending any one of them. Now, Sebastian had offended so many of them, despite being bound to a wheelchair. It seemed like his late

Remorse After Breaking Up Novel

Remorse After Breaking Up Novel


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