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Please Come Back 6

Christiana’s POV.

The hotel suite was finally quiet, save for the muffled hum of the air conditioning. I had spent the day unpacking our few belongings, trying to turn this temporary lodging into something that felt less like an impersonal pit stop and more like a home. The twins, Ethan and Emma, had explored the room with the boundless energy that only children possess. Now, they were seated on the plush carpet, playing with the assortment of toys I’d managed to gather.

I sat on the edge of the bed, folding some clothes, when Ethan suddenly looked up from his toys. His small face was serious, his brow furrowed in thought. I sensed a shift in the room’s atmosphere, a prelude to one of his intense little conversations.

“Mom?” Ethan’s voice was unusually solemn.

I glanced up, meeting his inquisitive gaze. “Yes, sweetheart?”

“There was a man at the airport,” Ethan began, his tone holding a gravity that made me pause. “Who was he?”

I froze, my hands momentarily stilling in their task. “Which man, honey?”

“The man I bumped into,” Ethan replied, his eyes searching mine. “He looked a lot like me.”

The unexpected nature of his question caught me off guard. I struggled to maintain my composure, hoping to deflect his curiosity. “Oh, him? He wasn’t an important person.”

Ethan’s gaze sharpened, as if he were piecing together a puzzle “But he really did look like me. He seemed surprised when he saw us. Do you know him?”

Before I could respond, Emma darted into the room, her cheeks flushed with excitement. “Mom, Ethan’s right! The man at the airport–he looked just like him!”

I met their synchronized stares, my heart racing. I forced a calm smile, though I could feel the unease settling in my chest. “Sometimes people just look alike. It’s probably just a coincidence”

Ethan’s expression didn’t waver. His eyes, so like his father’s, were searching mine with a depth that belied his age. “But Morn, it felt like more than a coincidence. Why did he look so shocked when he saw us?”

Emma nodded vigorously, her eyes wide. “Yeah, Morn! Who is he?”

I took a deep breath, trying to steady my voice. The last thing I wanted was to burden them with the complexities of their Father’s presence. I needed to handle this delicately, to protect them from the storm I could feel brewing on the horizon.

“He’s someone from my past,” I said softly, kneeling in front of them. “But he’s not someone who’s important to our lives right now. What matters is that we’re safe and together.”

Ethan’s face was of curiosity and concern, his young mind clearly not satisfied with the answer. “Are you sure he’s not important?”

Emma squeezed my hand, her innocent trust was obvious. “Yeah, Mom. Are you sure?”

I forced a reassuring smile, though my heart was heavy with the truth I could not fully disclose. “I’m sure. We don’t need to worry about him. Let’s focus on making this place feel like home. We have each other, and that’s what counts.”

Ethan’s eyes lingered on me, clearly unconvinced but willing to accept my reassurance for now. Emma’s eyes, though still wide with curiosity, softened as she nodded.

As they returned to their toys, their chatter about the mysterious man continued in whispers. I watched them, my mind racing with the realization that the past was not just behind me–it was here, disrupting the fragile peace I had worked so hard to build. The man from the airport was not just a ghost from my past; he was a living, breathing complication I needed to face.

As I sank onto the edge of the bed, the weight of my children’s questions pressed heavily upon me. I tried to maintain my composure, but beneath the surface, a storm was brewing. Ethan and Emma were still playing, their innocent chatter now punctuated by the occasional puzzled glance my way. Their curiosity about the man at the airport had opened a door I desperately wanted to keep closed

Every time Ethan’s eyes locked onto mine, I was reminded of the man who had once been my husband–Alex. I had poured.

10.18 PM

Chapter 6

everything into raising these children alone, against the odds and without his support. The betrayal still stung. The way Alex had discarded me, his remorseless decision to choose someone else over me, left scars that seemed to flare up with every reminder of his presence. Seeing him again was like opening a wound that had never fully healed.

I wanted to shield my children from the reality of their father. They had flourished in the life I had built for them–one of stability, love, and security. I believed that continuing to keep Alex out of their lives was in their best interest. His wealth and power meant nothing compared to the dedication and sacrifice I had put into raising them.

I hoped fervently that I would never have to confront him again. The thought of more encounters stirred up anxiety. I knew Ethan was particularly sensitive and perceptive. His questions had already shown that he wasn’t easily placated, and if Alex’s presence became a recurring theme, it might unravel the peace we had so carefully cultivated.

I forced myself to push aside these troubling thoughts and refocus. There was work to be done. I needed to ensure that our business expansion continued without interruption. With a determined stride, I reached for my phone and dialed my P.A.. Grace Thompson.

“Grace, it’s Christiana,” I said, trying to keep my voice steady despite the turmoil inside me. “We need to finalize the deals for the new properties. How’s everything coming along?”

Grace’s voice crackled through the speaker, her efficiency evident even from the other end of the line. “We’re making great progress. The purchase agreements for the properties in both the downtown and the business district are almost complete. I’m currently negotiating the final terms for the larger building that will serve as our flagship office. The architects are preparing the blueprints for the layout.”

“Excellent,” I replied, feeling a surge of satisfaction. “I want everything to be perfect. This is more than just an expansion; it’s about establishing our brand firmly in this city. Make sure the design reflects our vision–modern, impactful, and unmistakably ours.”

“I’ll ensure it’s top–notch, Grace assured me. “We’re also coordinating with local marketing teams to prepare for the launch event. It’s going to be a major push to introduce our new branches”

“Good,” I said. “Keep me updated on any developments. And make sure to handle any unexpected issues promptly. We need to stay ahead of the curve.”

After ending the call, I leaned back against the bed, my mind shifting to the logistics of our business expansion. It was a welcome distraction from the emotional turbulence. My role as a powerful businesswoman provided a semblance of control and clarity amidst the chaos of my personal life.

Just as I was organizing my thoughts, my phone buzzed again. It was an email alert I opened it to find the final designs for the new office space. The sleek, cutting–edge aesthetics captured the essence of what we were trying to achieve a proof to our hard work and ambition. The idea of this new venture energized me, pushing away the nagging unease about Alex and the questions from the kids.

I took a deep breath, channeling all my focus into the business. It was a small solace, a way to regain control in a world where so much felt unpredictable. I needed to stay strong–for myself, for Ethan and Emma, and for the future we were building together.

Please Come Back

Please Come Back

Status: Ongoing


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