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Please Come Back 59

Christiana’s POV.

The banquet hall gleamed, each chandelier had a soft, golden glow that reflected off the carefully arranged display cases. I walked through the space, my heels clicking sharply against the marble floor.

This was the day. My day. The culmination of months of hard work. My employees and I had crafted each piece with precision, creating a line of jewelry that reflected the power, elegance, and resilience I demanded.

Gold necklaces, diamond–studded bracelets, custom rings–each one glimmering under the soft lighting, ready to impress the high–profile guests that would soon arrive. Alongside the jewelry, we had exclusive accessories: hand–crafted silk scarves, intricate leather bags, and my personal favorite, a limited–edition perfume line designed to embody sophistication.

I glanced at my P.A., Grace, who was speaking quietly to one of the event coordinators. Her face was focused, eyebrows slightly furrowed as she gestured toward the guest list. I knew she was just as on edge as I was, even though she hid it behind her usual

calm exterior..

“Is everything set?” I asked, approaching her, my voice steady but with a slight edge of impatience.

Grace looked up and gave me a reassuring nod. “Everything’s on schedule. The guests should start arriving in an hour. The security team is also positioned around the entrance:

Good. I couldn’t afford any slip–ups. Not after everything

I nodded, my gaze flicking over to the entryway where my bodyguards stood, keeping watch. They were a necessity these days. Especially after the fire…. after nearly losing everything.

Focus, Christiana

The fire still haunted me. The investigation was ongoing, and I was determined to uncover who was behind it. But today was not about that. Today was about my work, about making my mark again after being away for so long. This was the first exhibition I was holding since returning to the city, and the pressure was immense. Everyone would be watching.

I exhaled slowly, trying to keep my nerves at bay. I’d dealt with worse. before. This was just another challenge.

But there was a knot of anxiety in my stomach that wouldn’t go away. Despite the calm, controlled exterior 1 projected, I couldn’t deny the weight of it. I’d invited top people–CEOs, designers, influencers, even some of my old business partners. This wasn’t just an exhibition. This was a statement: I’m back

I found myself wandering toward the jewelry displays, fingers brushing over the glass. Every detail mattered. Every piece had to be perfect. I’d spent nights obsessing over the designs, and now, they were here, ready to be judged.

“You should take a moment to breathe, ma’am, Grace’s voice broke through my thoughts. She was standing beside me now, her tone soft but firm. “Everything is under control”

I smiled, though it didn’t quite reach my eyes. “You know me, Grace. I don’t rest until the job’s done.”

Grace raised an eyebrow. “I do know you. That’s why I’m reminding you to take a second and breathe before the guests start arriving. You’ve earned it.”

I appreciated her concern, but resting wasn’t an option. Not when there was so much at stake. I walked toward the center of the hall, taking in the full view of the setup. The grandness of it all–our work, displayed for the elite to admire. My chest tightened with a strange mix of pride and fear.

The kids had been another worry. They were still adjusting, and I’d been giving them therapy to cope with everything. Their father had been around more often than I’d anticipated, and that came with its own complications. But I had to be strong for them, had to show them that no matter what happened, we would come out on top.

“Christiana,” Grace said, stepping closer, her voice dropping to a low whisper. “You’ve done it. This exhibition is going to be a success. Trust yourself.”

I nodded, though a part of me still questioned if I’d done enough. The fire, the stress of being a mother while running at business, the constant pressure to stay at the top–it all weighed on me. But I couldn’t falter now. Not when I was so c

Thank you, Grace,” I finally said, offering her a small, genuine smile. “I couldn’t have done this without you.


11:54 AM

Chapter 39


She returned the smile, and for a moment, I allowed myself to feel just a bit of relief. But there was still an hour to go. had to make sure everything was perfect. As much as I wanted to appear confident, I couldn’t deny the flicker of nervous energy running through me.

I straightened my shoulders, pulling myself together.

The show was about to begin.

An hour passed.

I stood near the entrance, my eyes fixed on the grand double doors of the banquet hall. I glanced at the clock again, frowning slightly. It was already past the time when the guests were supposed to start arriving. Grace moved quietly around me, her face was calm as she spoke to the event staff, but I could sense her unease. The tension in the room was thick enough to cut with a knife.

I tried to brush it off. They’re just late, I told myself. After all, these were top executives, fashion icons, people with schedules so packed it wouldn’t be strange for them to show up a little later than expected. But still… not a single guest?

I shifted on my feet, trying to shake off the growing discomfort. I could feel the eyes of my employees on me, subtle glances that carried more concern than words could express. Grace moved closer, holding her tablet, pretending to check something. but I could tell she was watching me from the corner of her eye.

“Everything’s fine,” I muttered to myself, pacing toward one of the display cases, pretending to inspect the jewelry again. But my heart was starting to pound.

Another half hour passed


Not a single soul had walked through those doors. I swallowed hard, the unease now crawling up my spine like cold fingers.

Grace approached, her voice low. “Still no sign of anyone

I didn’t respond. My eyes were glued to the doors. It felt like the universe was playing some cruel joke on me. The venue was perfect, the pieces were perfect. We had advertised everywhere. television, the internet, social media–there was no way people didn’t know about this exhibition.

I let out a nervous chuckle, shaking my head. “This doesn’t make any sense.”

Grace looked at me with concern, her calm slipping for just a moment. “Maybe there’s been a delay–traffic, or something. unexpected?”

“Traffic?” I repeated, my voice a little sharper than I intended. For every single guest?”

She pressed her lips together, clearly trying to come up with an explanation that neither of us believed. I grabbed one of the invitation cards from the table, flipping it over and over in my hands, scanning the details. My eyes narrowed as I checked every single line, every word, every address.

The location was correct. The time was correct. Everything was right.

So why wasn’t anyone here?

Another hour passed, and still, the doors remained closed. The anticipation that had thrummed through the hall earlier was now replaced with an deafening silence, a suffocating emptiness that felt like a slap in the face.

I felt

my heart race. My palms started to sweat as the panic built inside me, threatening to spill over. I’d spent months planning this every detail meticulously arranged, every piece crafted to perfection. I’d put my heart and soul into this exhibition, and now… no one was coming.

It was like the world was mocking me. Mocking my efforts, my return, my very existence.

I stifled a bitter laugh, glancing at Grace, who was typing something furiously on her tablet. “I don’t understand,” I whispered, my voice cracking just slightly. “We’ve done everything right.”

Grace gave me a reassuring smile, but it was thin and weak. “I’ll make a few calls, see if there’s been any misunderstanding

Chapter 39

But I could see it in her eyes–she didn’t know what was happening either. No one did.

I clutched the invitation card tighter in my hands, my knuckles white. Maybe there was a mistake, something we overlooked. But when I looked again at the details, it was all correct. The right date, the right time, the right venue.

So why?

Panic started to settle in, gnawing at the edges of my composure. My throat tightened, and I could feel the weight of the room. pressing down on me. This was supposed to be my comeback. My triumph. But now, it was turning into a nightmare.

No guests. No explanations. Nothing but a deafening silence.

I forced myself to keep it together, but inside, I felt like I was spiraling. Why aren’t they here? My mind raced, trying to find a solution, an answer, something. Anything.

“Christiana?” Grace’s voice was soft, and I looked up at her, trying to hide the panic in my eyes.

“Keep checking.” I muttered, my voice shaky but firm. “There has to be something we’re missing”

But as I stood there, staring at the empty hall, a creeping fear began to take root in my chest

What if this wasn’t a mistake?

at if someone had orchestrated this to humiliate me?


The thought made my stomach churn, but I pushed it aside. There was no time for doubts. I had to stay focused. I had to figure this out.

I straighten

ed up, forcing a smile. “We’ll wait a little longer. I’m sure they’ll come

But deep down, I wasn’t so sure anymore.

Please Come Back

Please Come Back

Status: Ongoing


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