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Please Come Back 58

Bianca’s POV.

I sat across from Madam Margret Alistair in one of the most exclusive restaurants in the city, my legs crossed beneath the table, posture as perfect as the poised woman I’d been trained to be.

Madam Alistair, with her signature pearls and flawless hairstyle, oozed the kind of old–money elegance that demanded respect. She regarded me with a look of almost maternal concern, something I found both amusing and irritating.

“Bianca, darling, you’ve been so patient,” she said, her voice calm and smooth like velvet, though there was an edge beneath it “I know Alex has been distracted by Christiana and those children, but you have to understand–he’ll come back to you. Men like Alex, they always return to what’s familiar, what’s right for them.”

I smiled sweetly, tilting my head just enough to convey innocence. “Of course, Madar Alistair. I understand. I would never rush Alex. 1 know he’s going through a lot right now.” My voice was soft, just the right amount of sad but still hopeful. God, I was good at this.

She leaned forward slightly, her fingers grazing the rim of her wine glass. “Five years is not something one throws away lightly. You’ve stood by him all this time, even when things got difficult. Christiana may be his ex–wife, but she’s not right for him anymore. The children? Yes, they’re his, but they don’t need her to be with him. He needs a woman like you by his side. Someone polished, someone who understands his world.”

I nodded, keeping my smile gentle, though internally, I was rolling my eyes. She had no idea what was really going on. This wasn’t just about Alex needing a woman like me. This was about me making sure that Christiana was completely erased from his life. Permanently.

“I appreciate your confidence in me,” I replied, laying it on thick. “I love Alex, and I’ll always do what’s best for him.” I lowered my eyes for effect, knowing it would make me seem modest, as if I wasn’t plotting Christiana’s demise from the inside out.

Madam Alistair smiled approvingly, clearly pleased with my response. “That’s why I know you’re the right woman for him. And with everything going on with Christiana–the fire, the danger she’s putting those children in–it’s only a matter of time before Alex sees the truth. He’ll realize that he can’t afford to have someone reckless like her around.”

At the mention of the fire, I felt a flicker of satisfaction surge through–me. My fingers played with the edge of my napkin as I kept my face neutral. No one knew it was me who planned that little disaster. No one suspected the beautiful, perfect Bianca could do such a thing. But I had no limits when it came to protecting what was mine. And if that meant a little fire to scare Christiana and maybe nudge Alex in the right direction? So be it.

“I can’t imagine how scared the children must’ve been,” I said softly, my voice full of faux concern. “It’s a miracle no one was hurt

Madam Alistair’s face darkened. “Exactly, Bianca. And if Christiana can’t even protect her own children, how can she be expected to do what’s best for Alex? That woman is a disaster waiting to happen. You need to stay close, keep reminding him of what you had together.”

“I will,” I promised, my fingers tightening around my glass. I let my lips curl up into a small, soft smile, masking the cold calculation beneath it. “Alex and 1 have a bond that can’t be broken. Not by anyone.”

She nodded approvingly, reaching out to pat my hand across the table. “Good girl. Don’t worry, Alex will come to his senses soon enough”

I maintained my composed exterior, but inside, I was smirking. If only she knew how far I was willing to go to ensure that Alex was mine again, Christiana had no idea who she was up against If it took pushing her out of the picture for good, I wouldn’t hesitate. I could go to extreme lengths–1 already had.

“Thank you, Madam Alistair,” I said, my voice a purr. “I’ll do whatever it takes.”


me a satisfied smile, sipping her wine. “I’m glad to hear that. Alex needs a woman who knows how to stand by him, no matter what”

And stand by him, I would. Even if I had to burn everything else down in the process.

As soon as Madam Margret Alistair left the restaurant, I leaned back in my chair, letting out a slow breath. The woman was so easy to manipulate, always eager to believe whatever I said as long as it aligned with her desire to see Alex and me together

11:54 AM c

Chapter 58

again. I couldn’t help but smirk. She had no idea what I was truly capable of.

I pulled out my phone, scanning through a few texts when it suddenly rang. A private number. The sound sent a thrill through me, and I picked it up immediately

“Talk to me,” I said, my voice low and controlled.

“Bianca,” a male voice replied on the other end, “we’ve got some interesting information for you. Christiana’s not staying in her mansion right now. She’s holed up at a hotel, pretending it’s a cover for something. She’s been digging into the fire. Looks like she’s got people investigating

I paused for a second, then a slow, wicked smile crept across my lips. “Is that so?” My tone was laced with amusement.

The man continued. “Yeah, she’s been asking questions, poking around where she shouldn’t. Seems like she doesn’t believe it was an accident.”

I let out a soft, mocking chuckle, my fingers tapping lightly on the table, Christiana really thought she could figure it out? How precious

“She’s wasting her time, I murmured, leaning forward, my eyes narrowing. “She’ll never trace it back to me. I made sure of that.

And I did. Every step I took had been calculated, every move so perfectly planned. Christiana was just a pawn in my game, and

she was scrambling, trying to piece together something she’d never fully understand.


“Oh, this is just too good.” I whispered, biting my lip as I chuckled again, this time with a darker edge. “Let her investigate. Let her dig as deep as she wants. It’ll only make her look more paranoid and unstable in Alex’s eyes”

The man on the other end remained silent, waiting for more instructions.

*Keep an eye on her,” I finally said, my voice now cool and commanding. “Let me know if she gets any closer to anything real. But for now, let her waste her time.”

“As you wish,” the man replied, hanging up swiftly.

I set my phone down and crossed my legs, my fingers tracing the rim of my wine glass. Christiana had no idea what she was up against. She was floundering, desperate to protect those kids of hers, to hold onto whatever little dignity she had left. But in the end, she was powerless. I could feel the rush of satisfaction flooding through me. The fire was just the beginning.

If Christiana thought she could take Alex from me, she was sorely mistaken. I would go to any lengths to make sure she was erased from his life completely. And if that meant crushing her bit by bit until there was nothing left of her?

So be it.

“Enjoy your little investigation, Christiana,” I whispered, swirling my wine before taking a sip. “You’re playing a game you’ll

never win.”

And with that, I laughed–a low, dark laugh that rang in the emptying restaurant, knowing full well that every move I made


now on would bring me one step closer to getting exactly what I wanted.

Please Come Back

Please Come Back

Status: Ongoing


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