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Please Come Back 57

Christiana’s POV

The door opened, and the sight of Alex standing there with the kids made my stomach twist. I hadn’t expected him to drop them off personally. I thought he’d send my bodyguards up with the kids, maybe call to let me know. But no, he was here, looking every bit the powerful billionaire in his tailored suit, his presence filling the room as though he belonged here

“Christiana,” he greeted, his voice firm yet gentle, sending an involuntary shiver down my spine. His eyes locked with mine, and for a moment, I saw it–an affection I hadn’t expected, something deep and unspoken that made my heart catch in my


I blinked, quickly pulling myself together as the kids rushed over to me, hugging me tightly.

“Mommy!” Ethan grinned, his eyes bright. “We had so much fun with daddy! He took us to so many places!”

Emma jumped in, practically bouncing. “We went to the park, and then to the zoo, and had ice cream! It was the best day ever!”

I managed a smile, brushing a hand over Emma’s hair as I listened to them recount every detail of their day with their father. Alex stood nearby, watching them with a small smile tugging at the corners of his lips. The way he looked at the kids–so full of pride and warmth–it made my heart waver for just a moment. I couldn’t let my guard down. Not now.

“That’s wonderful, sweethearts,” I said. forcing myself to keep my voice steady, “I’m glad you had fun”

Then Emma’s face scrunched up. “But grandma was mean,” she muttered, her voice dropping as though she were revealing a


My entire body stiffened at the mention of that name. Margret Alistair. The woman I had every reason to suspect was behind the fire at the masion. My fingers curled into my palms as I turned to Alex, my tone hardening.

happened?” I asked, keeping my voice low but firm.

ened, the small smile fading from his face. “My mother stopped by,” he explained, his gaze meeting mine without he kids seem to have misunderstood her”

erstood her?” I echoed, my jaw tightening. I could feel the anger simmering beneath the surface. “What exactly did to them. Alex?”

de sighed, running a hand through his hair. “She… wasn’t happy with the way they spoke to her. But, Christiana, she wasn’t being malicious. She’s their grandmother, and she-”

“She’s the same woman who would burn down a building to get what she wants,” I cut him off, my voice sharp., I couldn’t hide the bitterness that seeped into my words. “I don’t want her anywhere near my children.”

“Our children,” Alex corrected, his tone just as firm. “I would never let anyone hurt them, least of all my mother. But you need to understand, they’re part of her family too.”

I clenched my fists, not trusting myself to speak for a moment. The kids were quiet, sensing the tension in the room. I knelt down, hugging both Ethan and Emma close to me. I didn’t want to let them out of my sight, not for a second.

“Come on, sweethearts,” I whispered, pulling them in tighter. “You’re safe with me.”

“We like being with daddy too, mommy,” Ethan said quietly, glancing up at Alex

I could see the conflict in their little faces, the pull between us, and it tore at me. As much as I wanted to protect them, they were getting closer to their father, and part of me feared what that might mean.

“Go ahead and rest for a bit.” I told them, my voice softening as I kissed the top of Emma’s head. “We’ll talk later.”

The kids ran off to their room, leaving Alex and me standing in the middle of the suite. I crossed my arms, my eyes narrowing

at him.

like this

“Next time, don’t just show up like this,” I said, my tone icy.

He stepped closer, his expression unreadable. “I’m not going to be kept at a distance, Christiana. Not when it comes to our

11:34 AM

Chapter 57


I swallowed hard, fighting the emotions that threatened to spill over. I wouldn’t let him see me falter, not again. But as he stood there, so confident, so…. caring, it became harder to ignore that he wasn’t the same man who had left. Something had changed.

“I’m trying to protect them, I said, my voice barely above a whisper.

“I know you are,” he replied softly, his gaze never leaving mine. “And so am I.”

For a moment, neither of us spoke. The tension between us was thick, like a weight pressing down on the air in the room. Finally, he stepped back, giving me space.

“I’ll be leaving now,” he said, his voice steady. “But this conversation isn’t over.”

As Alex turned to leave, his hand on the door, something shifted in the air between us–heavy, electric, and impossible to ignore. My pulse quickened. The tension that had been building up all evening suddenly erupted. Without warning, the door slammed shut, and before I could process what was happening, Alex had spun around and was in front of me, his gaze burning into mine.

“Christiana…” His voice was low, rough, as if fighting something he couldn’t contain.

I opened my mouth to speak, to say something–anything–but before I could utter a word, his lips crashed onto mine.

It wasn’t gentle. It was raw, intense, and overwhelming, sending shockwaves through my body. I tried to pull back, but Alex’s arms encircled me, pulling me tighter against him, pressing his firm body into mine.

The warmth of him, the strength… It was too much. My mind spun as the kiss deepened, and I felt like I was drowning in him.

His lips moved against mine with a passion that stole my breath, and before I could fight it, I found myself responding. His hands gripped my waist, pulling me even closer, and I gasped as his tongue brushed against mine, igniting something inside me I hadn’t felt in so long. I placed my hands on his chest, intending to push him away, but instead, my fingers curled into the fabric of his suit, my body betraying me..

Alex groaned into the kiss, his hand slipping into my hair, tilting my head back so he could kiss me even deeper. “I want you Christiana,” he murmured against my lips, his breath hot, his voice thick with desire. The sound of it made my knees weak, and for a fleeting second, I almost let go–almost let myself get lost in him again.

But then, reality slammed into me like a freight train. This was Alex. The same man who had walked out on me. The same man who had shattered my heart.

With a surge of strength, I shoved him away, gasping for air as I tore myself free from his grip. My chest heaved, my heart pounding in my ears as I glared at him, fury and confusion swirling inside me.

“Stay the hell away from me!” I spat, my voice shaking as I pointed toward the door. “If you ever try that again, I swear to God, Alex, I will tear your limbs off your body.”

For a moment, he stood there, eyes wide, chest rising and falling, his expression unreadable. Then, without a word, I turned on my heel and stormed out of the room, slamming the door so hard behind me that it echoed through the suite.

The second the door closed, I leaned against it, my body trembling from head to toe, my lips stil

1 tingling from the kiss I never should’ve allowed. What the hell just happened?

Please Come Back

Please Come Back

Status: Ongoing


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