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Please Come Back 56

Daniel’s POV

Sitting in the grand, sunlit parlor, my grandmother’s piercing gaze bore into me as I spoke about Christiana. I could feel the weight of her disapproval, but that didn’t stop the words from spilling out of my mouth.

“I fell in love with her, Gram. I didn’t even see it coming. One minute, we’re talking about the kids, about life–and the next. I realized I couldn’t stop thinking about her. I ran a hand through my hair, frustrated yet energized by my own confession. “She’s everything. I want her. And the kids, too.”

Grandmother sat back in her chair, her hands delicately folded in her lap. The pearls around her neck glinted in the sunlight as she gave me that knowing, measured look of hers. She’d lived long enough to see things I hadn’t, to understand people better than I could. But I wasn’t backing down. Not on this.

“Daniel, you’re young,” she said gently, but her words were firm. “You have your whole life ahead of you. Why rush into something so complicated? Christiana is… well, she’s a mother of two, and don’t forget she has an ex–husband. A man who could very well get back into her life.”

“Alex” I muttered, his name leaving a bitter taste in my mouth.

“Yes, Alexander Alistair,” she said, nodding. “He’s not just anyone, you know, He’s a powerful man, a billionaire. He still has a good relationship with the children. That complicates things.”

I clenched my fists, trying to push down the anger that surged up at the mention of him. “He doesn’t deserve her,” I said, my voice low. “He’s had his chance. He blew it. Christiana doesn’t want him back in her life, and I’m not going to sit around waiting for him to swoop in and ruin things.”

Grandmother arched a brow, clearly unconvinced. “And how do you know that, Daniel? How sure are you that she’s completely done with him?”

I paused, biting the inside of my cheek. She was always able to find the cracks in my certainty, but I wouldn’t let her shake me.

Not this time.

“I know,” I said, my voice harder now. “Christiana told me herself. She’s moved on from him. She doesn’t want that life anymore. And those kids–Ethan and Emma–they’re amazing. I love them. I could be good to them, Gram. I could take them

as my own

Her expression softened for a moment as she studied me, but her skepticism remained. “Oh, Daniel,” she sighed. “Love is a beautiful thing, but it can also blind you. You’re talking about taking on a woman with two young children, children who still have a father–a very rich and powerful one, at that. Not when Mr. Alexander Alistair is still alive and very much involved in their lives.

“I don’t care about his money, or his power.” I shot back, standing up now, unable to stay still any longer. “I love her. And I’m not giving up on that. I don’t care if he’s their father. He’s not their only option. I can be there for them. I can be there for her.”

“Sit down, Daniel,” she said softly, though there was an edge to her voice. “Don’t let your emotions make you foolish.”

I remained standing, my hands braced on the back of the chair as I stared at the floor, trying to steady the storm inside me. I wasn’t going to give this up. Not for anyone. Not even for Alex Alistair.

“You think I haven’t thought this through?” I finally asked, my voice quieter but filled with determination. “You think I haven’t asked myself if this is crazy, if I’m setting myself up to get hurt? I have. And I don’t care. Christiana deserves someone who will fight for her, someone who will love her and her kids unconditionally. I can be that man.”

Grandmother stood up, walking over to me with a slow, deliberate pace. She reached up and cupped my face with her hands, her expression softer now, almost maternal, “My dear boy,” she said quietly. “I’m not saying you can’t be that man. I’m saying you need to be careful. This isn’t a game. Christiana’s life is complicated. Her children’s lives are complicated. And Alex… he won’t just step aside.”

I clenched my jaw, meeting her gaze. “He doesn’t have to step aside. I’m not asking for permission, and I’m not waiting for anyone to give me a chance. I’m taking it.”

She smiled faintly, though her eyes were still filled with concern. “Stubborn as always. Just like your father.”

Chapter 56

1 let out a frustrated sigh, pulling away from her touch. “I’m serious, Gram. I love her.”

“And I believe you,” she said softly, her gaze never leaving mine. “But love isn’t always enough. You need to be prepared for what comes next. And you need to be ready for the possibility that Alex might not be as out of the picture as you think.”

Her words hung in the air between us, heavy and unsettling. But I wouldn’t let them weaken me. I couldn’t.

“I am ready.” I said firmly, straightening my posture. “For whatever comes.”

She sighed, shaking her head slightly as she stepped back. “Just be careful, Daniel. I don’t want to see you hurt.”

I smiled, though it was small and tight. “Il be fine. Trust me.”

But as I walked out of that room, my heart pounding in my chest, I couldn’t help but wonder if maybe, just maybe, she was right. And that scared me more than anything.

And the kiss. I couldn’t stop thinking about it either. It had been impulsive, a bold move that left Christiana stunned, her lips parted in surprise. I remembered the look in her eyes, with shock and something else, something she wasn’t ready to admit. I had left her hotel room a few minutes later, sensing she needed time to process it all.

I didn’t regret the kiss, not for a second. But I knew Christiana well enough to understand she wouldn’t rush into anything. She was cautious, guarded, especially after everything with Alex. Still, I couldn’t shake the feeling that I had broken through some part of her defenses.

The memory replayed in my mind. I could still feel the warmth of her lips, the spark that ignited between us. I’d given her space, but I knew this wasn’t over. I’d make my move again, but this t

ime, I’d make sure she understood just how serious I was.

Please Come Back

Please Come Back

Status: Ongoing


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