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Please Come Back 54

Christiana’s POV.

“Daniel?” I asked, my voice tinged with confusion. “What are you doing here?”

He smiled, that disarming, confident smile he always wore, and held up the bag of food. “I figured you might’ve been working yourself into exhaustion and probably skipped dinner.”

I blinked, momentarily stunned. He was right–I hadn’t eaten, not properly at least. But still, I wasn’t expecting this.

“You… didn’t have to,” I replied, stepping aside so he could come in. “I’m fine. Really.”

“You say that all the time, but we both know it’s not true,” Daniel said, walking into the room like he belonged there. He set the bag down on the small dining table and began unpacking containers of food. The scent of freshly cooked meals filled the room, and I realized just how hungry I actually was.

I crossed my arms, watching him with a mixture of amusement and exasperation. “You didn’t have to go through the trouble. 1 could’ve ordered room service if I needed to.”

Daniel waved his hand dismissively, flashing me a teasing grin. “Room service doesn’t care if you’ve eaten or not. I do.”

I opened my mouth to protest but stopped. He wasn’t wrong, and I was too tired to argue. Instead, I watched him as he set out the food–some kind of pasta dish, salad, and a few sides. It all looked delicious, and my stomach growled in response.

“See? Even your stomach agrees with me,” he teased, pulling out a chair and gesturing for me to sit.

Reluctantly, I sat down, still a little stunned by his unexpected visit. “You didn’t have to worry about me, Daniel,” I said softly, though the smell of the food was making it hard to concentrate on anything else.

“I don’t mind,” he replied, sitting down across from me. His eyes softened as he looked at me, the concern evident in his gaze, “You’ve been through a lot, Christiana. It’s okay to let someone take care of you for once.”

I looked away, feeling a strange knot form in my chest. I wasn’t used to this–someone caring so openly, Alex had never been this way. Not like Daniel And while I appreciated his thoughtfulness, a part of me didn’t know how to react.

Daniel reached across the table and handed me a fork, his voice gentle. “Eat. You’ll feel better.”

I took the fork, hesitating for a moment before digging into the food. The first bite of the pasta melted in my mouth, the rich flavors bringing a sense of warmth I hadn’t felt all day. I didn’t realize how hungry I was until now.

Daniel watched me, his eyes filled with quiet amusement as I continued eating. “Told you,” he said, leaning back in his chair. “You work too hard.”

“I have no choice,” I replied between bites. “Someone has to keep everything running.”

“I know,” he said softly. “But you don’t have to do it alone.”

There was a tenderness in his voice that made me pause. I glanced up at him, feeling the weight of his words settle over me. He was always like this–calm, steady, and so sure of himself. It was hard not to admire that.

“Thank you,” I said quietly, not just for the food, but for the unexpected kindness he had shown.

Daniel smiled, reaching over to gently brush a strand of hair from my face. “You don’t have to thank me for caring about you, Christiana. It’s natural.”

His touch lingered for a moment, and I felt my heart skip a beat. I quickly looked away, focusing on the food in front of me, but I couldn’t shake the feeling that something was shifting between us.

“Here,” he said suddenly, picking up a forkful of salad and holding it out to me. “You need more than just carbs.”

I raised an eyebrow, surprised by his playful tone. “I can feed myself, Daniel.”

“I’m sure you can,” he replied, his grin widening. “But humor me.”

I rolled my eyes but couldn’t help the small smile that tugged at the corners of my lips. “Fine,” I said, leaning forward slightly

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Chapter 34

and taking the bite from his fork. The salad was fresh and crisp, but the gesture… it felt strangely intimate.

Daniel chuckled softly. “See? Not so bad.”

I shook my head, putting my fork down. “You don’t have to baby me, you know.”

He leaned closer, his gaze locking onto mine with an intensity that made my breath catch. “I don’t mind.”

There was something in the way he said it, a softness that made my heart race. Before I could say anything else, he leaned in even closer, his face just inches from mine. My pulse quickened, and I could feel the air between us shift, thick with unspoken


And then, in one smooth motion, he closed the distance between us, pressing his lips softly against mine.

I froze, my mind going blank for a moment. The kiss was gentle, tentative, like he was testing the waters. My heart pounded in my chest, and for a split second, I didn’t know how to react. His lips were warm, and the familiarity of his overwhelmed me.


But just as quickly as the kiss began, it ended. Daniel pulled back slightly, his eyes searching mine for a reaction. I stared at him, stunned, my thoughts racing a mile a minute.

“Daniel…” I whispered, my voice barely audible..

He gave me a small, almost shy smile, the confidence from earlier dimming slightly. “L.. I’m sorry if that was too much.”

I blinked, still processing what had just happened. My body felt like it was on autopilot, my heart and mind at war. Part of me wanted to push him away, to tell him he shouldn’t have crossed that line. But another part of me… felt something. Something I hadn’t expected.

I swallowed hard, the words stuck in my throat. “L. I don’t know what to say.”

Daniel’s smile faltered, and he leaned back slightly, giving me space. “You don’t have to say anything. I just–He paused, running a hand through his hair, looking almost vulnerable. “I care about you, Christiana. More than I should. And I know things are complicated with everything going on, but… I couldn’t hold it in any longer.”

I stared at him, my mind a whirlwind of emotions. This wasn’t what I had expected. Not from him,

not tonight. But now that it had happened, I couldn’t just pretend it hadn’t.

Please Come Back

Please Come Back

Status: Ongoing


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