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Please Come Back 42

Bianca’s POV

I watched her from my hidden spot, the brim of my oversized sunglasses putting a perfect cover as I lurked behind the tinted windows of my sleek black car. Christiana Davis. The name itself made my blood boil. There she was, all prim and proper, sashaying down the steps of some overpriced boutique, her designer dress fluttering in the breeze like she hadn’t a care in the world. Her bodyguards flanked her, and her little lapdog of a P.A. hovered nearby, practically fawning over her every move.

I tightened my grip on the steering wheel, my knuckles turning white. “Look at her,” I hissed under my breath. “Parading around like she owns the damn world. But she’s just a fraud… a nothing. And those brats of hers? They’re just pawns–pawns in her little game to get Alex back.”

I felt my

chest tighten at the thought of Alex. The way he’d tossed me aside, like I was some kind of disposable accessory. All for her. Christiana and her perfect little life, with her perfect little children. She thought she could just waltz back into his life, back into my life, and take what was mine. Not on my watch.

I slid lower in my seat as she neared the car, the sharp click of her heels growing louder. She was close enough now that I could see the determined set of her jaw, the way her lips curved into that insufferable smile. God, how I hated that smile.

“Keep smiling, darling, I muttered, my voice dripping with venom. “We’ll see how long that lasts when I’m through with you.”

My eyes followed her every movement as she climbed into the back of her chauffeured SUV, her bodyguards closing the door behind her. I watched as the car pulled away, slipping into the stream of traffic. Without a second thought, I turned the ignition, the engine roaring to life as I followed at a safe distance. She wouldn’t even know I was there, wouldn’t suspect at thing. But I was always there, always watching.

I’d been planning this for weeks, ever since Alex had the nerve to end things between us. He thought he could just walk away? From me? No one walked away from Bianca. No one. Especially not for some washed–up has–been who couldn’t keep her man the first time around

As I followed her through the city, I imagined what I’d do next. I’d already had a little something cooking, something that would make sure Christiana never smiled that sickening smile again. It was just a matter of time before I unleashed it. And those kids… those insipid little reminders of Alex’s betrayal.. I’d make sure they were out of the picture, too,

My phone buzzed in the passenger seat, and I glanced at the screen. A message from my publicist, reminding me of a meeting I had later that evening. But that could wait. Everything could wait until I was done with Christiana.

She finally stopped at some fancy restaurant, and I parked a block away, watching as she entered with her entourage. I could see her through the glass windows, laughing, smiling, like nothing in the world could touch her. It made me sick.

I pulled down the sun visor and checked my reflection in the mirror. Perfect. I was always perfect. But perfection wasn’t enough anymore. Not when that wornan still had a hold on Alex, on what should have been my life.

I leaned back in my seat, eyes narrowed as I continued to watch her. “Enjoy it while you can, Christiana,” I whispered, my voice a deadly calm. “Because I’m coming for you. And when I’m done, you’ll wish you’d never come back into our lives.”

The car idled quietly across the street, blending seamlessly with the line of waiting vehicles. I gripped the steering wheel tightly, my eyes fixed on the school’s entrance. The building was pristine, immaculate–just like everything else in their charmed lives. But beneath that polished exterior, I knew there was weakness. Vulnerability. And I’d find it.

A few minutes ticked by, and then the bell rang, its shrill sound cutting through the quiet of the afternoon. The school doors burst open, and a wave of children spilled out, laughing, shouting, oblivious to the real world around them. My eyes narrowed as I scanned the crowd, searching for them. Alex’s children. The spawn of Christiana.

Finally, I spotted them–Ethan and Emma–emerging hand in hand, their faces lit up with the carefree smiles of the protected. They had their mother’s eyes, that same innocent wide–eyed look, but their features.. their features were unmistakably Alex’s. My stomach twisted in knots as I watched them, a seething hatred bubbling up inside me. Those children were the reason Alex’s heart still clung to the past. They were the reason he was drawn back to Christiana like a moth to a flame.

I watched as the bodyguards closed in around them, their imposing figures blocking any view of the kids from casual passersby. They moved with precision, guiding the children with the same care and attention you’d reserve for priceless

11:52 AM

Chapter 42

artifacts. I could see the muscles in their arms tense, ready to react to any threat.

I bit down on my lip until I tasted blood. This was the life Alex had chosen–this perfect, protected world. And I was just supposed to accept it? Just let them live happily ever after? Not a chance.

Ethan laughed, a sound so pure it made my skin crawl, and Emma tugged on his arm, saying something I couldn’t hear. They were getting closer now, only a few steps from the waiting SUV. I could see the way the bodyguards scanned their surroundings, their eyes sweeping over the area, searching for any hint of danger.

My breath caught in my throat as one of them glanced my way. For a moment, I froze, my heart pounding so loudly I was sure they could hear it. I ducked down quickly, pressing myself against the car seat, my body trembling with barely contained rage. I wouldn’t let them see me. Not yet.

I stayed like that for what felt like hours, even though it was only a few seconds. Slowly, I lifted my head, peeking over the dashboard. The children were almost at the car now, the bodyguards still vigilant, still protecting them as if their lives depended on it. I clenched my jaw, seething at the sight.

“Those little brats,” I hissed under my breath. They don’t even know how lucky they are. They have no idea what it’s like to struggle, to fight for what you want.”

I could imagine them growing up, being groomed into the perfect little heirs, taking over Alex’s empire while Christiana smiled her smug, victorious smile. It made me sick. I wasn’t going to let that happen. I wouldn’t let those children, those “obstacles“, keep me from getting what I deserved.

Just as they were about to reach the SUV, Emma paused, looking back over her shoulder as if she sensed something. My breath caught again, and I ducked lower, hoping to God she hadn’t seen me. But the bodyguards were too quick, ushering the children into the car and slamming the door shut behind them. The SUV pulled away smoothly, taking the precious heirs back to their perfect little world.

I exhaled slowly, my pulse racing. That was too close. But I’d seen enough. I knew their routine, knew the weak spots in their fortress. And I’d use it against them.

“Enjoy your little ride home,” I murmured, my voice dripping with malice. “Because soon, everything you have will be gone.”

I started the car and pulled away from the curb, merging into traffic. I couldn’t afford to get caught, not now. Not when I was so close. Christiana had taken everything from me–my love, my life, my future. But I was going to take it all back. And those children? They’d I

earn that their perfect lives could shatter in an instant.

Please Come Back

Please Come Back

Status: Ongoing


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