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Please Come Back 4

The plane’s engines hummed softly as I settled into my first–class seat, looking out the window at the clouds.

Five years had passed since I left this city, heartbroken and destitute. Now, I was returning as a successful businesswoman, the CEO of a thriving empire known nationwide. My brands, ranging from high–end fashion to eco–friendly cosmetics, were household names. The transformation felt surreal.

My personal assistant, Grace, was busy typing away on her laptop a few seats down. Beside her, my security team ensured that everything was in order. They were all part of the group that had become essential in my new life. My success had brought wealth, influence, and an entirely new set of responsibilities.

Among my group, however, the most important were my children. Ethan and Emma, my five–year–old twins, were currently engaged in a heated debate, their voices carrying through the luxurious cabin. They approached me, their faces filled with the intensity of their argument.

“Mom, tell Emma she’s wrong!” Ethan demanded, his blue eyes sparkling with frustration and excitement.

“No, Mom, Ethan is wrong!” Emma retorted, her hands on her hips and a stubborn pout on her lips.

I couldn’t help but smile at their antics. They were both so smart and full of life, each with their own unique personality. Ethan was logical and methodical, while Emma was creative and fiercely independent.

“Okay, okay, calm down, I said, holding up my hands. “What’s the argument about this time?”

“Ethan says that the capital of Australia is Canberra, but 1 said it’s Sydney, Emma explained, her eyes wide with determination.

I chuckled softly. “Ethan is right, sweetheart. The capital of Australia is Canberra, not Sydney.”

Emma’s face fell, her pout deepening. “But Sydney is the biggest city. It should be the capital.”

I pulled her close, kissing the top of her head. “Sometimes the biggest city isn’t the capital. It’s a bit confusing, but it’s a good thing to learn.”

Ethan beamed with pride, while Emma sulked for a moment before finally giving in with a sigh. “Okay, Ethan, you win.”

“Thanks, Mom, Ethan said, giving me a quick hug before running back to his seat, victorious.

Emma lingered, her disappointment still evident. I cupped her cheek, looking into her eyes. “You know, you were right about Sydney being the biggest city. That’s something special too.”

She smiled up at me, her earlier defeat forgotten. Thanks, Mom”

As she scampered back to her seat, I leaned back and took a deep breath. Moments like these reminded me of how far we had come. From the depths of despair to the heights of success, my children were my greatest achievement and my most precious


Returning to the city I had left behind felt like closing a chapter and beginning a new one. My heart swelled with pride and anticipation. This time, I was not the broken woman who had walked away with nothing. I had everything which made my life whole.

Five years ago, my world had turned upside down. Discovering I was pregnant after Alex left me was both a blessing and a challenge. With no family to turn to–being an orphan meant I was truly alone–I had to muster every ounce of strength I had left.

I saved up what little money I earned from scrubbing floors and sweeping at Karen’s restaurant. It was tough work, but Karen’s kindness and the roof over my head kept me going. Every night, I counted my savings, dreaming of a better life for my unborn children. I knew staying there was not an option; I needed a fresh start, away from the pain and humiliation of the


With enough money saved, I left Karen’s place and moved to a new city, far from the memories that haunted me. I found a small, rundown apartment and started from scratch. My first venture was a tiny boutique–barely more than a closet–where I sold handmade dresses and accessories. The work was grueling, and the profits were meager, but I poured my heart into it.

Pregnancy was no walk in the park, especially without anyone to lean on. I faced the morning sickness, the doctor visits, and the overwhelming fear of the unknown alone. But every kick, every flutter from my babies gave me the strength to keep


Chapter +

going. When the time came, I gave birth to Ethan and Emma. They were my miracles, my reason for fighting harder than ever before.

Raising twins on my own was a monumental task. Sleepless nights, endless feedings, and the constant juggle between motherhood and building a business tested me in ways I never imagined. But giving up was never an option. I wanted to prove to myself and to the world that I could rise above the challenges.

The boutique grew slowly but steadily. Word of mouth spread, and soon, my unique designs caught the eye of a few influential people. Orders started pouring in, and 1 reinvested every penny into expanding my business. I moved into a bigger space, hired staff, and launched my brand nationwide. The trials were many, but so were the triumphs.

Ethan and Emma grew up in the midst of it all, always understanding that their mother was working to create a better life for them. They were my greatest cheerleaders, their laughter and love my daily inspiration.

Now, as I sat on that flight back to the city I had left in shambles, I couldn’t help but feel a deep sense of pride. I had built an empire from nothing. My brands were synonymous with elegance and innovation, and I had secured a future for my children that I had once only dreamed of.

The flight finally landed, and the hum of activity around us grew louder as we prepared to disembark. I straightened my jacket and turned to my team, giving them last–minute instructions.

“Grace, make sure the car service knows we’re on our way. Sam, coordinate with the hotel about our late check–in. Lisa, double–check the kids‘ bags,” I said, my voice clear and authoritative

My personal maid, Lisa, nodded and moved to check Ethan and Emma’s bags. The children, bubbling with excitement, were being particularly giggly and playful. Ethan kept trying to tickle Emma, who squealed in delight, her laughter ringing through the cabin.

As we moved through the airport, I kept an eye on them, smiling at their antics. They were truly the light of my life, their joy infectious even in the midst of a hectic schedule. We made our way to the waiting area where our cars were supposed to be my team forming a protective circle around us.

“Mommy, look! I’m a superhero!‘ Ethan shouted, darting ahead with his arms outstretched like an airplane. Emma, not to be outdone, tried to catch up, her little legs pumping furiously.

“Ethan, slow down!” I called out, but it was too late. In his enthusiasm, Ethan collided with a man surrounded by his 3 Own group of PAs and bodyguards.

The man looked down at Ethan, who stared up at him with wide eyes, momentarily speechless. I hurried over, my heart


“I’m so sorry,” I began, but my words trailed off as the man removed his sunglasses and called my name.


I froze, my breath catching in my throat.

There, standing in front of me, was Alexander Davis. My ex–hu

sband. The man who had shattered my heart and left me to fend for myself.

Please Come Back

Please Come Back

Status: Ongoing


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