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Please Come Back 39

Alexander POV.

Her face froze for a split second before she recovered, blinking innocently as her lips curved into a strained smile. “Alex, baby, we both know you’re just upset. You don’t really mean that.” She leaned in closer, her hand reaching out to touch my arm, but I pulled away before she could.

“I do mean it, Bianca,” I said, my voice hardening. “We’re done. We were done the moment you put your career and image above everything else. This–I gestured between us, “is over, and it’s over for good. You need to accept that.”

Her smile faltered, and I saw a flash of anger in her eyes, the mask slipping. “You’re really going to throw away everything we had, just like that?” she hissed, her voice now laced with bitterness. “After all I’ve done for you?”

“All you’ve done for me?” I shot back, incredulous. “You mean the public stunts, the fake apologies, and the way you always made everything about you? That’s not what a relationship is supposed to be, Bianca. I’m done playing this game.”

She straightened, her eyes narrowing as she realized she was losing control of the situation. “You’re making a mistake, Alex,” she said, her voice cold now, all pretense of sweetness gone. “You think you can just walk away and replace me with someone like Christiana? You don’t know what you’re doing.”

I clenched my jaw at the mention of Christiana’s name, trying to keep my temper in check. “Leave Christiana out of this. What happens between her and me is none of your business.”

Bianca let a scoffing laugh, folding her arms across her chest. “You really think she’s any better than me? She left you, remember? And now she’s cozying up to someone else while you sit here moping around. You’re chasing after a fantasy, Alex, and it’s pathetic.”

I felt my fists tighten at my sides, but I forced myself to stay calm. “This isn’t about Christiana,” I said firmly. “It’s about me wanting to move on and finally be with someone who values more than just appearances. Someone real”

Bianca’s eyes flashed with fury, and for a moment, I thought she might completely lose it. But then she composed herself, flipping her hair over her shoulder and giving me a condescending look. “Fine. You want to play this game? Go ahead, but don’t come crawling back to me when you realize what a mistake you’re making

“There’s no game here, Bianca,” I said, my tone final. “This isn’t one of your fashion shows where you can manipulate the narrative and walk away with everyone still cheering for you. This is my life. And I’m done letting you control any part of it.”

She glared at me, her perfect composure cracking further. “You’ll regret this, Alex. You think you can just toss me aside like I’m nothing? You don’t get to walk away from me that easily.”

I stood up, taking a step back from her. “I already have. You need to move on, Bianca. Whatever we had is gone. I don’t want you in my life anymore.”

Her face twisted with hurt and anger. For a moment, I almost felt a twinge of guilt, but I pushed it away. This was the right thing to do–cutting her out completely. I couldn’t let her keep dragging me back into the toxic cycle we’d been trapped in for


She stared at me, her eyes narrowing to slits. “You really think you’re better off without me? That you’ll find someone who can handle everything that comes with being with you! You’re delusional, Alex. You’ll come running back when you realize no one else can deal with your world like I did.”

I shook my head, my voice calm but firm. “I’d rather be alone than stuck in that mess again. Whatever we had wasn’t love, Bianca. It was convenience, status, and ego. And that’s not what I want anymore.”

She stood there, glaring at me like she was waiting for me to break, but I didn’t flinch. I was done letting her twist the truth to fit her narrative. The silence between us stretched, heavy with unresolved tension.

Finally, she let out a frustrated huff and grabbed her purse off the couch. “You’re a fool, Alex. And when everything falls apart, don’t say I didn’t warn you.” She turned on her heel, her heels clacking sharply against the floor as she stormed toward the door.

“Goodbye, Bianca,” I said, not bothering to look back.

She paused at the doorway, her hand gripping the handle tightly. For a second, I thought she might say something else, but




Chapter 39

instead, she just scoffed and walked out, slamming the door behind her.

I let out a breath I didn’t realize I’d been holding. The tension in my shoulders slowly eased as the reality of what just happened sunk in. I was free–really free–from her manipulations and schemes. But as much relief as I felt, there was still an emptiness gnawing at me. My thoughts drifted back to Christiana, wondering how she was doing, who she was with, and if she’d ever look at me again without resentment in her eyes.

I ran a hand through my hair and sank back onto the couch. This was just the beginning of fixing my life, but it was a step 1 needed to take. Bianca was a chapter I needed to close for good. Now, I just had to figure out how to get back what really mattered–if that was even possible.

The room was eerily quiet after the whirlwind that had just passed through. I glanced around, the echoes of her words still lingering in the air. Maybe I was delusional for thinking I could change things, for believing I could get back to a place of peace with Christiana, or even move forward in a healthy way. But for the first time in a long time, I felt like I was finally taking control of my life, not let

ting it be dictated by anyone else’s agenda.

Please Come Back

Please Come Back

Status: Ongoing


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