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Please Come Back 35

Christiana’s POV.

I sat across from Daniel in the intimate, softly lit diner, a place far humbler than where I’d usually dine but somehow perfect for the evening. The flickering candlelight on the table created a warm ambiance, showing a gentle glow on Daniel’s features. He had that ease about him, a natural charm that made conversation flow effortlessly. But I couldn’t help but feel a bit self- conscious about how the kids acted back at the house.

“Sorry about the kids,” I said, breaking the silence. “They can be a bit… overprotective.”

Daniel chuckled, shaking his head. “No need to apologize. If I were Ethan, I’d be just as protective. You’re their whole world.” His words, paired with the sincerity in his eyes, brought a small smile to my lips. It wasn’t often I met someone who understood things from their perspective. He didn’t just brush off their behavior–he got it.

The conversation flowed naturally as the waiter approached, handing us the menus. Daniel glanced at me, an apologetic look crossing his face. “I hope the diner’s okay, I know it’s not the fanciest, but I thought it might be more… relaxed.”

I gave him a reassuring smile, shaking my head. “It’s perfect, Daniel. I have no complaints.” And I meant it. The cozy atmosphere felt like a much–needed change from the high–end places I was used to. There was something refreshing about the simplicity.

We ordered our meals–steak for him, grilled salmon for me–and a bottle of red wine to accompany the food. As we settled back into our conversation, Daniel’s expression grew more thoughtful. “You know, growing up wasn’t easy for me. My parents died when I was young, and it was just my three brothers and me. Our grandmother raised us. She was tough, but she had a heart of gold. We owe everything we are to her.”

I could hear the pride and nostalgia in his voice as he spoke, and it tugged at something deep inside me. “That must’ve been hard.” I said softly, “losing your parents and growing up so fast.”

He nodded. “It was, but it also brought us closer together. We leaned on each other, and it made us stronger. My brothers and I built our lives from scratch, and we never forgot where we came from.”

His words resonated with me, sparking memories of my own past. I took a sip of my wine before responding, my gaze distant. “I know what that’s like. I never knew my parents either. I grew up in an orphanage, and nobody wanted me. Not until I was seventeen, and by then, it was more about surviving than anything else. I had to fend for myself, build a life out of nothing”

Daniel’s eyes softened with understanding, and he leaned forward slightly, his voice gentle. “You’re stronger than most people could ever imagine, Christiana. What you’ve built, what you’ve become, it’s inspiring.”

I offered a small, appreciative smile, leaving out the details of how I met Alex and gave up everything for him, only to end up here. Some stories were best left buried.

The food arrived, providing a brief pause in the conversation as we dug into our meals. The flavors were rich, the wine smooth, but it was the comfort of the company that made the evening feel just right.

As we settled back into our conversation, Daniel broached the subject I’d hoped to avoid, but it was inevitable. “So… Alex. I’m curious. What’s the story there?”

I took a deep breath, choosing my words carefully. “We divorced five years ago. It wasn’t exactly a mutual decision. He left, and I walked away. I couldn’t stay and watch him build a life with someone else while I struggled to piece myself back together.”

Daniel’s eyes widened, clearly stunned by the revelation. “Wait, you mean after you gave birth? How could he just walk away

like that?

A bitter smile tugged at the corner of my lips. “He didn’t know. I didn’t know either–at least not until two weeks later, after the divorce papers were signed. I found out I was pregnant, and by then, it was too late. I was already alone, raising two children while he was off with his new life.”

The disbelief and anger flickered in Daniel’s expression. “That’s insane. He just… left? And then found out later he had kids? How do you even begin to process something like that?”

I gave a small shrug, trying to mask the emotions bubbling beneath the surface. “You don’t. You just survive. You learn how to be both mother and father to two incredible kids who deserved better than what we gave them. And now that I’m back, he


Chapter 35

suddenly wants to be a part of their lives. He thinks he can just jump in and pick up where he left off.”

Daniel’s brow furrowed, and I could see the gears turning in his mind. “You’ve been through so much, Christiana, more than most people could handle. Yet here you are, running a successful business, raising two kids, and doing it all on your own.

His words touched something deep inside me, a validation I hadn’t realized I needed. For a moment, we sat in silence, the weight of the past lingering between us.

But then, as if sensing the tension, Daniel’s tone lightened. “You know, I’m glad we did this tonight. It’s not every day I get to have dinner with such an amazing woman.” He grinned, his charm returning, easing the heavy mood.

I couldn’t help but laugh softly, shaking my head. “You’re really laying it on thick, aren’t you?”

“Hey, I’m just being honest.” He leaned back in his chair, eyes sparkling with mischief. “But seriously, I admire your strength. You’ve been dealt a tough hand, but you’ve turned it into something incredible. It’s inspiring”

I felt a warmth spread through me at his words, a genuine smile breaking across my face. “Thank you, Daniel. That means more than you know.”

The conversation flowed again, lighter this time. We talked about everything from favorite movies to embarrassing childhood stories. It felt easy, natural, like reconnecting with an old friend.

But as the night wore on, I noticed Daniel growing more serious. He swirled the wine in his glass, eyes fixed on the liquid as if debating something in his mind. Finally, he set the glass down and looked at me, his expression earnest.

“Christiana, I know we haven’t known each other long, but there’s something I need to say.” He paused, as if searching for the right words. “I like you. I like you a lot. I didn’t expect it, especially not so soon, but there’s something about you that just… draws me in. You’re different from anyone I’ve met, and I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t interested in seeing where this could go.”

His confession caught me off guard. I wasn’t expecting him to be so direct, but I appreciated his honesty. For a moment, 1 didn’t know how to respond. Part of me was flattered, while another part of me was hesitant. I’d built walls around myself for a reason, and letting someone in wasn’t something I did lightly.

But the sincerity in his eyes made me pause. He wasn’t pressuring me: he was just putting his feelings out there, letting me decide what came next.

I smiled softly, meeting his gaze. “Daniel, I appreciate your honesty. And I won’t lie–I enjoy spending time with you. You’re kind, you listen, and you’ve been nothing but respectful. But I have to be honest too. My life is complicated, and I need to take things slow, especially for the sake of the kids.”

Daniel nodded, his expression understanding. “I get it. I’m not asking for anything more than that. I just wanted you to know where I stand.”

Relief washed over me, and I felt the tension ease from my shoulders. “Thank you, Daniel. That means a lot

As we finished our meals and shared a few more laughs, I couldn’t help but feel a sense of peace. It had been a long time since I let myself enjoy someone’s company without overthinking everything. Maybe this was the start of something new something different.

But for now, I was content to let things unfold naturally, one step at a time.

Please Come Back

Please Come Back

Status: Ongoing


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