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Please Come Back 34

Daniel’s POV.

I stepped out of the car and adjusted my suit jacket, taking in the grand estate before me. Christiana Davis sure knew how to make a statement. The mansion screamed wealth and power–something I’d expected, but it was still impressive seeing it in person. The sheer size of the place, the manicured lawns, and the towering gates–it was like stepping into another world.

As I made my way to the door, two bodyguards intercepted me. They were built like walls, staring down at me with cold, assessing eyes.

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“Who are you?” one of them demanded, his voice rough, almost like gravel.

I offered a polite smile, keeping my tone friendly but firm. “I’m a friend of Ms. Davis. She’s expecting me.”

The other guard raised an eyebrow, clearly not convinced. “Name?”

“Daniel Brooks,” I replied, meeting their eyes confidently. I could see the doubt flicker in their expressions as they processed. my name. One of them stepped aside and made a quick phone call. I couldn’t hear the conversation, but it was short, and when he hung up, his entire demeanor shifted.

“Right this way, Mr. Brooks,” the first guard said, his tone now more respectful as he gestured for me to pass

I gave a nod of thanks and continued toward the front doors, which swung open almost immediately as I approached. Two more guards were stationed there, but they didn’t say a word, simply stepping aside to allow me entry. The moment I crossed the threshold, I couldn’t help but be wowed by what I saw.

The inside was even more opulent than the exterior–luxurious chandeliers hanging from high ceilings, marble floors polished to a mirror–like sheen, and exquisite artwork lining the walls. Christiana’s taste was immaculate. Every inch of this place screamed elegance and power, just like the woman herself.

I was still taking it all in when a butler appeared as if from nowhere. He gave a slight bow and motioned toward the living room. “Please, have a seat, Mr. Brooks. Ms. Davis will join you shortly.”

“Thank you,” I said, following him to a plush sofa. I barely had time to sit down when I heard the patter of small feet and turned to see two kids–twins–running toward me with huge smiles on their faces.

The boy, Ethan, was the first to reach me, his eyes shining with recognition. “You’re Daniel, the man from the mall”

The girl, Emma, wasn’t far behind, her voice bubbling with excitement. “You saved us!”

Before I could respond, both of them wrapped their small arms around me in a tight hug. I laughed, genuinely surprised and touched by their enthusiasm. “Hey there! You two remember me, huh?”

“Of course we do!” Emma beamed up at me. “You were like a superhero!”

“Well, I don’t know about that,” I said with a chuckle, ruffling her hair.

Ethan tilted his head, studying me with those sharp eyes that reminded me of someone very familiar. “Are you truly our mom’s friend?”

“That’s right,” I said, though I couldn’t shake the feeling of being under a microscope. These kids were smart–sharp as nails- and there was no denying the striking resemblance they bore to their father, Mr. Alexander Williams Alistair. I’d done my research, of course. You don’t get involved with someone like Christiana Davis without knowing who’s in her orbit. But seeing that resemblance up close was a bit jarring.

Emma tugged at my sleeve, her voice full of curiosity. “Are you here to take our mom out?”

I opened my mouth to answer, but before I could, a presence made itself known at the top of the grand staircase. I looked up. and there she was–Christiana Davis, descending the stairs with all the grace of a queen.

My breath caught in my throat. She was a vision in an elegant, form–fitting dress that accentuated her figure without being overt. The deep emerald color made her skin glow, and her hair was styled perfectly, falling over one shoulder. There was a quiet confidence in the way she moved, but it was the small, welcoming smile on her face that made me feel like the ground beneath me shifted a bit.

Chapter 34

I stood up immediately, straightening my suit as she approached. “Christiana Davis,” I said, offering a smile that I hoped was charming. “You look absolutely stunning.”

She gave a half–smile, her eyes warm but guarded. “Thank you, Daniel. You don’t look so bad yourself.”

There was something in the way she said it–a hint of playfulness mixed with that ever–present cool composure. It put me at ease, but only slightly. I walked to her side as she reached the bottom of the stairs, feeling a bit out of my depth. This woman was in a league of her own, and here I was, trying to play it cool while my heart raced like I was a teenager on his first date.

We exchanged pleasantries, but I couldn’t ignore the subtle tension that hung in the air. Christiana was polite, but there was a guardedness to her, like she was carefully weighing every word. I could see why–this wasn’t just any date; it was a calculated move in a world where power dynamics mattered more than anything.

Before we could leave, Christiana turned to the kids, who were still watching us intently. She knelt down, her voice gentle as she spoke to them. “Ethan, Emma, I’ll be going out with Mr. Brooks for a little while. You two will be good for me, alright?” Emma crossed her arms, looking from me to her mother. “A date? But isn’t that supposed to be with our dad?”

The question hit like a curveball, and I glanced at Christiana, unsure how she’d handle it. There was a flicker of something in her eyes–discomfort, maybe–but she quickly masked it with a reassuring smile.

“It’s just a friendly outing,” she explained softly. “Mr. Brooks is a nice man, and we’re just going out to talk.”

Ethan wasn’t entirely convinced. He eyed me suspiciously, his protective nature already showing. “You better not make sad.”


I had to admire the kid’s loyalty. I knelt down to his level, keeping my tone sincere. “I promise, I’m just here to make sure your mom has a good time, nothing else.”

He didn’t look fully convinced, but he gave a small nod, as if granting me a temporary pass. “Okay, but we’ll be watching.”

Christiana let out a soft chuckle and ruffled his hair. “Don’t worry, Ethan. Everything’s fine.”

But the tension in the room was thick enough to cut with a knife. Christiana cleared her throat, clearly trying to move things along. “Alright, you two behave. I’ll be back soon.

With that, we finally made our way toward the door, though the weight of what had just happened hung over us. As we stepped out of the mansion, I couldn’t shake the feeling of awkwardness that had settled in my chest. The kids liked me, sure, but they were also fiercely protective of their mother, and that protective streak only served to remind me of the man who wasn’t here

-the man who cast a long shadow over everything.

This wasn’t just a date; it was stepping into a battlefield I hadn’t quite prepared for.

Please Come Back

Please Come Back

Status: Ongoing


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