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Please Come Back 31

Bianca’s POV.

The chandeliers sparkled above like stars, putting a nice glow over the luxury beauty parlor. It reeked of wealth and privilege -a place where secrets were traded like currency and power dripped from every word. I could feel the weight of it as I sat in one of the velvet chairs, tears streaming down my face. This wasn’t how it was supposed to be. I was supposed to be the woman on Alex’s arm, not some discarded fool left in the cold while he ran back to that wretched ex–wife of his,

Margret Alistair–Alex’s mother–was seated across from me, her expression sharp, though she tried to soften it. She reached over and gently placed her hand on mine, a well–manicured finger tapping rhythmically. Her eyes, dark and calculating. studied me as though measuring how much fight I had left.

“Bianca, dear,” she began, her voice as smooth as silk but laced with coldness, “you mustn’t let this break you. Alex is going through a phase. He’ll come to his senses. That miserable Christiana might have crawled back into his life, but she won’t last. I’ll make sure of that”

My breath hitched as I wiped away the tears with trembling hands. “He chose her, Margret. He broke it off with me like I meant nothing. He said he needed time to figure things out. But we both know what that really means, don’t we? He’s going back to her.”

Margret’s eyes narrowed, and a cold smile curled at the edges of her lips. “Christiana is nothing but a burden–she always was. A pathetic woman clinging to a past she ruined. Alex only feels guilty because of those twins. She’s using them to worm her way back in. But let me tell you something. Bianca. Those children are more valuable to me than Christiana could ever imagine. They carry the Alistair blood, and they belong in this family, under our control–not with that lowly woman who couldn’t even keep a man.”

I listened intently, feeling hope and bitterness rise in my chest. There was something reassuring about Margret’s coldness. She was powerful, a force no one would dare cross. But I also knew that relying solely on her would be a mistake. If I wanted to keep what was mine, I’d have to act, not just watch as Margret played her games.

“Bianca,” Margret continued, her tone taking on a more commanding edge, “I’m working on ways to get those kids away from her. Custody battles, legal pressure–whatever it takes. Once those twins are with us, Alex will see the truth. Christiana has nothing left to offer him. You, on the other hand, are exactly what he needs. You’re the perfect match, poised and suitable for the Alistair legacy.”

Her words were like poison–laced honey, sinking into my mind. I nodded, but I wasn’t just going to sit back and wait for Margret to take action. No, if this was going to work, I had to strike first.

I stared at her, the tears now drying as a cold determination settled in my chest. “I appreciate everything you’re doing. Margret. But you know as well as I do that Christiana won’t go down without a fight. She’ll play the perfect mother, act like the martyr, and try to make Alex fall for that all over again.”

Margret’s eyes flashed with contempt. “Let her try. She’s pathetic and desperate. We’ll make sure the courts see that she’s unfit, and once we have the kids, Alex will be free to move on with you–where he belongs.”

I leaned back, my mind racing. “You’re right, Margret. But I won’t wait for her to strike first. If Christiana thinks she can waltz back into Alex’s life and ruin everything I’ve built with him, she’s sorely mistaken. I’ll tear her down before she even gets the chance.

Margret’s smile widened, a glint of approval in her eyes. “Now you’re thinking like an Alistair.”

There was no warmth in her gaze, just cold calculation and a shared hatred for the woman who had always been a thorn in our side. I might have been heartbroken, but I wasn’t weak. I refused to lose Alex to someone like Christiana–a woman who had already failed once. And those twins? They were a problem too, a constant reminder of the life Alex had with her. I despised them as much as I despised her.

Margret’s beauty parlour felt like a war room, where strategies were formed and alliances were forged, I wouldn’t be some damsel waiting for a rescue–I’d fight for what was mine, and I’d make sure Christiana regretted ever stepping back into our


As I stood up to leave, Margret gave me a nod of approval. “Remember, Bianca, this isn’t just about you. It’s about preserving the Alistair name. I won’t let some low–class woman drag us down. And neither should you.”

I gave her a determined smile, though inside, my hatred burned hotter than ever. “Thank you, Margret. I won’t let you down.”

But as I walked out, I knew one thing for certain–I wouldn’t let Margret strike first. I’d bring down Christiana myself, and I’d do it with a smile on my face. The Alistairs had underestimated me once, but I wouldn’t let that happen again. If Christiana wanted a war, she was about to get one.

As I left the parlor, the chill of evening air did little to calm the fury burning in my chest. My mind was racing, thoughts spinning around how I could dismantle Christiana piece by piece. It wasn’t just about getting Alex back–it was about revenge. She’d taken from me what should have been mine, made me look like a fool, and now she was prancing around as if she’d


Not for long.

I walked briskly to my car, my heels clicking against the floor with determined rhythm. I couldn’t afford to wait for Margret’s plans to take shape. This had to be swift, calculated, and utterly devastating for Christiana. If I let her gain even an inch more in Alex’s heart, I could lose everything I’d worked for.

But as much as I hated Christiana, there was something else simmering underneath all that rage–disappointment. Disappointment that Alex, who I’d spent years investing in, could so easily let go of what we had. How could he throw me aside like I meant nothing? After everything I’d done for him, supported him through, and all the times I’d been by his side, he chose to run back to his failed marriage and those annoying twins.

I clenched my jaw. I couldn’t stand the thought of those children–constant reminders of Christiana and Alex’s past. They were like little anchors, tying him to a life I wanted erased. But they could also be the key to getting him back. If I could drive a wedge between Christiana and those kids, maybe I’d find the leverage I needed.

Sliding into my car, I took a deep breath and pulled out my phone. There were plenty of ways to make someone’s life miserable. You just had to know where to apply the pressure. And lucky for me, I had all the resources at my disposal to do exactly that.

I quickly dialed a number. “I need more background check. Comprehensive. On Christiana… and the twins.” My voice was icy. cold enough to make even the person on the other end pause.

“What exactly are you looking for?” the voice asked.

“Everything. Financials, medical history, school records, anything that care if you

have to dig into her past or talk to every person she’s ever known. I w.uld make her look unfit or weak. I don’t

dirt, and I want it fast.”

As I ended the call, a slow, vindictive smile spread across my lips. If I could discredit her as a mother, Margret’s plan would fall right into place. Custody battles could be dragged out, made excruciating. And the longer it took, the more strained Christiana’s relationship with Alex would become. She’d have to fight tooth and nail to keep those kids, and I’d make sure she Jost

My phone buzzed again, pulling me out of my thoughts. It was a message from Margret

“I have my legal team ready. Let’s make sure Christiana has nothing left to fight with.”

Good. Margret’s determination matched mine. Christiana wouldn’t see this coming–she’d be blindsided, too busy trying to play happy families while we dismantled her world from the shadows.

But as I stared out at the city skyline, a small part of me couldn’t shake the lingering bitterness. For all my hatred towards Christiana, the sting of Alex’s rejection was still raw. He chose her. Even with all I had to offer, he still wanted that plain, pathetic excuse of a woman. Maybe it was those damn twins. Maybe it was guilt. But whatever it was, I wasn’t going to let it


As I drove off, my mind was already planning the next steps. Christiana’s downfall would be spectacular, but I needed to play it carefully. It couldn’t be messy–it had to be a slow, painful unraveling of everything she held dear. By the time I was done, she’d be nothing more than a memory, a footnote in the Alistair family history.

And Alex? He’d realize just how much he needed me. How wrong he was to push me away. By the time I was done, there would be no Christiana, no twins–Just me and him, like it should have always been.

But first, I had to strike. Christiana wouldn’t know what hit her until it was too late. And by then, I’d be standing over the ruins of her life with Margret by my side, triumphant and ready to reclaim what was rightfully mine.

This wasn’t just about love anymore. It was about power, control, and revenge. And I intended to win.

I drove faster, the city lights blurring around me. Christiana could play nice all she wanted. I wa

Please Come Back

Please Come Back

Status: Ongoing


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