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Please Come Back 27

Christiana’s POV.

My head started to spin just as I was wrapping up the meeting with my employees, Everything was going smoothly, or at least, I was making sure it did. I couldn’t afford any slip–ups, not now. The expansion project was in full swing, and I needed to stay on top of everything, no matter how exhausted I was. But as I gave the final instructions, a wave of dizziness hit me like a punch to the gut. My vision blurred, and I instinctively reached out to steady myself, but I could feel the ground slipping away beneath my feet.

Strong arms caught me just before I could collapse. The firm grip, the subtle scent of expensive cologne–it jolted me back to

senses. I blinked and looked up in shock.

“Daniel? What are you doing here?” My voice came out weaker than I intended, laced with surprise.

“Questions can wait,” he said smoothly, his eyes locked on mine, filled with concern. Without giving me time to argue, he led me to a nearby table and gently helped me sit down. I was too stunned to protest.

“Stay here. I’ll get you something,” he added before he hurried off, leaving me momentarily confused.

He returned quickly with a bottle of water, uncorking it and thrusting it into my hands. “Drink up. Slowly.”

1 obeyed, taking a sip and feeling the cool liquid travel down my throat. It was refreshing, calming even. A faint sense of normalcy returned, and I sighed in relief.

“Better?” he asked, crouching down so he could look directly into my eyes.

I nodded, feeling slightly more human. “I just… I haven’t eaten since morning.” I admitted with a sheepish smile. “There’s been too much going on, and I lost track of time.

Daniel gave me a stern look, one that was softened by the concern still etched across his face. “You can’t keep running on empty. You need to take breaks, Christiana. Your body can’t function without fuel.”

“Noted, Mr. Health Adviser, I quipped with a small grin. His caring nature was unexpected, and for a brief moment, it was almost comforting. I took another sip of water before asking. “But seriously, what are you doing here?”

Daniel leaned back slightly and crossed his arms. “I came to see a friend. He owns one of the offices in the building. But imagine my surprise when I just happen to run into you.”

“Oh,” I murmured, feeling oddly self–conscious under his gaze. “Well, it’s a small world, I guess.”

“Clearly,” he responded, his eyes never leaving mine. Then his gaze swept around the office space before returning to me, curiosity dancing in his eyes. “So, you’re the boss here?”

I gave a slight nod. “I am”

*Impressive,” he said with a genuine smile that reached his eyes. “You’re full of surprises.”

“Most people are,” I replied simply, studying him carefully. He had this easy–going charm about him, but there was something more–something sharp and observant beneath the surface.

“Are you… married?” he asked, almost casually, but there was a hint of something else behind the question.

The question threw me off for a second. “No. I’m not,” I replied, keeping my tone neutral.

His eyebrows lifted in surprise, but before he could say anything, he smiled warmly. “You know, my grandmother was asking about you. She hasn’t stopped talking about how kind you were the other day at the grocery store.”

I couldn’t help but chuckle softly at that. “She’s a lovely woman. I enjoyed meeting her.”

“She’d love to see you again,” Daniel added with a soft smile. “She’s been insisting that I invite you over for dinner.”

“That’s sweet of her,” I said, genuinely touched. There was a brief pause, and the air between us shifted slightly.

“How are the kids?” he asked after a beat.


10:51 PM

Chapter 27

“They’re doing well. Full of energy as always,” I said with a warm smile. They’ve been talking non–stop about that incident at the mall. You really left an impression on them.”

“I’m glad I could help,” Daniel said, his expression softening even more. “I was actually thinking.. maybe you and I could grab dinner sometime? A proper meal this time. You clearly need it.”

Before I could even form a response, a deep, authoritative voice cut through the air like a blade, “She’s busy.”

I froze, recognizing that voice immediately. Daniel straightened, his eyes narrowing slightly as he turned to see who it was.

There stood Alex, tall and commanding as ever, his eyes boring into Daniel with an intensity that could crack glass. His presence shifted the entire atmosphere of the room. I could practically feel the tension humming in the air.

“Alexander,” I began, trying to keep my voice calm and measured, “this is=”

“I know who he is,” Alex interrupted, his tone icy as he kept his gaze locked on Daniel. “The question is, what exactly are you doing here?”

Daniel didn’t flinch. In fact, he remained cool and collected, meeting Alex’s stare with a confident smirk. “I was just checking in on Christiana. Making sure she’s alright. Not that it’s really any of your concern, is it?”

Alex’s eyes darkened, his jaw tightening. “It is when it involves the mother of my children.”

Ah, there it was. The bomb had dropped, and I could see the realization dawn on Daniel’s face. He put two and two together quickly, his eyes flickering back to me, then to Alex.

“I see,” Daniel said slowly, a touch of amusement in his tone. “So, you’re the ex–husband”

“And you’re the one who’s been lurking around.” Alex shot back, his voice low and dangerous.

“Alright, that’s enough.” I said, stepping between them, trying to defuse the situation before it escalated further. The last thing I needed was a scene, especially in front of my employees. “This isn’t necessary.”

to out–stare each other

But neither of them seemed inclined to back down. It was a silent standoff–two alpha males trying to while I was caught in the middle of their brewing storm.

“Christiana,” Daniel said after a moment, his tone lighter as if trying to ease the tension. “I really would like to take you out. Just dinner. It doesn’t have to be complicated.”

I glanced at Alex, who was glaring daggers at Daniel, and then back at Daniel, who was standing his ground without any sign of backing off. My heart pounded in my chest, torn between the strange mix of protectiveness and

possessiveness radiating from Alex and the calm, sincere interest from Daniel.

Please Come Back

Please Come Back

Status: Ongoing


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