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Please Come Back 26

Alexander POV

I was barely settled into my office when I heard the familiar, sharp click of heels storming down the hallway. My mother never walked softly when she was angry–she always wanted her presence known, like thunder announcing a storm. I braced myself, already knowing what this was about. The door swung open, and there she was, regal and observing, but with fury in her eyes.

“Have you lost your mind?” she snapped, not bothering with any pleasantries. “You broke up with Bianca? Are you seriously throwing away a perfectly good woman for her?”

I took a slow breath, leaning back in my chair. “Good morning to you too, Mother,” I said calmly. I wasn’t going to let her rattle me. Not this time

She didn’t care for my calm demeanor. She stormed closer, crossing her arms over her chest. “Don’t try to charm your way out of this, Alex! Bianca was good for you–poised, loyal, and didn’t come with all the baggage. But you threw it all away because Christiana waltzed back into town with those twins, didn’t you?”

Her voice dripped with venom when she said Christiana’s name, the disdain rolling off her in waves. She’d never hidden how much she despised my ex–wife, but it was worse now, more pointed.

“This has nothing to do with Bianca,” I said firmly, meeting her glare head–on. “And everything to do with what I should’ve done a long time ago. Christiana is the mother of my children. It’s time to fix what I broke.”

“Fix?” She practically spat the word out, disbelief etched on her face. “You divorced that woman for a reason! You finally freed. yourself from her and now you want to crawl back? You’re thinking with your emotions, Alex! You’re only doing this because you found out about the twins. For heaven’s sake, I expected more sense from you.”

I felt my patience thinning, but I kept my voice steady. “You always wanted grandkids, didn’t you? Now you’re complaining?”

“I wanted the kids, Alex, not her!” Her voice cracked with exasperation. “Christiana is toxic! She ruined you once, and she’ll do it again. You think bringing her back will be a happy family reunion? It’ll be a disaster!”

I stood up slowly, locking eyes with her. “You’re upset because you tried to bribe her to stay away and it didn’t work. She’s stronger than

you gave her credit for. And now, the one thing you can’t stand is that I’m making my own decisions, not the ones you’ve been pushing for years.”

Her eyes flashed, with anger and shock. “How dare you throw that in my face! I did what I had to do to protect you! Christiana was never good enough for you. She was always beneath us. And now, after five years, you want to go back to that mess?”

“Five years,” I said, my voice like steel, “where you filled my head with doubts and lies about her. I was stupid enough to believe you, to listen to every twisted thing you fed me. You manipulated me into that divorce. You knew exactly what you were doing because you never liked her. And now that I see it clearly, I’m not going to let you control this anymore.”

Her face turned red with fury, her lips tightening into a thin line. “I was protecting this family! Everything I did was to save you from her! She’s no good for you, and she’ll never fit into our world. Do you think I’m going to stand by while you destroy your life again?”

I stepped closer, lowering my voice but making sure every word hit home. “The only thing that destroyed my life was listening to you instead of following my heart. I’m done letting you make decisions for me. Christiana is coming back into my life, and if you can’t accept that, then stay out of it. I won’t sacrifice my happiness to satisfy your pride.”

She recoiled as if I’d slapped her, her eyes narrowing into slits. “You’re making a mistake, Alex. You’re blinded by guilt and nostalgia. Don’t come crying to me when it all blows up in your face again.”

“Maybe it’s time you stop worrying about being right and start worrying about being decent,” I shot back, my voice colder than I intended. “Christiana was never beneath us. You hated her because she wasn’t one of those perfect socialite puppets you wanted for me. But I loved her because she was real, because she was everything I needed, even if I was too blind to see it

back then.”

Her mouth tightened, and for a moment, I thought she might explode. But instead, she clenched her jaw, turning away with a dismissive wave. “You’re a fool, Alex. If you go through with this, don’t expect any support from me. You’ll be on your own.”

I watched her, feeling a strange sense of relief mixed with sadness. “That’s fine. I’d rather be on my own than let you or anyone else dictate who I’m supposed to love.”

Chapter 26

She left without another word, her heels clicking furiously as she made her exit. The silence that followed was heavy, but I felt a weight lift off my chest. For once, I’d stood up to her without holding back.

And as I sat back down, the thought of Christiana and the twins filled my mind. I knew this road wouldn’t be easy. There’d be resistance, complications, and maybe even more heartbreak. But for the first time in years, I was ready to fight for what really mattered.


Christiana, the kids…they were my family. And no one–not even my mother–was going to stand in the way of that.

I leaned back in my chair, staring at the ceiling as the remnants of our argument echoed in my mind. My mother’s words still stung, but not in the way they once did. I was used to her controlling nature, but I realized that for years, I’d let her dictate my life out of some twisted sense of loyalty or duty. It took Christiana walking away, and then coming back into my life with those two incredible kids, for me to see how much damage had been done.

I rubbed a hand over my face, exhaling slowly. The weight of my decision was heavy, but it also felt right. For once. I wasn’t chasing power or trying to live up to anyone’s expectations. I was fighting for something real–for my family. And I wasn’t going to let anyone take that away from me again.

Just as I was lost in thought, my phone buzzed on the desk. I glanced at the screen and saw Christiana’s name. It was a simple text, just a few words: “The kids wanted to say goodnight.”

A warmth spread through me, and I couldn’t stop the smile that tugged at my lips. Despite everything, she was letting me back in, step by cautious step. I quickly replied: “I’d love that I’ll call in a minute.”

I stood up and walked over to the large windows in my office, staring out at the city below. The skyline was alive with lights, but all I could think about was what really mattered. For years, I’d chased success, power, and control, thinking that would fill the void. But now, I understood that all of it meant nothing if I didn’t have the people I loved by my side.

The video call connected, and Christiana’s face filled the screen. Her expression was cool and detached, the warmth I’d secretly hoped for absent from her eyes. The twins were nearby, their excited chatter echoing in the background.

“Hey,” I said, keeping my tone ever.

“Hey,” she replied curtly, adjusting the camera so I could see the kids. Emma and Ethan leaned in, their wide eyes full of energy and innocence, an opposite to the tension radiating between Christiana and me.

“Daddy!” they shouted in unison, their enthusiasm tugging at something deep inside me. No matter how strained things were between Christiana and me, the kids‘ happiness was a light in all the darkness.

“Hey, you two! How was your day?” I asked with a forced cheerfulness, trying to focus on them instead of the coldness in Christiana’s gaze.

“It was cool!” Ethan said, practically bouncing. “We met a real hero today, Daddy! His name was Daniel, and he saved us!”

Christiana’s expression tightened slightly at the mention of Daniel. I caught the flicker of annoyance in her eyes but said nothing about it. She was clearly holding back from rolling her eyes.

*Really?” I asked, feigning interest while the name “Daniel” gnawed at me. “What happened?”

Emma jumped in, her voice bubbling with excitement. “There were bad guys, and he protected us! Mommy said he was very brave.”

Christiana’s jaw tightened, and she let out a low scoff, barely audible but enough for me to catch. I ignored it, focusing on the


“Well, I’m glad you’re safe,” I said, trying to smile. “But you know, I’ll always be there to protect you too.”

Ethan tilted his head, a curious expression crossing his face. “Are you a hero like Daniel, Daddy?”

The question caught me off guard, and I could feel Christiana’s eyes on me, waiting to see how I would react.

I swallowed the bitterness rising in my throat as I met Ethan’s innocent gaze. Christiana’s eyes narrowed slightly, a challenge hiding beneath the surface. She was waiting for me to stumble, to falter in front of the kids. I wasn’t going to give her that


“Of course, I am, buddy,” I answered smoothly, though the words tasted hollow. “I’d do anything to protect you and Emma.”

Chapter 20

Christiana let out a small, almost imperceptible huff, like she found my response mildly amusing but mostly pitiful. I clenched my jaw, ignoring her, focusing instead on the kids.

*But Daniel’s different, Daddy,” Emma chimed in. “He’s super strong! He fought one of the bad guys all by himself! Mommy said he saved all of us.”

I could see Christiana stiffen slightly at Emma’s words, as if she regretted the moment she praised this Daniel in front of them. The look she gave me was sharp, filled with a silent, unspoken warning not to make this about us.

“Did he now?” I said, trying to keep my tone light. But there was an edge to it that even the kids noticed. They might be young, but they were smart enough to pick up on the tension hanging in the air.

Ethan nodded enthusiastically. “Yeah! But you could’ve done it too, right? You’re stronger than Daniel, right, Daddy?”

Before I could answer, Christiana finally cut in, her voice dripping with barely restrained disdain. “Ethan, don’t ask your dad silly questions. He’s not here to be comparing himself to anyone, especially not to someone who was actually there when it mattered.”

The jab was subtle, but it landed hard, hitting exactly where she knew it would hurt the most. I bit back my retort, forcing myself to stay focused on the kids.

“Daddy’s strong too,” Emma said defensively, glaring at Christiana like she’d just insulted her favorite superhero. “He would’ve been just as brave if he was there.”


‘s eyes softened slightly as she looked at Emma, but her expression hardened again when she turned back to me. “Maybe. But he wasn’t there, was he?”

It was a low blow, even for Christiana. But I couldn’t deny the truth behind it. I wasn’t there, and that ate away at me more than I cared to admit. But this wasn’t about me–it was about the kids, and I wasn’t going to let her turn them against me with her bitterness, even though I loved her to death.

“Christiana,” I said, keeping my tone level despite the tension clawing at my chest. “Can we not do this in front of the kids?”

She crossed her arms and leaned back, tilting her head with a sarcastic smirk. “Do what, exactly, Alex? Tell the truth?”

I clenched my fists, trying to stay calm. I knew she was baiting me, but I wouldn’t let her see how much she was getting under my skin. Not like this. I

The kids exchanged confused looks, sensing the shift in energy between us. Emma tugged on Christiana’s sleeve. “Mommy, are you mad at Daddy!”

Christiana’s expression softened as she looked down at Emma, kneeling to meet her daughter’s wide eyes. “No, sweetie. Mommy’s just tired, that’s all. Daddy and I are just talking”

It was a lie, and we all knew it. But Christiana had always been good at putting on a show for the kids. I could see how hard she was working to keep the bitterness out of her voice, but it was there, simmering just beneath the surface.

Ethan tilted his head curiously. “But you sound mad. Mommy. Did Daddy do something bad?”

Christiana’s eyes flicked back to me, and there was a flash of something unreadable in them–anger, hurt, regret? Maybe all three. “No, Ethan. Daddy didn’t do anything bad. We just don’t always agree on things”

It was a diplomatic answer, but there was an edge to it, a warning for me to tread carefully. But before I could respond, Ethan’s innocent voice broke through the tension with a question that made my heart drop.

“Would Daddy have fought the bad guys like Daniel if he was there?”


‘s eyes met mine, and for a split second, I saw a flicker of vulnerability in them, something raw and unguarded. But it was gone just as quickly as it appeared, replaced by that cold, detached mask she wore so well

“Your daddy would’ve done what he could, Ethan,” she said finally, her voice neutral. “But sometimes, people can’t be everywhere at once.”

It was a backhanded way of saying I wasn’t there when it counted. The implication stung, but I forced myself to stay focused. on the kids. I wouldn’t let her use them as pawns in whatever game she was playing.

“Look, why don’t we all just relax,” I said, trying to inject some calm into the situation. “I’m glad you’re all safe, and I’m really

Chapter 26

grateful to Daniel for helping out.”

Christiana’s eyes narrowed, and I could tell she didn’t buy my attempt at diplomary for a second. But she didn’t push it. Instead, she stood up, taking the kids hands in hers.

“Alright, it’s time to say goodbye to your dad,” she said, her voice clipped. “We’ve got a busy day ahead.”

Ethan and Emma pouted, clearly not wanting the call to end. “But Mommy, we’re not done talking to Daddy!” Emma protested.

“Daddy’s got things to do too, sweetie,” Christiana said, her tone softening as she looked down at them. “You’ll see him soon.”

I forced a smile, even as my chest tightened with frustration. “I’ll call you both tomorrow, okay?”

“Okay, Daddy,” they chorused, still reluctant but obedient

“Bye, Daddy!” they waved at the screen, their little faces lighting up with those infectious smiles that always managed to brighten even the darkest days.

“Bye, my loves,” I said, my voice thick with emotion as I waved back.

Christiana didn’t say a word as she ended the call. The screen went black, leaving me alone with my thoughts and the hollow ache in my chest.

No matter how much I tried to be a part of their lives, there would always be a barrie

r between us–one that Christiana kept firmly in place. And the worst part was, I couldn’t entirely blame her. Not after everything I’d put her through.

Please Come Back

Please Come Back

Status: Ongoing


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