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Please Come Back 25

Alexander POV

I found Bianca at her usual spot, surrounded by her team in the sleek conference room of her design studio. The atmosphere was calm, filled with muted chatter and the rustling of fabric swatches. But I had no time for the niceties. My blood was still boiling from what I had learned. Christiana’s words replayed in my mind, and the image of my kids, frightened and confused,

was more than I could take.

1 didn’t bother knocking as I entered, my presence demanding immediate attention. Bianca glanced up, her expression shifting from surprise to a coy smile, probably assuming I was there for a casual visit. How wrong she was.

“Alex! You’re ” she started, but I cut her off, my voice low and controlled, but laced with undeniable anger.

“We need to talk. Now

The sharpness in my tone made her team members quickly shuffle out of the room, leaving us alone. As the door clicked shut, I let the silence stretch, watching her smile falter.

“Why?” I asked, stepping closer, my eyes fixed on hers. “Why would you do that?”

She blinked, feigning ignorance as she adjusted the collar of her silk blouse. “Do what? What are you talking about?”

“Don’t play games with me, Blanca,” I snapped, my frustration leaking through. “You confronted Christiana my ex–wife–and my kids. You insulted them. What the hell were you thinking?”

Her eyes widened, the mask of innocence sliding into place as tears began to pool. “You never told me, Alex! You never said your ex–wife was back in town, let alone that she had twins for you. “You never said she had twins for you,” Bianca continued, her voice rising as tears welled in her eyes. “Do you know how humiliating it was to find out like that? To see her with two kids that look just like you and realize you kept that from me? You think I’m the bad guy here, but you’re the one who’s been hiding things from me, Alex!”

Her voice cracked as she played the victim card, leaning into the emotional drama that I’d seen her use before. But this time, it grated on me. I couldn’t believe she was trying to twist this around and make it about herself.

I ran a hand through my hair, trying to contain the anger simmering beneath the surface. “This isn’t about what I told you or didn’t tell you. Bianca. It’s about you crossing a line. You confronted Christiana and insulted my kids. You had no right–no right at all–to get involved like that.”

Bianca’s tears fell freely now, her eyes shimmering with hurt and accusation. “I didn’t insult them! I didn’t even know they were yours until I saw them up close! All I did was ask her a few questions, and she blew it all out of proportion. And now you’re standing here, attacking me because of that woman!”

“That woman?” I repeated, my voice dropping to a dangerously low tone. “You mean the mother of my children? The woman I spent years of my life with? You think you can just waltz in and pretend she doesn’t matter?”

Bianca’s face twisted in frustration as she shook her head. “Why are you defending her so much? What is this, Alex? I’ve been here for you, and now she shows up, and suddenly I’m the villain?”

The truth of her words hit me like a cold wave. Deep down, I knew there was a part of me that had always held on to Christiana. Even after the divorce, she was always there, like an echo in the back of my mind. I’d convinced myself that moving on with Bianca was the right thing to do, but standing here now, seeing Bianca’s tears and hearing her accusations, it was like a fog lifting.

I sighed, my anger giving way to something else–regret. “Bianca, you’re partly right. I should have told you about Christiana being back. And maybe I didn’t. because even after all these years, she’s still in my thoughts. But that doesn’t excuse what you did. You had no business confronting her, especially not in front of my kids.”

She stared at me, her expression shifting from hurt to something more vulnerable. “You’re only being this harsh because of her. You’re still in love with her, aren’t you?” Her voice wavered, more a statement than a question.

I didn’t answer immediately, and that silence said everything.

Bianca’s tears kept falling, her breath hitching as she tried to pull herself together. “I was trying, Alex. I was trying to be what you needed, but you’ve always been distant. And now I see why. You were never really mine.”

10:31 PM c

Chapter 25

Her words hung heavy in the air, and as much as I wanted to argue, I couldn’t. She was right. I had never fully given myself to her. I had been running from the guilt, the loneliness after my divorce, and I had latched onto Blanca as a way to distract myself. But it was never real. Not in the way it should have been.

“I’m sorry, Bianca,” I finally said, my voice softening. “I never meant to hurt you. I thought I could move on, but I can’t deny what’s real. I care about you, but I realize now that it was never enough. You deserve someone who can give you their whole heart, and that’s not me.

She looked away, wiping at her tears, her expression was of defeat and sorrow. “So, that’s it? You’re choosing her–choosing

them–over me?”

“It’s not about choosing sides,” I replied, feeling a weight settle in my chest. “It’s about being honest with both of us. I can’t pretend anymore, and you shouldn’t have to either.”

Bianca let out a bitter laugh, shaking her head. “She’s the one you want, isn’t she? Even after everything, she’s the one yo always wanted”

I didn’t deny it. I couldn’t. Because deep down, I knew it was true,

The silence between us grew, thick with unspoken words and lingering pain. Bianca took a shaky breath and finally whispered, “I never stood a chance, did I?”

I looked at her, my expression softening in genuine regret. “You deserved better. Bianca. I’m sorry.”

With that, I turned and left, the sound of her quiet sobs echoing in my ears as I walked away. But as I headed toward the exit. my mind was already on Christiana and the kids. The truth had come out, and now there was no more hiding.

My heart pounded with uncertainty and determination as I realized that everything was about to change. Whether Christiana wanted it or not, whether I was ready or not, I knew I had to face

the truth–she was the only woman I could ever truly love.

Please Come Back

Please Come Back

Status: Ongoing


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