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Please Come Back 20

Bianca’s POV

Sitting in the plush vanity chair, I stared at my reflection in the mirror, the makeup artist dabbing foundation on my face. The world outside was a blur of bright lights and camera flashes, but inside this room, the chaos was a personal storm that I couldn’t ignore. The news had hit me like a sledgehammer–Christiana was back in town, and she had kids with Alex

I couldn’t believe it. How had I missed this? My fingers clenched into tight fists, nails digging into my palms as I tried to control the rising tide of frustration. I knew Alex had an ex–wife, but twins? Twins that he only just discovered? My mind raced, and I could feel the pulse of anger in my temples.

“Bianca, just a little more powder,” the makeup artist said, her voice trembling slightly. I didn’t even acknowledge her, my eyes fixed on the far wall. I could hear the whispers and shuffling of my team in the background, their anxiety evident.

“Did you hear about the kids?” I demanded, turning abruptly. My voice was sharp, causing the makeup artist to flinch. She nodded hesitantly, trying to maintain her composure.

“They’re twins,” I snapped, my voice rising. Twins that Alex is just finding out about now. How could he keep this from me? How could I not know!”

The panic in my team was almost comical. “We’re almost done, Bianca,” one of the stylists said, attempting to keep the atmosphere calm. But I was beyond caring about calm. I could feel the weight of Alex slipping through my fingers; the very essence of my control slipping away.

“I can’t stand this!” I yelled, my frustration boiling over. My voice echoed off the walls of the dressing room, and the makeup. artist’s hand wobbled as she applied the finishing touches. The team scrambled, their fear of me evident in their wide eyes and hurried movements.

The thought of Alex reuniting with Christiana, of them getting closer to their children, was unbearable. If Alex got involved with the twins, it could rekindle his feelings for Christiana, I could already see the headlines: *Alex and Christiana–The Family Reunion“. It was a nightmare.

“Bianca, you need to calm down,” one of my assistants said, her voice strained. “We’ve got the shoot coming up, and-”

“Calm down!” I snapped, cutting her off. “How can I calm down when everything I’ve worked for is on the brink of falling apart! These kids could ruin everything!”

I could see their faces–worried, fearful of my outburst. They rushed to adjust my dress, fix my hair, and make sure I was ready for the shoot. They knew better than to push me right now. My anger was a hurricane, and they were caught in its path.

Despite the chaos, I tried to focus on the task ahead. The advert and the photoshoot were important, but they felt insignificant compared to the storm brewing in my life. The large amounts of money meant nothing if Alex decided to run back to Christiana and their twins.

As I looked at myself in the mirror, I took a deep breath, trying to compose myself. The glamour and glitter of my public persona felt like a thin veil over the turmoil inside me. I was a star, but right now, I was also a jealous fiancée struggling to hold on to the man I loved.

“Let’s get this over with,” I said tersely, trying to mask my rage. “And make sure nothing goes wrong. Not today.”

I turned away from the mirror, trying to force a smile for the cameras. But inside, I was a tempest–my mind whirling with thoughts of Christiana, the twins, and the fragile hold I had on Alex.

The photoshoot had been an endless of flashing lights and forced smiles, but nothing could mask the frustration I felt inside. The camera’s click had done nothing to erase the storm raging in my head. As soon as the final shot was done, I retreated to the quiet of my dressing room, my patience frayed.

I pulled out my phone and dialed Alex’s number again, the dial tone a non–stop reminder of his silence. Each ring felt like a jab to my already raw nerves. Finally, voicemail. Again. My temper flared, and I slammed the phone down onto the makeup table, the sound reverberating through the room.

“Damn it, Alex!” I muttered, pacing back and forth. “How many times do I have to call before you pick up? Are you really

Chapter 20

going to let these damn kids come between us?”

He had been avoiding my calls, just like he did last time. It was infuriating. We’d been together for five years. Five years of him putting up with my demands, my attitude, and now these twins had the audacity to threaten everything we had built. I wasn’t about to let them tear us apart.

I stormed over to the corner where my assistant, Gabe, was busy organizing my things. He looked up, sensing the shift in my


“Gabe,” I snapped, my tone leaving no room for argument. “I need you to find out everything you can about Christiana and those damn kids. I want to know their schedules, their habits, everything. I need to know how to handle this. I need to make sure they don’t mess up what I’ve worked so hard for

Gabe’s eyes widened, but he quickly masked his surprise with a professional nod. “Of course, Bianca. I’ll get on it right away.”

“Good.” I glared at him, my frustration barely contained. “And make sure it’s thorough. I don’t want half–assed information. I want every detail, every little secret. I need to know exactly how to deal with this.”

Gabe swallowed hard, understanding the gravity of the situation. “Tll get it to you as soon as I can.”

I turned away, taking a deep breath to steady myself. The air in the room felt charged, thick with the tension of my unresolved issues. I couldn’t afford to lose Alex. Not now, not ever. He was the one man who had truly put up with me, who had given me everything I wanted, even when I demanded more.

With a final, frustrated sigh, I looked at my reflection in the mirror, my face flushed with anger. I needed to be strategic about this. Christiana and the twins were intruding on my perfect world, and I would not let them destroy it. I would fight for what was mine, no matter what it took.

As Gabe left to do his job, I sat down, trying to calm the storm within me. I was a star, a queen in my own right, and I wouldn’t

let anyone, not even Christiana, take that away from me.

Please Come Back

Please Come Back

Status: Ongoing


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