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Please Come Back 10

Alexander POV

I sank into the plush leather chair in my study, the room softly lit by a lamp on my desk. The sun had set, leaving long shadows on the floor. The room smelled of leather and fresh–cut flowers, with a hint of cigar smoke in the air. But my mind was far from peaceful; it was a storm of confusion and regret.

I wasn’t expecting what happened today. When I got that call about the building–right when I thought everything was finally going my way I planned to confront whoever owned it. I didn’t expect to find Christiana.

When I walked into that building, I was prepared for a standard business dispute. What I didn’t expect was to see Christiana standing there, looking even more stunning and confident than I remembered. Her presence struck me like a thunderbolt. She was now a powerful businesswoman, commanding respect with every step she took.

Christiana. The woman I had once loved and then pushed away. Seeing her again was like being punched in the gut. I tried to hide my shock with a cocky smirk and a commanding attitude, but inside, she had shaken me deeply.

I had acted all powerful, but inside, I was struggling. She was the owner of the property I wanted, and now she was a force to be reckoned with on her own.

Seeing her brought back memories of our past–when we were happy before I ruined everything. I had rejected her for being unable to give me children, and now she had twins–my twins

When I confronted her about the kids, her denial only made me more determined. “They look just like me, I insisted. “You can’t keep them from me.”

Her anger was obvious. “The kids aren’t yours. Stay away from met she shouted, her voice full anger. It hurt to see her like that, more than I had expected.

Back at my mansion, I paced the room, feeling the weight of my emotions. The room was grand with rich mahogany furniture and marble floors, but it felt cold and empty compared to the turmoil inside me. My guards and staff moved quietly around me, a reminder of my wealth and power.

I remembered her walking away and me trying to follow her. I was insistent, demanding to know why she was keeping my children from me and why she wouldn’t let me be part of their lives. Her stubbornness only made me more determined to prove my place.

“Why did you have to come back and turn my world upside down?” I muttered to myself, running a hand through my hair. “I’ve not been the same since your arrival.”

The guilt was overwhelming. I had acted like a fool, putting on an attitude to cover up my real feelings. Christiana had changed, becoming someone so powerful and self–assured. It hurt to think of how she must have suffered because of me. I wished she could see beyond my facade and understand the regret I felt

A knock on the door broke my thoughts. One of my assistants entered with a stack of documents. I barely looked at them, my mind still on Christiana. “Get this done,” I said, handing the papers back. “I need everything ready for tomorrow’s meeting

As the assistant left, I sank back into my chair, staring out at the city lights. I was a powerful man, feared and respected, yet Christiana had managed to get under my skin. I had underestimated her, and now I knew this wasn’t just about business anymore. It was personal.

“How did things get so complicated?” I asked the empty room. Christiana had always been the one thing I couldn’t control, and now she was the one thing I couldn’t ignore.

I was deep in thought, my mind still tangled in memories of Christiana and our encounter earlier that evening, when the door to my study swung open. Bianca, my fiancée, strutted in, a full of glitz and glamor.

She was dressed to impress in a shimmering silver gown that hugged her curves perfectly, with a thigh–high slit that revealed her long legs. Her hair was styled in cascading waves, and her makeup was flawlessly done. The room seemed to brighten with her presence, but for the first time, her arrival didn’t lift my spirits.

Bianca’s entourage–her stylist, personal assistant, and a couple of photographers–lingered in the doorway, but she waved them away with a dismissive gesture. “Out, out! I don’t need you right now,” she ordered, her voice dripping with impatience. They scurried away, clearly accustomed to her demanding ways.


10:10 PU

Chapter 10

Her eyes locked onto me with a sultry gaze as she closed the door behind her. “Surprise!” she cooed, her voice dripping with excitement and possessiveness. She crossed the room in elegant strides, her heels clicking sharply on the marble floor.

I looked up, startled. “Bianca, what are you doing here?”

She didn’t answer immediately. Instead, she reached me and wrapped her arms around my neck, pulling me into a deep kiss. Her lips were warm and insistent, her hands roaming over my shoulders. But tonight, her touch felt distant, as if it was happening to someone else. I wasn’t moved by the kiss, and that realization unsettled me.

When she finally pulled back, her eyes were bright with affection, though there was a hint of frustration in them. “I haven’t seen you in ages,” she said, her voice softening. “I wanted to surprise you.”

I forced a smile, feeling a twinge of guilt. I’m sorry, Bianca. I’ve been swamped with work.” It was a lie, but it was easier than explaining my turmoil about Christiana.

Bianca’s pout was almost theatrical. “You’ve been so distant lately. You’re always buried in work, and I barely get any of your time.” She sighed dramatically, flopping down on the sofa. “What’s the matter? You’re acting like you have the weight of the world on your shoulders.”

I sat down next to her, trying to focus on her needs. “It’s nothing Just some issues at work,” I said, though my mind was still with Christiana. “But let’s not dwell on it. I’m here now.”

Bianca’s mood shifted quickly. “Well, if you’re not going to pay attention to me, then maybe I should make demands until you do. I want a vacation. A real break, not just a quick getaway. We need to get away from this place, clear our heads.”

Her demands were endless. “And I need a new wardrobe for the upcoming gala. It has to be perfect. No, it has to be stunning. 1 want the whole city to see just how glamorous I can be.”

As she continued her tirade, I realized that despite her beauty and the allure of her celebrity status, something had changed. The sparkle in her eyes didn’t hold the same magic for me anymore. I was caught between my regret over Christiana and Bianca’s persistent demands.

Bianca leaned in closer, her perfume enveloping me. “I need you to focus on me. We can’t let the past or work interfere with our future.”

I looked at her, trying to muster genuine interest. “Of course,” I said, forcing warmth into my voice. “We’ll take care of everything.

As Bianca continued to talk, outlining her extravagant plans and desires, I felt like I was drifting further away from her. Christiana’s image, her voice, her defiance–all haunted me. Bianca’s demands, though once captivating, now seemed shallow compared to the complex emotions Christiana had stirred up.

Bianca’s hand brushed mine, jolting me from my thoughts. “Promise me we’ll get away soon. Just the two of us.”

I nodded absently, my mind still tangled in the evening’s chaos. “Yes, Bianca. I promise”

Her satisfied smile didn’t reach my eyes. I knew she deserved more of my attention, but tonight, my thoughts were elsewhere,

with the one

Please Come Back

Please Come Back

Status: Ongoing


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