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Love Sc 9

Chapter 9

The most crucial phase was the seven–year itch. Jonathan ultimately couldn’t resist the temptation of this “itch” and found himself a mistress. He had thought everything was fine in the seventh year, but by the eighth year, his true colors were exposed.

As Jonathan listened to Zara’s words, he gradually understood that she had broken up with him so decisively because she overheard him saying that he was tired of her. However, he now felt that he couldn’t be without Zara.

In the past few days at home, waking up and realizing Zara was not beside him made him anxious. It prompted him to call her repeatedly. But he could never get through to her. Though Harper somewhat resembled Zara from her earlier years, she lacked Zara’s elegance and the ability to pay attention to details. Harper didn’t even know what foods Jonathan preferred or was allergic to. She constantly pestered him to buy things or take her out while he was busy with work.

Jonathan had had enough of this lifestyle. He longed for the happiness, simplicity, and peace he felt when he was with Zara.

Moreover, his family was pressuring him to get married so that his wife could produce an heir to inherit the family legacy.

“I’m sorry, Zar, those things I said before were impulsive and thoughtless–I didn’t mean it. I was just caught up in the moment, but now I realize my mistake,” Jonathan pleaded. Zara replied calmly, “Jonathan, it’s over. We owe each other nothing.”

When Jonathan heard this, he immediately grabbed Zara’s hand. “Don’t go, Zar. Can you give me another chance? If you come back to me, we can get married right away!”

Zara struggled for a long time but couldn’t break free. Upon seeing this, Hayden quickly stepped in and grabbed Jonathan’s shoulder. His grip on Jonathan’s shoulder was forceful and trembling. Zara, observing the situation, feared that Jonathan might turn violent against Hayden.

She also realized that they were drawing attention from the onlookers, so she suggested they move to a different place to continue their discussion.

Jonathan looked at Hayden in disbelief. “I never thought it would be you who took Zar away. When did you start liking her?”

Hayden knew that there was no point in hiding anything at this stage. He responded, “A long time,ago–even before you did.”

Suddenly, Jonathan seemed to realize something. The veins on his forehead began to bulge, and his eyes blazed with anger, He let go of Zara’s hand but clenched his right hand into a fist, which he slammed into the brick wall.

“Well done, Hayden. I’ve treated you like a brother and even helped you look after your sister. Did you use your sister to drive a wedge between me and Zar so you could take advantage of the situation and come between us? Am I right about this?” Jonathan exclaimed.

Hayden raised an eyebrow, glanced sideways at Jonathan, and let out a faint chuckle. Then he clapped his hands as if mocking Jonathan’s wild and outrageous imagination.

Even so, Hayden’s expression became more reserved as he paid close attention to Zara’s reaction. His expression remained deadpan, but there was a slight hint of warmth in his eyes. It seemed Zara didn’t buy into Jonathan’s lies either.

“You’re blaming me for your own mistakes?” Hayden’s dark, deep eyes were glacial, making anyone who met his gaze feel a chill.

Jonathan stubbornly believed Hayden was involved. “Otherwise, why would you return to the country at this particular time–just when Zar and I were having problems?”

It did sound somewhat plausible.

Hayden looked at Jonathan and shrugged indifferently. “Fine, then why don’t you call Harper over and ask her whether we plotted this together.”

Without hesitation, Jonathan pulled out his phone and called Harper.

As usual, she picked up quickly. As soon as the call connected, he heard her crying over the phone.

She said pitifully, “I fell, Jonathan.”

Only then did Jonathan remember that he hadn’t paid attention to Harper’s feelings while walking the red carpet. He vaguely recalled that she had indeed fallen.

He immediately apologized, “I’m sorry, I was anxious to see Zar.”

After saying this, Harper’s tears continued to flow, but she kept blaming herself. “Don’t blame yourself, Jonathan. It’s all my fault. I’m always causing trouble for you. I just wasn’t used to wearing these high heels.”

Standing nearby, Zara observed Harper’s tactics and gave Jonathan a disdainful look. She hadn’t expected that at Jonathan’s age, he would still go for this kind of woman.

“It wasn’t your fault. But I have something to ask you,” Jonathan said.

Harper responded coyly, “Go on.”

Jonathan got straight to the point. “Does your liking me have anything to do with your brother?”

Harper was smarter than Jonathan expected. She sensed that this could be a trap and asked cautiously, “Is my brother there too?”

She knew she couldn’t say the wrong thing. If she did, she might even have trouble returning to her own home.

Jonathan realized that Harper had caught on, so he decided to be frank. “Yes, your brother and Zar are both here with me.”

Harper asked for their location, stating that it was inconvenient talking over the phone, and that it was best if they all spoke in person. Before long, she arrived, limping slightly. Jonathan felt a little guilty seeing her like this, so he went over to support her as she walked.

To Zara, however, this was just more proof of Jonathan’s unchanged behavior. He claimed not to have feelings for Harper, but his actions said otherwise.

Harper took in Hayden’s cold stare and looked pitifully at Jonathan. She then behind him with tears streaming down her face.



reddened from crying, she said, “Jonathan, my brother is opposed to my seeing you. How could I be with you because of him? He even scolded me, but I just can’t stay away from you, Jonathan… Do you love me? Didn’t you say before that y you did?”

Jonathan quickly pushed Harper away and said to Zara, “That’s not true, Zar! It’s not like she says. I don’t love her.”

Harper held onto the corner of his shirt, her voice fragile and full of disbelief. “Jonathan, that’s not what you said before!”

Zara shrugged, her expression calm as if she was watching a stage play. “Say, why do your stories not match?”

Hayden stood beside Zara and watched as Jonathan desperately tried to win Zara back with a smile that didn’t quite reach his eyes. He looked regal and distant.

To Harper, Zara’s words seemed to signal an opportunity. A small smile appeared on her lips, which Zara noticed. Zara had no interest in exposing her, though, as things were playing out exactly as she had wished.

Chapter 9


Harper saw Zara’s indifference as a sign for her to continue. She bit her lip and blinked her tear–filled eyes innocently. Then, she reached out and clung to Jonathan’s arm.

“Look, Jonathan. Zara is with my brother now. She won’t love you anymore. Be my boyfriend, Jonathan. I really love you,” Harper said pleadingly.

Jonathan hastily pulled away from Harper as he glanced at Hayden and Zara. In response, Hayden pulled Zara closer, wrapping his arm around her waist and burying her face in his chest. He wore a smug expression as if declaring his claim over her.

Zara happened to look up and catch Hayden’s lingering smile. At that moment, she came to a sudden realization that even someone as reserved as him could smile. Upon noticing that Zara had caught his subtle reaction, Hayden quickly covered it up by harrumphing slightly.

His gestures caused Zara to continue smiling to herself. She felt like she had glimpsed the most endearing, hidden side of him–and this would remain a secret between the two of them.

Their interaction and Harper’s words nearly pushed Jonathan over the edge. He ignored Harper’s attempts to cling to him and kept repeating his pleas to Zara. Nevertheless, she didn’t believe or listen to a word he said.

Jonathan’s eyes were bloodshot, and they became increasingly red as he came closer and closer to Zara.

Hayden instinctively shielded Zara behind him.

Zara was worried that Jonathan might put his combat skills to use. She feared that someone might get hurt because of her.

So, she tried to reason with Jonathan. “Calm down. Let’s talk this out.”

Finally, Jonathan seemed to realize that Zara would no longer listen to his explanations. His tone turned mocking and bitter. “Zar, how could you be seduced by someone like Hayden? It’s fine, though. Once you see his true colors, you’ll come back to me.”

Hayden stood calmly by. His expression was cold and composed as usual, not showing any hint of panic. Even though he knew Jonathan might resort to violence, he kept Zara behind him and made sure she was safe.

“If you want to fight, come at me. Don’t do anything to hurt Zar, or I will truly look down on you,” Hayden warned.

Love Sc

Love Sc

Status: Ongoing


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