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Entrapment 88

Chapter 88


Circenn leads me on a slow stroll around the sprawling villa, the winding path taking us on a few laps around the imposing structure, giving me more time to enjoy the breathtaking views.

we approach the rear of the building, Circenn slows our pace, eventually coming to a stop.

With a gentle release, Circenn’s grip on my arm loosens, and I immediately feel the cold night approaching.

“I’m sleepy” I breathe out as I rub m

my arm.

“I know. It’s been one hell of a ride here, but before you go back to bed, you have to see this”

“Okay,” I sigh. “See what?”

Circenn takes two deliberate steps forward, his feet carrying him closer to a weathered brick surface buried deep in the soil, that has been reclaimed by nature.

The once–plain surface is now covered in a vibrant tapestry of flowers and weeds.

As Circenn squats down, his muscles flex and his white T–shirt clings to his arms, revealing the definition of his biceps as he works to clear away the Overgrown weeds and flowers.

With a gentle touch, he brushes away the remaining leaves, revealing the weathered surface of two adjacent graves.

Despite the solemnity of the moment, my stupid eyes can’t help but linger on the subele display of his strength and arms, a fleeting distraction from what I’m supposed to be thinking.

“I had myself built this Villa after I lost my

y mother and sister Circenn’s voice forces me to look at his face.

“Oh” I find myself saying.

“I usually come here to sulk, or however you want to imagine it

1 tilt my 1

y head, trying to understand what he’s saying.

He gets on his feet and turns to me.

He gently dips his hand in both of his pants pockets and gawks at me.


actions seem a little attractive to me

“I lost my mother on my birthday Naomi. My fifteenth birthday, it was one I never ever want to forget and at the same time wanted to forget. It’s been years and I’m glad I’m over it, I won’t say I’m over it. But it doesn’t hurt anymore. It’s been over fifteen years.” He begins.

1 sigh.

Now I see where this is going. I didn’t know he had a sister.

A biological one.

“I’m sorry a


that” I say.

“Don’t be” His voice is thick and gruesome.

“And then on my twentieth birthday. I lost my sister. And let me tell you something Naomi, I felt cursed, I felt like my birthday was the most thirtiest thing. I hated myself and wished I wasn’t born. My father didn’t really care he lost his wife and daughter, he easily replaced them, while I died on the inside

Circenn’s face is a total blank, giving away nothing as he speaks.

But his voice is a different story. He sounds like he’s chewing glass, his words laced with a bitter resentment and discomfort that’s hard to miss. He’s clearly forcing himself to have this conversation, and it’s obvious he’d rather be doing just about anything else.

And I can’t help but feel my body fall into this sympathy for him.

But he doesn’t stop talking.

“On my twenty–second birthday. I got to inherit a company from my father as a birthday present. And let me tell you, going through grief while trying to run a company, isn’t something I’ll recommend. I tried jumping from a hotel’s penthouse to end my life. But hickily Ralph saw me,

Chapter 88

stopped me and beat the shit out of me. He stops to catch his breath and stares into space like he’s recalling something,

My jaw has dropped, and I’m struggling to wrap my head around what Circenn is telling me.

The similarities between our past stories are uncanny, and it’s like a punch to the gut. It’s a twisted coincidence that I wouldn’t wish on my worst


The parallels are too much to bear, and I’m reeling from the revelation.

It’s like we’ve both been through a similar hell, and it’s a painful connection that I never could have imagined.

“You see, after so much therapy that didn’t work, I decided to get my shits together, and Instead of hating my birthday and not celebrating it. I decided to stop blaming myself for my mom and sister’s death. It was a mere coincidence they died on my birthday, they could have literally died any other day but they died on my birthday, doesn’t make me unworthy. So well, I got both of them buried here, built this villa and come here every summer when I’m less busy to be grateful for life” He shrugs.

I don’t say a word and just stare at him.

Not all that glitter is gold, truly.

He takes a step closer to me.

I you to feel that w

“And I want you to feel

way too Naomi, you should look at it from the bright side”

“What bright side?” 1 tilt my head.

“That your family dying on your birthday means they value you too much to let it happen on any other boring day” He shrugs.

I scoff, a little laugh escaping my scoff, and I find myself rolling my eyes.

But he’s right, and I really don’t want to cry right now.

“I don’t know if you trying!

trying to console me seems really weird, or if I’m the weird one from trying to hold back


y tears“.

“You can cry. Go on” He shrugi.

I stare at him and notice a small smile escaping his lips


Why is he being so nice!

“But after crying, promise me, we’re going to make this birthday one that even your family’s ghost won’t be able to forget. It’s not okay to feel like shit every year” Circenn’s voice is quiet

I scoff again and laugh, wiping the tears that threaten to fall

Not today, not tonight.

Thank you Circenn,” I nod

He cocks his head to the side, his expression a mix of surprise and disbelief, as if he’s stunned that I’m thanking him. His eyes narrow slightly, and

his brow furrows.

“Really? You’re thanking me for this?” He smirks.

“Don’t make this weird” I roll my eyes

“It was a question. He pulls his hand out of his pocket.

He always feels like a different person when he’s nice and calm.

“I’m too st

sleepy to take in any word from now.” I shake my head.

“Well You’re welcome Naomi” He says, out of nowhere.

“You’re literally impossible” I shake my head. “But thanks for making me better, and yeah. I’m not ashamed to actually thank you!

“I’m not ashamed either” He says and beckons me to trail beside him as he makes his way back to the front foot of the villa

“You and Pay “Because we hate each other”

He smile

A soft smile that is almost contagious,

“Don’t we?” I retor. “We are always at each other’s neck. And you’re always so livid and unfair” I let the words out.

“We’re basically husband and wife. Isn’t that what married couples do?”

He gently places his hand over my shoulder to pull me closer to his side, and get me away from a tree branch that is being heavily manipulated by

the wind.

I roll my eyes, but let my head

rest gently on his

Loving the serene feeling that comes with the moment.



Status: Ongoing


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