Switch Mode

Entrapment 82

Chapter 82


As we make our way to the car, my legs suddenly give out, and I stumble, falling into Circenn’s strong arm.

He catches me with ease, his massive frame a sturdy pillar that keeps me upright.

He gently wraps his arm around me, holding me close, and steadies me, his warmth and strength enveloping me like a shield.

1 feel a sense of safety in his embrace, and I want to do more than an embrace.

His eyes, filled with concern, search mine, and I sense a deep connection, as if he’s willing me to stay strong, to fight against the forces that seek to destroy me.

Or maybe he could just be looking at me and this alcohol is just making me see things.

“Circenn,” I call softly. Watching our driver rush out of the car to open the car door for us

He looks at me.

“I think Veronic slipped something in my drink” 1 say

I always ignore my instincts, but this one tends to be kicking in a lot.

And the way she smiled at me.

“What?” Circenn looks at me in disbelief.

“Veronic slipped something in your drink or you’re just extremely drunk!” He says.

I fan myself with my hand, feeling like canned food.

“Five or six glasses, can get me a little drunk, just a little drunk, but not this crazy” I say.

“Crazy” Circenn asks. “How do you mean!”

I sigh and turn to our driver who is stiT i


our mida.

His expression is a perfect blend of exasperation and restrained frustration his face molded in a way that either suggests he’s suppressing a fart, or his eyes are bulging with a “what am I dealing with bere! sentiment.

He looks l

me he’s about to lose his patience and slap some sense into us, his hand still holding the door open with a sense of obligation

“I’m not getting into the car, I need fresh air” I say and watch him nod and close the door.

Seeing the tension between Circennandi. He leaves us to go stand on the other side of the car

“Now, can you elaborate!” Circenn stoffs

“I feel weird” I begin

“You feel weird and you think you feel so because somehow Veronic slipped something in your drink?”

I sigh.

I don’t know how to tell him I’m horny, it’s a bit embarrassing, saying it out loud.

Because what if nothing got slipped in my drink.

But it can’t be

I know something slipped in it and that’s why I feel like this.

My heart is beating faster than usual, and my legs are wobbly and begging to grind against each other to suppress the sensation I feel down there. I Just want to touch myself and get this over with!

And then this heat, it’s literally a cold night, this heat cannot be real.

I bite my lip and hold Circenn’s gaze

“Is there any drink that makes o

es one really, really

Chapter 52

1 pause

“Really what?” His eyes are so curious it’s making me feel so dreadful.

I look around to see if the cost is clear.

“I feel really horny” I say the last part

part almost quietly.

Circenn looks at me and I catch a smile he immediately suppresses.

“You’re homy?” He scots, adjusting his necktie like the word is having an effect on him.

“It’s really embarrassing,” I say.

I grab his hand without thinking and place his palm on my chest, and with no filter, I start to complain.

“My heart is beating in an abnormal manner, I feel hot all over, and my blood feels as if it is rising to my head. I feel humiliated that I am even feeling this way. Every man in there feels like a prey that I want to pounce on. I feel out of my mind, and I am certain that this is not truly me. You’ve seen me drunk before I shake my head, realizing I’m getting sobered up but something is still pulling me down.

“Okay calm down now, I believe you. But did you see Veronic slip anything into your drink?” He asks.

“No,” I shake my head. “I wasn’t paying attention. But she gave me a suspicious smile as we walked out just now.

“Naomi Circenn calls. “There are multiple pills and potions that can get anyone in your state and whatever drink you’ve had could have been for anybody, you’re lucky nothing bad has happened, ye

“Yet?” My eyes widen at his words.

“Yes,” He nods.


“And basically the most common trashy pills used among this part of the city and patties like this can be aphrodisiac or Viagra.”

“Shar” Islam. “Drugs that make your sex drive ignite and go out of reach?” I almost yell.

“That’s what you’re struggling with,” Circeno shrugs.

“Shit” I curse.

Circenn scoffs.

“Be calm”

His gaze is fixed on me, a mixture of amusement and mockery dancing in his eyes, a sly smile playing on his lips.

But there’s something more, a subtle, enigmatic glint that lingers in his eyes, a hint of secrets untold, and mysteries unspoken.

His expression is definitely screaming that he holds the upper hand to something I do not know

The smile, the glint, the knowing look – it’s all a calculated game, and I feel like a pawn in a grand scheme,

“You won’t possibly drug me Circenn. Now, would your

I let the words out without thinking, yet again.

He pauses

“Naomi,” He scoff. “You’d suspect me?”

If he washes that smile off his lips, it’ll make my suspicion less harder.

No, but-

“Let’s just head home” He cuts me off.

I shake my head “I can’t, the car feels like a box and my symptoms will probably get worse I sigh, now pacing around like a wet dog, looking for

Girenn sighs and goes quiet.

I want to hit my nails as it is one of my anxious habits, but is is properly fixed and it looks pretty with its nail polish and has diamond stones on it.

Chapter 82

Darn it.

I turn to Circenn and he raises his eyebrows at me.

“Is there any way I can help?”

Any way?

There are so many ways he could help me right now.

1 gulp.

“I don’t know”

1 say.

“You can ask me for anything

Naomi, come on”

His tone is so serious that I feel my heart respond to it in one go.




Status: Ongoing


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