Switch Mode

Entrapment 73

Chapter 73


“Is this what you do when I’m asleep?”

I’m startled by Circenn’s gruff tone, and my hand instinctively jerks back, ready to withdraw from his face,

I freaking thought he was asleep!

Before I can pull away, his hand shoots out and wraps around my wrist, his fingers closing around it like a gentle vice.


That was really fast of him.

He holds me in place, his grip firm but not harsh, as if refusing to let me retreat.

My hand hovers near his face, suspended in mid–air, as our eyes lock in a tense, wordless and not understanding.

The sudden jolt of his touch sends a shiver down my spine, and I feel my heart race in response.

“I didn’t mean t–to” I stutter.

“No,” He scoffs, “You sure took your time on my f face, didn’t feel like an unintentional action to me” He adds.

“It was a mistake” I cough, like a fool. Internally cursing myself for getting my hands get the best of fine.


Circenn is looking at me so intensely and I have literally nothing to say.

Why did I fucking do that?!

It’s not like I couldn’t see how gorgeous he is, but that’s not the point! We’ve been at each other’s throats for days, and now my hand is just lingering on his face like a traitor.

It’s all so… awkward.

I try to pull my hand back again, but his grip remains firm, holding me in

me in place.

I feel a flush rise to my cheeks as I realize how intimate this moment is, and how utterly confusing. One minute we’re snarking at each other, the next… this.

I’m so conflicted! And this time, this one is my fault.


let me go I resort to begging.

“You touched me first” He taunts.


This man is twice as

much as I always expect.

I roll my cy


shut, and he takes a deep moment to reopen them, as if rebooting his sleepy system.

“Fine. I’m sorry” 1 roll

As he releases my wrist, his eyes drift sh

The slow, deliberate movement draws my attention and I find myself mesmerized by t the sharp angles and defined lines that make up his features. Hold it together Naomi

to gleam with a newfound intensity, and I’m struck by the sheer beauty of his eyes, up close and personal.

His eyelids lift, revealing eyes that seem to

It’s now a repeated routine of my brain, taking notice of things I shouldn’t.

Itat the proximity of his is almost overwhelming, making my heart race and my breath catch in my throat

Chapter 73

It’s as if I’m seeing him for the first time, and the effect is nothing short of captivating


“Do I have something on my face?” He asks, his voice thick and grumpy.

I finally look away.

“You don’t,” 1 say sternly.

“I just pretend I do” He replies heavily and 1 feel part of his breath as he exhales

I purse my lips together and decide to vouch for silence.

It’s simply the best solution in this awkward moment.

“You’re so confusing Naomi Circenn breathes out.

I gulp.

“I’m sorry” the words leave my mouth before I can even think of it.

“Don’t apologize and try to make me understand you” He scoffs

Lurely above a w

“Maybe I don’t understand myself either, we both don’t, I mutter, my voice b


With a sigh, I dip onto my side, turning my back to him like a rebellious child seeking refuge in silence.

Iyank the covers up over my shoulder, creating a protective barrier between us.

“Good night Circenn” I say

Thope he understands this is a clear dismissal, a signal that I’m done with the conversation and the confusing emotions that come with it.

As I burrow into the safety of my pillow, I can feel my heart still racing, my mind still reeling from the tension.

I wake up the next morning with a start, my eyes flying open to a bright,

Grogginess gives way to panic as I realize I’ve overslept.

sun–filled room.

But as I sit

sit up and rub the sleep from my eyes, I’m hit with a stark realization.

I have nothing to do. No job to rush to, no deadlines to meet

The thought sends a wave of anxiety washing over me

I’ve quit my job at the company, thanks to Charles Dickson’s manipulations. Now, I’m left with a gaping void where my career once was.

God I hate this life.

This world of Carcenn and his past and present feels so twisted to be in.

I get out of bed and spend a bounty amount of time in the bathroom before making my way out of the bedroom.

The moment I get close to the living area, my heart punches itself.

As I make my way down the stairs, my footsteps slow to a crawl.

My eyes scan the room, taking in the tense atmosphere that’s polpable enough to choke on

On the couch, Kimberly and Hannah lounge comfortably, but their relaxed demeanor only serves to heighten the contrast with the electric tetisaatt emanating from the men right in front of them

Circean and his father, Mr. McCain, sit opposite the couch, their postures rigid and their expressions stern.

The air is heavy with unspoken words and unresolved issues, making my heart race with armcipation.

Chapter 73

What the hell is going on!

They all turn to me and I can feel my knees go weak.

I can feel the weight of their gaze on me, like a spotlight shining bright, and I know that this is a moment of reckoning

I look around the entire house to see all the maids have fled the scene, with only Elena hiding in the nook of the kitchen pillar that divides the living area from the kitchen.

She eyes me to ignore her presence and I do, instead settling them on Circenn.

“Good morning?” I begin my gaze shifting to Eddie.

His eyes, a mirror image of Circenn’s, gleam with a hint of disapproval, and his nod is curt, lacking any warmth. A forced smile twists his lips, looking more like a grimace than a genuine expression of joy. It’s clear he’s not thrilled to see me, and the tension between us is horrible.

“We’ve been waiting for you Naomi Gilmore”

Kimberly suddenly says with a full smile on her face.


What the hell is she on about?



Status: Ongoing


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not work with dark mode