Switch Mode

Entrapment 38

Chapter 38


I swiftly snatch up the towel that has slipped in the concrete humanly possible.

ete floor and wrap it around my body in a flash, trying to cover myself up as quickly as

My cheeks are burning so fiercely that I’m convinced they’re about to burst into flames. How could I be so reckless and exposed in front of Circent I glance up at him, and he’s gazing at me like I’m some kind of wild animal, a Billy goat or something!

His eyes are fixed on me with a mixture of surprise and amusement, and I can’t help but wonder what’s running through his mind.

I feel like I’ve been caught red–handed, and my face is screaming with embarrassment. I try to play it cool, but my heart is racing, and I’m pretty sure I’m about to die from mortification.

“Excuse me” I stutter and dash into the walk–in closet like a criminal

It takes me a moment to regain all my senses and burn down the furry feeling settling at the bottom of my gut.

Circon just fuckin‘ saw me naked! I feel like exploding! My mind is racing, my heart is pounding, and my face is on fire. I’m mortified.

Absolutely mortified. I can’t believe I was so careless, so reckless, so stupid! How could I let this happen! I must be the most idiotic person on the planer

I know it’s not my fault and certainly an accident but why wasn’t I more careful!

As I grab a T–shirt and some loose pants, I sigh

I’m still really trying to wrap my head around the fact that Circenn, of all people, saw me in all my naked glory

The thought of it makes me want to scream, cry, and die from embarrassment all at once. I’m completely and utterly humiliated.

Why, universe, why I need a hole to crawl into and hide forever.

This is a disaster, a catastrophe, a total and complete mess.

I know I shouldn’t be that worried, because if I act in any weird way he would blurt out like the man he is and say

“I gave you two boys. What are you so shy about?

He gave me two boys alright.

But does he actually remember how it went! How I literally begged for his attention. How I literally wanted to sleep with him for money.

He doesn’t even remember anything from that night, needless to say how my body looks

So it is more than a bit weird for me that he just saw my freaking naked body.

I walk out of the closet and dear my throat like nothing has happened.

just seen me stark naked.

As the most versatile person on earth, Circenn is sitting at the end of the bed, focused on his phone like he hadn’t just seen

Ugh, I hate how this bothers me so much! It’s infuriating that he can so calmly ignore what just happened, like it was no big deal.

Meanwhile. I’m over here dying from embarrassment, my heart still racing from the shock.

How can he be so nonchalant about it?! Did he not just see me in all my nudeness!! I feel like I’ve been stripped bare, not just physically but emotionally too.

And yet, he’s just sitting there, scrolling through his phone like he’s oblivious to my distress.

It’s like he’s enjoying my discomfort or something! I can’t stand it. I need to get out of here before I lose my mind completely.

I clear my throat and he turns to me

“What” He snaps like I’m disturbing his privacy.

I shrug and he sighs.

“Do you have anything to say?”

No. I do not need to hear anything from him but..

Chapter 38

I shake my head, immediately thinking of something che to talk abou..

“The kids say you’re taking them to some water park. I begin.

hat I’m trying to ease my mind and redirect my thoughts and subjects.

Completely aware that I’m

very right to decide for me.

“I am. We’re all going. This Wednesday” He nods, like I am not my own human being and he has every

“Cimoni” I call

*You should talk about these things with me before making promises. What if I am busy on Wednesday?”

He sco’s and drops his phone.

“Then you cancel every schedule you have and come have fun with your boys.

I want to have fun with my kids but he’s making me sound like I don’t want to

Like I am some sort of bad mom who doesn’t want to hang out with her own kids.

“Oh you make it sound so easy. Cancel! Do you think I am by own boss?”

I narrow my eyes at him.

“Then do you want me to talk to your boss?” He shrugs.

I pause.

I don’t know what else to say.

“You can’t just talk your way out through anything you know” 1 say, shaking my head.

“I’m Circenn. So yes, I can” He gets on his feet.

I scoff, rolling my res

“So get your swimsuit or bathing suit, whatever you wear at a pool party ready, because we’re taking the boys out on Wednesday” He says like it is an order before leaving the room

I scoff out so loud my throat almost falls through

I really can’t stand Circenn.

y he makes these rules like he’s some demigod

The way

I breathe out a sigh and call for Elena.

After promising to help me brew a cup of coffee so I can stay awake and work on a few projects I have in mind.

I don’t know when my eyes start to open and close slowly before leaving me to finally drift off to sleep.

I open my eyes the next morning to meet an empty room.

I want to wonder where Circenn had fallen asleep until 1 hear muffled voices coming from downstairs.

I let my legs lead m

me down the stairs straight, instead of going to the bathroom. Because I am having some strange feeling at the botto

bottom of my gut.

I get to the living area and there I meet Circenn, staring intensely at the iPad in his hand.

“You’re awake” He sounds stern.

“Take a look at this” He interrupts me and passes me his ipad.

The maids around look frightened and one by one they all start to walk away.

1 look at Elena for help, so give me a hint on what’s going on, but she just avoids my eyes and walks away.

I slowly look down at the iPad, and my eyes almost pop out when I see myself smiling greatly at Charles Dickson at the restaurant we went to yesterday. There’s a dangerous news headline at the top of the photo and a red outline around my face.

11:36 AM

Chapter 38

What the fuck!

“You’re cheating on me…”

Circenn slowly gets on his feet.



Status: Ongoing


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not work with dark mode