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Entrapment 20

Chapter 20


I open my eyes to meet the harsh sun, which immediately slaps my eyes and causes me to shut them back.

I let out a stretch and slowly sat up, feeling every part of my body ache.

I open my eyes and look around the room

My head starts to blow up

It is not just the hangover, it is the little memory that starts to seep in from last night.

I take my time to process everything that has happened before getting on my feet and wobbling my way towards the living area,

I don’t recall everything that happened last night, but I cannot forget the spurring image of me kissing Circenn.

Gosh. I must be crazy.

I hold my head as I walk

When I notice the house is quiet, I sigh.

Good thing Cirenn is not here.

Ilk around the living area. It feels as though someone is striking a nerve in my head.

It’s not like I can remember it all, but I recall him walking in on me, dancing, and

I just giving me

ne a kiss.

I hate when I drink. It’s been ages since I drank this mach.

I don’t want to think about what happened last night.

I’ve been refraining from alcohol all my life–well, not all my life. Just one time, almost two years ago, when our company bagged a contract with solid higher–ups, we celebrated with alcohol, and I made a big fool out of myself after drinking more than I could handle

I felt sorry for Maggie that day. After putting my babies to sleep, she had to tend to their mother–their big, careless mother, who didn’t stop when she had to

I step into the bathroom and almost scream at my own reflection.

My hair is disheveled, and my face looks like I haven’t drank water in three years. My eyes are puffy, and my lips are as hard as a rock.

Nausea hits, and I find myself running to the toilet to throw up.

I cannot allow anyone to see me in this state.

I haven’t felt as horrible as I feel now. My inside feels soggy. and my head keeps feeling like it is about to fall.

I can’t go home in this state.

I go for a mouth and face rinse before hurrying into the living room to call Maggie.

Circenn’s face and body make me freeze, and I stop four feet away from where my phone is.

“You” is all I can say.

“Your” He scoffs

He is wearing a different outfit today, not the same suit as yesterday.

The texture of his hair–is coar and the white shirt he’s wearing is somewhat transparent

His washed blue jeans appear to be brand new, and there is an undeniable air of casual elegance about him. He appears more friendly and approachable without giving off a strictly professional vibe.

But this is unfair. Look at him looking all handsome and clean, and here I am, with a puke stain on my robe and my hair. Gosh, I look and feel like a released animal from the 200.

This is embarrawing.


Chapter 20

“Mommyl Mommy-“Jake and Blake’s voice calling out in unison almost chokes me to death, and I spin around to see them running out of the bedroom.

When the hell did they all get here!

“Why are you guys here?” I throw my hands up in the air, squirming as the headache slams against my eyes again.

Fuck! I hate this!

“They wanted to see you so badly Circenn says as he walks in front of them

I immediately notice the three of them are in matching outfits, and I throw my head back

Thaven’t worn matching outfits with my boys yet.

Why is he so quick with everything!

“Nice outfits,” I point out, glaring at him.

“We’re all over the news; I’m giving everyone what they want, and besides, I’ve always wanted to do this when I have kids. And look, they’re my kids. He points at the twins.

He turns around, and I am able to see that there is writing on the back of his shirt

“World coolest dad?” 1 scoff out loud.

“Yeah!” Blake jumps excitedly

“Read mine, mommy,” He turns

around for me.

I say, rolling my eyes. “Son of the world’s coolest dad”

Jake’s shirt has the same print.

“I didn’t take you for a juvenile,” I say to Cirenn

“Your lone sounds like envy But do not worry, I have yours done too

“Let me guess, you wrote the world’s coolest mom too.” I ask.

“Naomi” He gives me a smile. “You’re not cool. I wrote the wife of the world’s coolest dad

I shake my head at his wittiness.

“What are you guys doing here anyway?” I press, my headache growing

“We are going on an ice cream date,” Jake says

“A what?” I scoff.

“That’s what Daddy said,” Blake says, resting on my legs.

“Roys,” I turn to Circenn. I feel like crap, and you want me to go on a date! We just got married yesterday: why are you in such a rush!”

“Oh, don’t stress about it. The ice cream date is just for the three of us. They whined that they wanted to see you so much, and I gave my boys what they wanted”

“Well, boys, are we done seeing her?” Circenn asks. His voice is fun and carefree.

“Yes.” They reply in unison.

“Now give your mom one last hug so we can leave.”

They listen to Circen, then come to wrap their little hands around my legs

It warms my heart, and I look up at Circenn. He gives me a warm look that I can’t decipher.

“New In

let’s go, we’ll make sure to bring mom some ice cream. Circent takes the boys away from me.

y make their way towards the door, Circenn’s body pivots to face me directly

Chapter 20

is sweet and a bit sour. Make sure to finish the bottle, and you’ll feel like yo

“I bought some hangover juice, It’s on the food table; it is taking a good rest.”“

“Oh.” I am caught by surprise.

“Thank you,” I say, not knowing how to react.

Can he be this caring

He feels like an entirely different person.

He nods and catches up with the twins.

“Bye, Mommy,” they both call out while walking out of the suite.

I wave back at them and throw them kisses

I pause.

A long pruse allows my mind to think about a multitude of things

I don’t know what to exhibit, so I just sigh

Is this what a two–parent system feels like?

Does it always feel this refreshing!

Nothing can ever beat this feeling

The feeling of knowing your kids are in safe hands.

Now, when Maggie and 1 get

s simultaneously.

get extremely busy or I want to take the kids out but I can’t, there’s always Circenn.

I follow his instructions and take the hangover remedy, feeling a sense of relief wash over me.

Next to it, I notice a thoughtful gesture: a plate of toasted bread and a glass of freshly squeezed orange juice,

I take a small bite of the east, savoring the crispy texture and subtle flavor. Feeling a sense of gratitude and comfort, I make my way to the bed, where I succumb to one of the most calming naps of my life.

The softness of the bed and the gentle silence of the room enveloped me, and I let out a contented sigh as my exhaustion melted away.

As the weekend’s calmness is abruptly sucked away by the arrival of Monday, I find myself struggling to maintain my composure in my office. The cacophony of murmurs and hushed conversations from nearby workstations is making me twitchy, and I’m fighting the urge to fidget in my

The sudden transition from relaxation to the hustle and bustle of workday chaos is so not fun, and I’m trying to mentally prepare myself for the day ahead not to come to the office to hear my subordinates talk about how Circenn is a good match for someone else and not me.

Being the company’s head manager doesn’t mean people will fully respect you.


They will talk a lot about you and spread gossip about you.

It is disturbing

It should not be a crime that I married a billionaire who’s so close to being a trillionaire.

I can’t focus.

A small knock comes into my office door, and my secretary, Alison, walks in.

“Mrs Gilmore

She shakes her head. “I’m sorry. Mrs. McCain What should I call you? You’re married now,” she says, looking scared.

I sigh, “Mayrine that both off your tongue.”


Chapter 20

She nods.

“Mr. Charles Dickson has arrived.”

My body makes a heavy beat. Not my heart.

“He has!” My eyebrows go up.

Yes, they have carefully led him to the conference room

I get on my feet. “Thank you, Alison.”

She nods and walks out.

I grab the bottle of water next to me and chug it down like my life matters.

Mr. Charles Dickson owns MT Beauty, one of the city’s best cosmetics empires.

His company is a household name, and his products are coveted by millions. He is a sec approach to marketing and his commitment to sustainability,

a secretive man whom I have admired for his innovative

I have been sending a proposal for a collaboration for almost nine months now, but I haven’t gotten a response.

Well, not until now.

I am nervous. He has a big name and is a secretive man who barely shows his face. He doesn’t just own the MT Beauty empire. He also owns many retail stores and their subsidiaries

I take a deep breath.

You can

can do this. Naomi.



Status: Ongoing


  1. Evelyn Neville says:

    This story so intriguing and gripping every chapter well thought out… I’m looking forward to read the more challenging chapters of their lives in this novel, a more romantic, loving and challenging parts. Thank you.

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