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Entrapment 1

Chapter 1


As the saying goes, that when life gives you lemons you make lemonade.

But this isn’t lemons at all, this is real and no lemonade is coming out of it.

“It’s nothing out of the ordinary Naomi. But congratulations, you’re just a week and four days pregnant Dr. Houston beams at me and suddenly I can’t feel my legs

I pause, slowly dropping the bottle of lemonade in my hand.

Hald on

No way.

I immediately burst out laughing, trying to understand the crap my doctor’s spitting right now.

“You’re joking, right?” My voice is soft as I take a proper seat on the hospital bed.

Dr. Housten who has been our family’s most trusted and close doctor for years even before my parent’s death, shakes his head at me and I suddenly see that his eyes holds nothing but bewilderment and seriousness.

Sh L

“Naomi, have I ever joked about anything?” He raises his brows at me and my heart skips a beat.

He’s right!

Dr. Housten doesn’t joke, he’s a miserable man in his fifties who would rather watch sitcoms than be at the hospital,

His words not mine.

“So what do you mean it’s nothing out of the ordinary? What do you mean pregnant?” My voice is loud as I get on my feet immediately.

I did not pay over a hundred dollars for a test just to receive you’re pregnant crap.

His mouth falls open.

“You’re pregnant… I’m sure you know what pregnancy is. The nausea, morning sicknesses, it’s all symptoms of your first trimester of pregnancy, why do you not sound happy?” Dr. Houston shakes his head

How could I sound happy!

I shake my head,

“Happy? I’m sorry, but this could be something else, like a fever or some sort of illness that needs at least two certain pills to cure! My voice is hoarse as I try to breathe properly the same time.

“I’m the doctor here Naomi and I do not work the wonders in your body. You’re pregnant” Dr. Housten sighs, walking over his desk to grab a few


Suddenly nausea hits and I want to throw up till I pass out.

This couldn’t be happening

It’s been two weeks since I started having unusual symptoms and just when I decided to take time off work and come pay Dr. Housten a visit

He tells me I’m pregnant.

This is seriously unbelievable!

It’s like waking up one morning and hearing your entire family died in a car accident, everything will suddenly feel like a dream, it’ll become hard to believe, you’re trying to think and breathe at the same time and then you get a phone call to tell you it’s the police and everything is sure real.

And now Pregnant?

I don’t plan to have a baby until never!

Chapter 1

My world cannot just crash like u

this again, just because of a night I made the biggest mistake of my entire life.


I want to cry,

but my brain is still too shocked to produce tears.

I want to move but my legs feels numb.

“Naomi?” Dr. Housien calls. “You’re okay, right?” He squints his eyes at me

I raise my head to look at him. But I don’t say a word and let the water in my eyes assemble.

He sights.

“Is the father of your child aware of this?”

Father of my child?

The word father suddenly makes me shrick..

1 get on my feet

“The father of my child..” I shake my head.

“Well Naomi, I believe you’ll need to consort him. Just in case you have any decision in mind, about the baby” He briefly glances at my stomach.

1 let my tears fall and hear Dr. Housten sigh.

“You do know the father of your child right” Dr. Housten asks, in the most calm and anxious way

I know he cares about me, ever since my parent’s death from ten years ago. Dr. Housien has filled a lot of guardianship places in my life.

And I do know the father of my child, like I know my face when I see it in a reflection.

And he is not someone any one could confront

I’m scared.

Life definitely gave me rocks and not lemons.

I walk out of the hospital with a horrible feeling of derealiation

My sight becoming blurry and my chest so tight I can barely breathe.

The last thing I want is a baby!

I can barely make ends meet with my job as a waitress in a night club.

I live alone in a tiny, claustrophobic looking rooftop apartment that’s still hefty for my monthly living

Ever since I lost my entire family to a car accident, it’s been hell for me. And all of a sudden there’s a baby to finally bring me down to my feet.

My water, light and food bills are already killing me and i am a week and four days pregnant!

Why does the universe hate me! The people at work hate me, my old job everyone hated me too, all my life even as a child in school I was never liked. Why am I entitled to such bad luck!

Dr. Housten’s words replays in my head about consorting the baby’s father and it causes my stomach to twist in an uncertain way-

I start to cry like a child, drawing attention from taxi drivers waiting for their passengers and passersby.

But I don’t care.

It is exhausting and scary and is hurts so bad, I know nothing about being pregnant or babies.

And the father?

I glance at the tallest skyscraper in the city of Quiens as my tears fall to my checks.

It is that one building that is seen from any angle of the city and is known for owning and maintaining half of Quiens wealth.


Chapter 1

And it is owned by Circenn St. McCain. The city’s untouchable Billionaire, CEO of HT Group, who in a few years might become a trillionaire; as it is said in the papers every day.

I am aware who the father of my baby is and it is the almighty Circenn St. McCain, and it hurts and I am scared.

Despite his admirable face being on billboards, newspapers and magazines as the man of the hour and role models for every business men.

He is not someone everyone can reach or talk to.

Definitely not someone like me.

He doesn’t even know who I am. My existence rather.

I sob as i try not to recall the night it all happened and how much it feels scary now.

It was all a mistake, What we had that night to mislead us, was him being a drunk flirt and me being tempted by money.

As a lady who struggles to make end meets every single day of her pathetic life. I sold myself short.

It was that one night I was asked to serve one of our VIP guest of our night club, I didn’t want to ruin anything. I wanted a raise in my pay.

I knew who he was, we were all strictly warned. Not to say no to him or any of his guest.

Everyone worships Circenn St. McCain, and I was bound to too, if I wanted the raise in my pay, I was to listen to my boss and listen to him in any way I could

Because Circenn coming to Etheral’s club was a big deal to my boss, and as her subordinates, as we believe that a tip from him or any of his men could actually do more than what we earn a month, had us all into doing whatever it is to please Circenn, including me.

Not to get fired, not to say no to him. I ended up in bed with him.

It was just a one night thing, he’s probably forgotten all about it. I’m sure he doesn’t remember that night.

But here I am, finding out I am carrying his child.

Did I get his money? No I did not.

But I dumbly ended up with his baby instead.

How do I even solve this?



Status: Ongoing


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