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Bitter 90

Chapter 90 Just det Lost

As I was leaving the Harmon residence, Bob and Darius familles were still there fan told us to leave first, saying that Lily would stay with him and that he’d handle the rest. I was more than happy to wold the ensuing arguments

an had made the final decision, and there was nothing more to discus

In the car, Leonard cautiously asked, “Are we heading back to Emma’s place?”

“Let’s go home.”

I turned to look out the window, not wanting to look at him. He seemed momentarily stunned but quickly nodded.

“Horse, yes. Going home is best. We should go home.”

The entire ride, he kept trying to start conversations, but I didn’t want to say a single word. He also tried to ask what lan and had talked about, although I didn’t want to answer. I had so many questions myself, but i was too exhausted to ask.

As soon as we got home, Leonard pulled me into a tight embrace.

“Eva, I know you hate me, but please, I’m begging you. Give me one more chance, okay? Let’s not get divorced. You can do whatever you want. Just please don’t leave me.

He kept whispering in my ear, and I was truly led up.

“Fine, we won’t get divorced.”

“what did you say?” he asked.

“If you want to leave, that’s fine tou,” answered.

1 looked at him expressionlessly, and he immediately jumped up

*Eva, believe me. I’ll treat you well. We won’t fight anymore, I promise. Thank you for giving me another chance. Thank you, really!!

He hugged me tightly and kissed me hard. Then, he quickly cummaged through his pockets and pulled out our wedding rings

“Eva, since we’re not getting divorced, shouldn’t you”

Before he could finish, Isipped the ring back onto my linger

“Is this good enough?”

Leonard nodded dumbly, and returned to the bedroom to search for my nightgow

The familar yet foreign feeling on my ring finger caught my attention. I looked at the wedding ring–it need to have been rested, now fitting me perfectly.

That was typical of Leonard, always paying attention to the smallest details.

When he treated you well, you felt like the whole world was yours. But when he didn’t…

I shook my head hard, pulling out a random nightgown and a pair of panties.

Given the situation, couldn’t stay at Emma’s place anymore. Otherwise, the media would have a field day. But I wasn’t going to sleep in the same bed as Leonard, especially not the bed that Lily might have slept in.

Seeing my actions, Leonard panicked again.

“Eve, didn’t you say you were coming back home? Are you leaving again?”

I’m not leaving. I’m just going to take a bath. Then, I’m heading to the guest room.”

I grabbed my change of clothes and headed to the bathroom.

I could feel him pacing outside the bathroom door for the longest tune, but he didn’t come in. Even if he had, I would have kicked him out.

The thought of him having a child with another woman made me physically sick. When I thought of Lily being pregnant, Tacholy started to gag.

“Eva? Eva? Are you okay?”

Leonard was knocking on the door now, his voice filled with concem

Sensing that he was about to come in, 1 quickly wrapped myself in a towel, not wanting him to see the scars on my chest. I had led to him before, saying it was fromacyst. removal, and he had actually beloved it.

But I doubted the same excuse would work again, and he might start getting suspicious.

Leonard opened the door, just a crack.

*w, are you feeling sick?s it your stomach?


I slowly stood up, facing away from him.

“Get some soup for me,” I told him.

He agreed immediately and left. I stood there, leaning against the wall for a long time.

Leonard didn’t stop me from moving to the guest room in fact, he table, found had no appetite.

went so far as to change the bed sheets and covers for me. However, as I looked at the bowl of soup on the

Lying in the guest bed, counted sheepower and over. I remembered what the doctor had said. If there’s a third recurrence, I’m done for

The next day at work, Emma sneakily pulled me aside, and thiefly explained what had happened. She was stunned, unable to speak for minutes

“Eesma, I’m moving back to Lennard’s. When you have time, you can come park your things.”

“No way!” Exena immediately refused. “He’s not a good man, and now there’s that child in Lily’s belly. Why are you going back?

She lowered her voice, but people still turned to look at us. I pulled her to the end of the hallway, making sure no one was around blue speaking

Chapter 90 Just Get Lost

“Leonard has been investigating my dad’s death. I think something is fishy about it. He’s been protecting my mom all this time, too. I real

“Harmon Group needs me as Mrs. Harmon to keep things stable. I can’t leave.”

Emma looked at me with a mix of pity and sadness. “Eva, are you really going to raise someone else’s child? You’re Eva, you know!”

I lowered my head. The old Eva had died long ago.

She died once when my parents did when Leonard married and humiliated me. Another time was on the operating table during the secon

I was about to speak when a nauseatingly sweet voice interrupted me.

“Ms. Green, Ms. Carter, what are you two whispering about instead of working?”

Lily stood there, smugly looking at me, with Luca trailing behind her.

When I ignored her, she stepped forward, clearly irritated.

“Eva, I’m talking to you. Can’t you be someone useful to the Harmon Group? If you’re just here to slack off, just get lost!”



Status: Ongoing


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