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Bitter 87

Chapter 87 The Jane Family’s Kindred

with no further cooperation needed from the police, I took a cab back to the Harmon residence.

Ghen the recent upheaval in the Harmon family, I couldn’t stay with Emma any longer. Moreover, Leonard was only pretending to be gravely ill, so I needed to report on company matters to him daily, making it easier for him to manipulate things remetely.

As soon as opened the villadoor, I was met with an unexpected sight.

Besides Bob and his family, Lily was sitting provocatively on the sofa in the living room. Her hand was resting on her abdomen, and she was brimming with self–satisfaction.

I was stunned for a few seconds, unable to comprehend what was happening.

Ivy, lounging on the sola, handed Lily a fruit and shot me a disdainful glance.

“Some hens that don’t lay eggs should be retired. Since Lily is now carrying Leonard’s child, shouldn’t she be given a proper statis?

Bob chimed in, “That’s right. The child of the Harmon family can’t be an illegitimate one. We need to ensure they are recognized!”

The two of them were in sync, while Luca quietly sipped his tea from the side, glancing at me from the comer of his eye.

Meanwhile, tan looked on with a cold, detached expression.

Leonard approached and took my hand. He attempted to explain, but Bob interrupted again. “Leonard, you’re the last hope of your line. You can’t let the family die out! If this were ancient times, Eva could be divorced after three years without a child!”

At those words, Leonard froze, then span around in anger. “This isn’t ancient times! My family affairs are none of your business!”

After he turned back to me, I gently pushed his hand away. I was not interested in his explanations.

1 smiled and walked to a corner before taking seat.

“I just came back from the police station. It seems they’re looking for Ms. Jane.”

Lily shrank in frer toward Ivy, who immediately became displeased.

“Eva, what do you mean by that? Are you hoping the Harmon family’s child will be born in prison? You truly have ill intentions. You can’t have children yourself, and you won’t let anyone else have them? If you weren’t incapable, would Leonard need so many women?”

“Aunt by, this is my family matter. It’s not your place to interfere!”

Leonard blocked my view while struggling to control his anger, but I wasn’t particularly upset–Thad never intended to have children with him.

Bob gave him a disdainful look. “Your health is so poor. Cas you even have children? This might be your last chance!”

I glanced at Ian. He remained silent, but he clearly understood the situation. It was obvious that Lily was aligned with Bob’s family, and her approach to Leonard was orchestrated by them

Lily looked at me pleadingly with tear–streaked cheeks

“Eva, I know you don’t like me, but the child is innocent. You wouldn’t want to see Leonard’s bloodline end, would you? Leonard, do you really not want me and the baby? Didn’t you always say you wanted your own child and a family? +

Her words not only stung Leonard but also deeply hart me.

Iknew he wanted children, and I knew he wanted a family. As an orphan, his only wish was to have a blood relative and be with someone he loved.

1struggled to keep my eyes dry and fought back tears

She suddenly dropped to her knees in front of Leonard and me. Tears streamed down her face without restraint

“I’m sorry, Eva. Inever meant to frame you. You were just in the wrong place at the wrong time.

“Vera went too far. She was my best friend, but she exposed you, nined Leo’s reputation, and caused Harmon Group’s stock price to fall. I just wanted to teach her a lesson…I didn’t mean for things to go so wrong. I panicked and ran away 1 didn’t expect the police would arrest you. I’m truly sorry!”

Her casual admission of such a serious crime was shocking. What was even more adonishing was that Bob’s family was still protecting her.

Ivy pulled Layup sympathetically, “What are you doing? You’ve done great things for the Harmon family. Why are you kneeling? Stop crying. It’s bad for the baby if you cry during your pregnancy”

The show of sympathy from everyone was truly theatrical

I took out my phone and dialed 911, but lan’s care suddenly hit my phone. He lightly tapped it and then shook his head at me.

1 hesitated for a moment, then nodded and put my phone away.

With Lily carrying Leonard’s child, Jan wasn’t going to let her be neglected.

“Gay, please show Ms. Jane to the guest room.”

by gave Lily knowing glance, and she promptly followed the butter upstairs

I understood that they were planning to have her stay here.

As soon as she entered the room, Darius and his family hurried over

Eroh nished to say, “Uncle Tan, this is unacceptable. We can’t just accept any child. We must be sure of whose child it is!TM

Tarius was muually reserved. His face turned red. “Yes, Leah is right.”

hugulleil nun several photos and documents from his bag.

jooman is definitelyhading something. There’s something wrong with her!”



Status: Ongoing


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