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Bitter 37

Chapter 37 Pay the Money

Leonard’s expression kept shifting an he stared at me.

the other hand, Lily, who was standing next to him, quarkly reacted and grabbed the divorce agreement.


broking at him with a pitiable expersion “Since Evil”

“Get lost!” Leonard shouted, beating the divorce agreement to shreds in a fitofcage.

Hr glared at me with eyes full of fury. “Ea! You’re really something else!”

tsmiled, already ancipating his traction. Silently pulled out another copy of the agreement from my bag. Fors fine,” Baalid calmly. The printed several copies. You can tear up as many as you want.”

n. Deciding not to cause any more trouble, I put the agreement away
As was about to and him the agreement, Troticed the janitor watching us with a troubled expression. “Iya, did you plan on getting a divorce from the start Leonard demanded.

“I knew! How could Zack suddenly come back? Clearly, you two have been in touch all along he continued, his voice rising.

“He was relentlessly pursuing you back in school, and as he still can’t let go. So, you want a divorce, right? You must be leaving me for him!” Leonard shouted, his eyes with male as he wanted to tear me apart.

Zack immediately stopped in front of me and said, “Leonard, you’re being unreasonable! Do you think everyone is le you–cheating on though you’re married, having an affair, and then shamelessly bringing it up in front of your wife?”

Zack added, his voice firm, “Act like a real man, and don’t pin the blame on your wife!

It was my festtime sering tack this, 1 was surprised. I looked at him in astonishment.

He then tumed to me with a gentle smile and said, “Don’t worry. It’s fine.”

nodded instinctively

“Eva, come here!” Leonard shouted, pointing angrily at me and trying to pull me over, but Zack grabbed his wist

At that moment, the police stepped in, unable to stand by any longer. “What’s going on here? Are you planning to get physical and hit your wide?

Lay quickly hugged Leonard’s arm and said, “Lo, calm down. Just forget it. Eva, can’t you say something for your husband? whose wife are you, away? Are you just going to

and by and watch to get beaten?”

She looked at me with a sense of grievance, as if I were the nebullying them at that moment, I had to admice her. Even after all this, she didn’t seem the least bit embarrassed. “Lily, whose we are you? Lasked. “Why are you here?”

My intention was to provoke her into silence, but she only grew angrien

she replied, “Ew, don’t you know whose side I’m on? You chung to Leo back them, insisting on marrying him. Now, you’re insisting on getting a divorce just to get his attention?

“You two have no feelings left for each other, so just let him go! Why can’t you let him po?”

Ishowed the divorce agreement into her hands and said, “If you represent him, then sign here.”

“Alright officer, it seems that there’s nothing more to mediate Let’s proceed with detaining him”

“Yes, the other party an’t planning to apologize “Zack added

“Apologie? Desam on!” Leonard shouted, trying to move toward me again. Lily struggled to hold him back, and the police moved in to assist.

nand, are you really sure you want to be detained?”” tasked. “Is this what you want?

I looked at him coldly, and he tellsident, stating at me defiantly.

Isighed and asked, “How about we settle this with money? You choose.”

At the mention of money, Leonard glared at me and spat out through clenched teeth, “Pay the money!”

In the end, Leonard agreed to a compensation of ten thousand dollars, and that was the end of it. While ten thousand dollars isn’t a huge amount, it was a matter of pride for Leonard, an he wasn’t happy about it

Of course, an apology from him was out of the question. Lily ended up apologizing on his behalf, Zack, who was usually so gentlemanly, now looked at her with a hint of disdain. “Miss, you don’t represent him,” Zack said. “However, I’m not going to pursue this matter any further. I don’t want to waste time with someone he him.”

He added, “Cheting during marriage would mean leaving with nothing. Take care of yourself.”

Lilyhushed with embarrassment from his words, and she couldn’t mister a single word in reply

I didn’t even glance at them and instead focused on Zack

“Zack, let me dove you home,” I said “Teame by car.”

He smiled and nodded before following me

However, as soon as we stopped outside, Leonard suddenly out and blocked our way.

“Evo, where are you going? he asked “why aren’t you coming back with me

He seemed to be blushing, but the severity of his equries made it hard to tell.

Lly, who was wearing high heels, stregled to catch up as she outside after him.

“Les,” she said, her voice thing with sadness. “Let’s go back. I’m feeling a bit cold.”

She said the name Les with an odd touch all affection

I looked at Leonard with indifference and said, “You should take her home. We’ll be krving now.”

Chapter 37 Pay the Money


Lily moved to grab his hand, but she was shrugged off immediately.

Leonard stubbornly looked at me and said, “No, I want you to come home with me. You’re not leaving.”

“Leo!” Lily’s voice was frantic, her eyes wide with panic.

If Leonard went home with me, where would that leave her? She knew it, and so did I.

I shook my head gently and said, “Leonard, take your lover home. That’s not my home anymore. I won’t be going back.”

Zack had already opened the passenger side door and gotten in. I quickly followed, sliding into the car without glancing back at Leonard.



Status: Ongoing


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