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Entrapment 66

Chapter 66


Carcent’s warm breath on my skin is a gentle caress, yet it feels rough around the edges, like a soft brush stroke on a canvas.

As his exhalation trails along the hairs on my body, it sends a shiver down my spine, but surprisingly, it brings a sense of solace and comfort.

It’s as if his breath is imbuing me with a sense of peace, wrapping me in a warm embrace that soothes my frazzled nerves and calms my racing thoughts.

The gentle sensation is a stark contrast to the tension and anger that has been simmering between us, and for a moment, it feels like a fragile truce has been formed.

His mouth kisses the crane of my neck like it is a delicate piece that is not supposed to be broken.

As Circenn’s breath continues to dance across my skin, my own breathing catches, and I feel a sudden jolt of pleasure.

My lips twitch, and I instinctively run my tongue over them, trying to suppress the involuntary response.

Meanwhile, my core tightens, and a surge of desire courses through me.

I struggle to resist the overwhelming urge to surrender to the sensation, to give in to the temptation to touch myself, to seek relief from the building tension.

But I force myself to hold back, hesitant to surrender to the vulnerability, waiting instead to see if Circenn will bridge the gap between us and satisfy the craving his presence has awakened.

I open my eyes, groggily emerging from the haze of my daydream.

I realize

e the taxi I’m in has come to a stop, and I’m jolted back to reality.

As I lift my hand to wipe my mouth, Em mortified to discover that I’m almost drooling, my mind still entrapped in the vivid reverie of last night’s encounter with Circenn


ing to focus on the present moment and my surroundings, but my mind remains stuck in the

1 struggle to shake off the lingering haze of desire, trying t sweet forment of what could have been

I must



“Ma’am.” The taxi driver calls me and I shake my head like it’s a can before diverting my gaze towards him.

“I’m sorry” I cough our

I make my payment and dash out of the taxi like a refugee

I left Circenn and his disheartening words, only to end up daydreaming about what I have already lived in a cab

to go Naomi.

Way to

I make my way towards Maggie’s apartment, my sanctuary and haven

It’s the one place where I can shed the facade, where I can be my authentic self. Whenever Circenn’s condescending behavior becomes too much to

bear, Maggie’s door is always open, her listening car and comforting words a balm to my frazzled nerves.

I feel grateful for her unwavering support and unconditional love, a reminder that I’m not alone in this chaotic world.

“You’re here” Maggie says, the moment I walk into her apartment

I’ve already called her earlier and mentioned I’ll be arriving.

She looks

at me and seeing the disorientated look on my face. She gently pulls me into a hug.

“Oh Maggie” I breathe into her shoulders.

guess things aren’t going well with you and Circenn” She asks.

Chapter of

“Don’t get me started” I sigh, disengaging our hug

“I’ll make you something, and then you can tell me all about whatever’s going on”

1 nod agreeing with her.

Before I know it, I’m curled in the plush embrace of Maggie’s living room couch, surrounded by the warmth and comfort of her cozy apartment.

Maggie is spoiling me rotten, pampering me with her signature brand of tender loving care.

As I snuggle deeper into the soft cushions, she listens attentively, her eyes filled with concern and understanding, as I pour out my heart, sharing every detail of my tumultuous relationship with Circenn.

Meanwhile, a delicious plate of steamed buns, freshly prepared by Maggie’s skilled hands, lies before me, filling the air with savory aromas and tantalizing my taste buds. The combination of good food, good company, and a sympathetic car is the perfect therapy for me and the drama I’ve been dealing with for days.

“Whoa” Maggie breathes out.

to stay with me. I’m not a big fan of

“You know you and the boys can always come back, or I can help you guys. find a place if you don’t want to loneliness, this is all just too much”

“Who wouldn’t want to live with you Maggie. It’s just that Circenn can be very possessive” I sigh

“I don’t give a shit” she doesn’t let me finish.

“My Blake got basically kidnapped and was locked in a stall. Charles Dickson did that to you when we all thought his intentions with our company were legit, and now Circenn who’s supposed to be by your side is making you feel like shit even after you guys. I mean twice!”

1 sigh.

“Just when I thought my life can’t get any worse” I sigh.

“No wonder you look disheveled Maggie reaches to touch my face.

*I can tell Circenn’s words are what’s eating you the most”

I sigh.

Maggie knows me well.

guess I drop my empty plate, my appetite closing up.

“Do you have any feelings for him even at a slight chance?”

Maggie’s words make me freeze.

“For Circenn?” I ask to clarify.

“Who else are we talking about honey” she scoms.

I shake my head frantically.

“I don’t think I can. I never have feelings for him

“You know there’s nothing wrong if you do,” Maggie adds.

“I said I don’t and I never will” I snarl

Falling for someone like Circenn is nothing short of madness. His good looks and impressive wealth notwithstanding, his personality is as bleak as

a gutter, filled with the darkest of emotions and a penchant for causing pain.

It will be nothing but a foolish infatuation, if somehow I find myself trying to feel something for him.

What we had was mere lust towards each other.

“Okay,” she laughs. “But do you think he might feel something for you!”

Chapter 00

“Why would you thi-

The doorbell steals my word out of my mouth and I sigh.

“III get the door.” Maggie smiles at me.

She leaves and I fall back on the couch, sulking like a child.

Sometimes even moms need to be babied.

Maggie returns with a packaged cardboard box and sits in front of me with a bewildered expression.

“You ordered something?” I ask, sitting up again,

*No. The delivery guy said it is for you?” M

Maggie looks at

“Me?” I throw my brows up.

“He mentioned Naomi McCain. And that’s weird, considering you don’t live here. So why would whatever package you ordered arrive herest Maggie questions.

“I never

never ordered.

any package” I shake my head.

“Then this must be from someone?” Maggie cocks her head.

I shrug and she sighs and reach for the package.

“Can I open

it!” She asks.

“I don’t know”

“Initially, it’s yours”

“Open it then” I nod.

Curious too.

With deliberate slowness. Maggie’s fingers trace the edges of the package, her eyes locked on mine with a mix of anticipation and trepidation.

a stall.

The air is heavy with expectation as she carefully tears away the wrapping, her movements almost ceremonial. Finally, a sn is revealed, its lid slightly ajar

unassuming red box

Maggie’s hands hesitate, as if sensing the weight of what’s to come

Then, with a deep breath, she opens the box, and our

our eyes are

are drawn to the contents like magnets.

Time seems to slow as we gaze upon the revelation, our faces mirroring each other’s shock and disbelief.



Status: Ongoing


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