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Please Come Back 29

Christiana’s POV

As I walked out on Alex, I felt the adrenaline still pulsing through my veins. My mind was racing, every step I took laced with determination and a little bit of satisfaction. The satisfaction that I had finally put Alex in his place.

I refused to let him drag me back into that tangled web of manipulation and regret. He had discarded me like trash years ago. I wasn’t about to let him waltz back in and disrupt the life I’d rebuilt brick by brick.

As I reached the hallway leading to my office, Grace, my ever–loyal PA, was leaning casually against the doorframe, arms crossed, and a knowing smile tugging at her lips. She had clearly been eavesdropping, and the look on her face said it all.

“Well,” she said, pushing herself off the wall as I approached, “that was a masterclass in shutting someone down. You really put your ex–husband in his place, Christiana.”

I exhaled sharply, still trying to calm the storm inside me. “He needed to hear it. He thinks he can just come back into my life, make a few changes, and suddenly everything’s forgiven.”

Grace’s eyes glinted with admiration, but there was also that protective edge in her gaze. “Alex Alistair or not, you handled that perfectly. The old Christiana might’ve been swayed by that ridiculous charm of his, but not this version of you.” She nodded approvingly. “He didn’t know what hit him.”

I smirked at her words, though deep down, it was hard to shake both the anger and disbelief still swirling inside me. “He still thinks he can control things, Grace. He thinks he can show up, flash that arrogant smirk, and everything will just go back to how it was.

Grace laughed, a light, teasing sound. “Oh, I think he knows better now. He didn’t see it coming–the way you shot down every excuse he tried to throw at you. If he thought he could just wave away what he did to you and start fresh, he’s in for a rude awakening.”

I shook my head, my tone sharpening, “I want nothing to do with someone who threw me away like I meant nothing. And now that his life is falling apart, suddenly I’m supposed to care? He chose to listen to everyone but me, he let others manipulate him and destroy what we had. And now he’s crawling back with regret like it’s supposed to fix things.”

Grace’s expression softened for a moment, her voice quieter as she spoke. “He’s realizing, far too late, that he lost the best thing he ever had. But you know what, Ma’am? That’s his problem, not yours. You’ve built something incredible here. You’re thriving, and that rattles him. He can’t stand that you don’t need him.”

“Exactly,” I said firmly. “I’ve worked too hard to let anyone–especially him–drag me down again.”

Grace gave me a sly grin. “I have to say though, I’m loving this fierce, no–nonsense side of you. Alex tried to be all ‘mysterious billionaire” and you shut him down without blinking. I bet he’s not used to being talked to like that.”

I rolled my eyes, though a small part of me took satisfaction in that thought. “He’s used to getting his way, always. But not with me. Not anymore.”

Grace tilted her head, a playful gleam in her eyes. “You know, I’m actually kind of glad Daniel was there to witness that little showdown. It was like a scene straight out of a movie–two powerful men squaring off over a strong woman who isn’t about to let either of them tell her what to do.”

I laughed at the dramatic image she painted. “Daniel handled himself well, didn’t he? I have to give him credit. He didn’t back down, even with Alex trying to play the territorial ex–husband”

Grace waggled her eyebrows. “So are you actually going on that date with him?”

I paused, considering it. “I might. Daniel seems different. He’s respectful, charming, but not pushy. And it’s nice talking to someone who doesn’t come with a decade of baggage.”

Grace nodded, her expression turning serious. “You deserve that, Ma’am. You deserve someone who sees you for who you now, not who they think you should be.”


I looked at her, grateful for her words. “Thanks, Grace. I just want to move forward, keep focusing on what I’ve built. Alex and his games don’t have a place in my life anymore.”


Chapter 29

“Damn right they don’t,” Grace agreed with a satisfied nod. “And don’t let him forget it.”

As I walked into my office, the remnants of my confrontation with Alex still echoed in my mind. He could try to claw his way back into my life all he wanted, but it was too late for that. I was done playing his games, done letting his presence rattle me.

I’d carved out my own path, and I was proud of it. And whether it was Daniel or anyone else, I wasn’t going to let Alex–or anyone else stand in the way of what I wanted.

Let him stew in his regret. It was the least he deserved after throwing me away like I was nothing. The tables had turned, and now, I was the one in control.

And that’s exactly how it was going to stay.

As I sat at my desk, my mind still racing from that confrontation with Alex, I heard the soft chime of a message notification. I glanced at my phone, half–expecting it to be another email or some work–related text, but when I saw Daniel’s name pop up on the screen, I hesitated for a moment before opening it.

Daniel: Hope you’re feeling better now, Remember to eat something, even if it’s just a snack. Looking forward to Friday, Take care, Christiana Smiley emoji*

I blinked at the screen, a faint smile tugging at the corners of my lips despite everything. There was something about his message that felt…genuine. Simple, thoughtful, and not overbearing. Daniel was respectful, almost careful in how he approached me, unlike Alex, who bulldozed his way into everything.

Did I like him? I wasn’t sure yet. But I couldn’t deny that he had a certain charm. He was attentive, considerate, and he didn’t come with the same heavy baggage that had suffocated me in the past. And that smiley face at the end of his text–who knew a billionaire could be so laid–back?

Grace’s words from earlier echoed in my mind: “You deserve someone who sees you for who you are

e now!

I leaned back in my chair, staring at Daniel’s message. Did I actually want to go out with him on Friday? It had been so long since I’d let myself entertain the idea of something new, of allowing someone else into my life. But Daniel was different. He seemed to understand that I had boundaries, that I wasn’t looking to jump into anything complicated.

I didn’t know what to make of him yet, but there was something refreshing about the way he approached me. No pressure, no expectations—just a simple date. Maybe that was exactly what I needed right now.

But as that small smile threatened to widen, I quickly pushed the thought away. I wasn’t going to let myself get swept up in someone else’s charm again. I’d learned that lesson the hard way. If I did decide to give Daniel a chance, it would be on my terms, at my pace.

Still, I found myself typing a quick reply before I could second–guess it:

**Christiana: Thank you, Daniel. I’ll try to grab something to eat soon. See you Friday

I hit send, then locked my phone and placed it face down on the desk. There was no point overthinking things. I had work to do, and the last thing I needed was to get distracted by thoughts of dates and potential relationships.

But as I refocused on my work, I couldn’t completely shake the warm feeling from Daniel’s message. Maybe it was nice, for once, to have someone show interest in me without any ulterior motives.

But just as quickly, my thoughts flickered back to Alex–his frustration, the way he glared at Daniel, the intensity in his eyes when he told me he ended things with Bianca. It was like he couldn’t stand the idea of me moving on, even though he had been the one to push me away in the first place.

I clenched my jaw. No, I wasn’t going to let Alex get into my head again. Whatever was going on in his life was no longer my concern. He made his choices, and I made mine.

But now, Daniel was in the picture, and for the first time in a long while, I felt like I had options–choices that weren’t dictated. by guilt or old wounds.

Did I like Daniel? Maybe. But whether I did or didn’t, it was up to me to figure out, without letting the shadows of my past get in the way.

Please Come Back

Please Come Back

Status: Ongoing


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