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Please Come Back 24

Christiana’s POV

As we huddled in the dimly lit storage room, the muffled sounds of chaos and gunfire filtered through the thin walls. My heart pounded in my chest, each beat echoing the dread that consumed me. I clutched Ethan and Emma tightly, trying to keep them as calm as possible. Their little bodies trembled against mine, their wide eyes reflecting the fear that I felt but was desperately trying to mask.

Suddenly, Daniel burst through the door, his face set in a mask of boldness. Despite the bandage on his head, he moved with a confidence that was both reassuring and commanding. “Christiana, stay here with the kids. I’m going to make sure we’re safe.”

I wanted to protest, but the urgency in his voice left no room for debate. “Be careful!” I called after him, my voice strained.

Daniel nodded curtly and slipped back into the chaos.

The moments that followed felt like an eternity. The muffled sounds of commotion grew louder, and I could hear the approaching footsteps of the thieves. My heart sank as I realized that they might find us if they ventured into the storage


Then, without warning, the door to the storage room creaked open slightly. I could see one of the thieves peering in, his gun sweeping the room with a menacing glare. Panic surged through me as I instinctively shielded the kids, praying that we wouldn’t be discovered.

But just as the thief seemed about to push the door open, Daniel appeared from his hiding spot, his movements swift and calculated. He let out a loud shout, drawing the thief’s attention away from us. “Hey! Over here!”

The thief turned, momentarily distracted by Daniel’s voice. Daniel took advantage of the moment, rushing forward and tackling the man to the floor. The two of them held the gun violently, their struggle was of limbs and grunts.

I held my breath, my heart racing as I watched the scene unfold. Daniel’s determination was evident in every move he made. With a powerful shove, he managed to wrestle the gun from the thief’s hand. The thief tried to fight back, but Daniel’s strength and skill were overwhelming.

The fight was intense, with Daniel using his body weight and sheer force to subdue the thief. After a few tense moments, he managed to knock the man out cold, his body collapsing to the floor with a heavy thud. Daniel stood over him, panting but triumphant.

The kids peered out from behind me, their faces lit up with awe. “Wow! Daniel’s like a superhero!” Ethan whispered, his eyes wide with admiration.

Emma nodded vigorously. “Yeah! He’s super brave!”

Daniel’s face softened as he glanced at the kids, a genuine smile breaking through his earlier tension. “Thank you, kids,” he said, his voice warm and reassuring. I’m just glad you’re safe.

The sound of sirens grew louder, signaling the arrival of the police. I could see officers moving through the mall, their presence bringing a sense of relief. As the thieves were caught and led away in handcuffs, the chaos began to subside.

I emerged from the storage room with the kids, my heart still racing. The police officers quickly reassured us, guiding us out of the area and ensuring we were safe. The kids, now visibly excited and chatty, couldn’t stop talking about Daniel’s heroics.

*Daniel saved us!” Ethan exclaimed, his eyes sparkling with admiration

“Yeah! He fought the bad guys!” Emma added, her voice filled with excitement.

Daniel looked at them with pride and humility. “I’m just glad I could help,” he said, his smile sincere.

As I looked at Daniel, I couldn’t help but feel a surge of gratitude and something deeper. His bravery and quick thinking had made all the difference in a terrifying situation. He wasn’t just a hero to the kids; he was someone who had shown remarkable courage when it mattered most.

The mall was slowly returning to normal, but the impact of Daniel’s actions would linger. As I watched the kids continue to marvel at their newfound hero, I felt a complex mix of emotions–relief, admiration, and a newfound respect for the man who had stepped in when we needed him the most.


10:21 PM

Chapter 21

For now, the immediate danger was over, and the kids were safe. But the memory of Daniel’s heroism and the way he had protected us would remain with me for a long time.

The drive home was of excitement as if they weren’t affected, which was a relief to me. Ethan and Emma chattered incessantly from the back seat, their voices bubbling with enthusiasm as they recounted every detail of the mall incident. I could see their reflections in the rearview mirror, their faces animated with the thrill of the day’s events.

“Daniel was so cool, Mommy!” Ethan exclaimed, his voice brimming with admiration. “He saved us from the bad guys!”

Emma nodded vigorously beside him, clutching her stuffed bear tightly. “Yeah, and he was really strong! He made the bad guy fall down, just like in the movies!”

I kept my eyes on the road, trying to mask the swirling emotions inside me.

Ethan’s face suddenly brightened with a thoughtful expression. “You know, Mommy, Daddy would’ve done even better than Daniel.

My heart skipped a beat. I glanced at them through the rearview mirror, trying to gauge their reactions. Emma’s curious eyes were locked on her brother, waiting for his next words.

“Yeah,” Emma chimed in. “Daddy’s a bigger hero, isn’t he?”

Ethan nodded with conviction, his little face alight with pride. “Of course! Daddy’s our dad, so he’s the biggest hero ever.”

The words hit me like a gut punch. It was clear that their father was a constant presence in their thoughts, and they were eager to elevate him above everyone else. I could see the earnestness in their eyes, the way they idolized him even in the midst of praising someone else. My grip tightened on the steering wheel as I struggled to keep my composure.

“I’m sure Daddy is a great hero too,” I said, forcing a light tone into my voice. “He’s done a lot of amazing things”

I was grateful for Daniel’s bravery, but there was a part of me that felt uneasy as the kids continued to compare him to their father.

Ethan’s face lit up with a satisfied smile. “Yeah, he would’ve stopped the bad guys faster than Daniel. He’s really strong and brave!”

Emma nodded, her eyes wide with admiration. “I wish Daddy was here today. He would’ve made sure we were super safe.”

Their words stung more than I wanted to admit. Each mention of their father was a reminder of the void he had left in our lives and the complicated feelings that had come with his absence. I glanced in the rearview mirror again, seeing their innocent faces full of belief and trust.

I took a deep breath, trying to push aside the ache in my chest. The kids were simply expressing their love and admiration for their father, and I couldn’t fault them for that. Their strong belief in him was proof of the way they saw him–an idealized hero who could do no wrong.

The car ride continued with the kids eagerly discussing their day and their admiration for Daniel. I listened, my heart heavy yet proud. It was clear that despite everything, they still looked up to their father with a sense of reverence that I couldn’t ignore.

As we pulled into the driveway, I was reminded of how complex and intertwined our lives had become. The kids‘ innocence and belief in their father were both heartwarming and heartbreaking. I knew I had to navigate this delicate balance of

fostering their admiration while grappling with my own conflicted feelings.

Please Come Back

Please Come Back

Status: Ongoing


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