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Please Come Back 23

Christiana’s POV.

The grocery store was buzzing with the usual weekend crowd, but I barely noticed. Ethan and Emma were busy picking out their favorite snacks while I wandered through the aisles, sorting through fruits and vegetables. The task had become a pleasant routine for us, one I actually enjoyed despite the fact that I could easily have had my servants handle it. There was something grounding about shopping with the kids, about being part of their small, everyday joys.

As I turned the corner of the dairy section, I nearly bumped into a familiar face. It was Daniel Brooks. He looked a bit better than the last time I saw him, his expression less guarded, though still carrying traces of his previous gruffiness. He had a bandage wrapped around his head, but he was standing upright, seeming more at ease.

“Daniel!” I exclaimed, genuinely surprised. “How’s your head feeling I hope you’re doing better.”

Daniel glanced at me, his brow furrowing slightly. “It’s getting better, thank you. Just a bit of a bump to the head. Nothing


Ethan and Emma, who had been trailing behind me, looked up with wide eyes, sensing the shift in the conversation. Ethan tugged at my sleeve. “Mom, who’s this?”

I crouched down to their level, trying to simplify the situation. “This is Mr. Daniel Brooks. He’s a friend of ours who had a little accident and needed help. I saw him a few days ago.”

Emma tilted her head, curiosity etched across her face. “Is he okay now?”

“Yes, Emma,” I said, giving her a reassuring smile. “He’s much better now. And it’s nice of him to come and say hello to us

Daniel’s gaze softened as he looked at the kids. “Are these your kids, Christiana””

“Yes, they are.” I replied. “This is Emma and this is Ethan.”

The kids eyed Daniel with shyness and curiosity. “Hi” Emma said, her voice bright.

Ethan added. “Hello, Mr. Daniel!”

Daniel’s face lit up with a genuine smile. “Nice to meet you both. I’m Daniel Brooks. It’s great to see you.”

Emma’s eyes sparkled “Thank you for coming to see us!”

Daniel chuckled, a warm and sincere sound. “It’s my pleasure. You both seem to be very good helpers to your mom.”

Ethan nodded enthusiastically. “We help pick out snacks and sometimes even toys.”

Daniel’s smile widened as he glanced back at me. The way he looked at the kids, with that same genuine warmth, was strikingly familiar. It was as if he saw something special in them that resonated with him, the same way he seemed to be connecting with me.

“Well,” Daniel said, straightening up. “I’ll let you continue with your shopping. It was nice running into you all.”

As he walked away, I felt a strange sense of relief. The encounter had been a pleasant surprise, and Daniel’s easy demeanor with the kids had been refreshing. I watched him disappear down the aisle, his smile lingering in my thoughts

I turned back to the cart, where Ethan and Emma were eagerly discussing their chosen snacks. We were still shopping, picking out the essentials and a few treats for the week. The mundane task felt oddly comforting, a reminder of the simple pleasures

in life

Despite the challenges we faced, these small moments with my children were grounding.

We were just about finished with our shopping when the serenity of the grocery store shattered with a violent crash. A blaring alarm was followed by gunshots that split the air, sending shockwaves of fear through everyone present. My heart leaped into my throat as I saw three masked men storm into the store, their faces hidden and their guns raised high.

“Get down on your knees! Now!” one of the thieves roared, his voice echoing through the once–quiet aisles

The entire store erupted into chaos. Shoppers screamed, some diving for cover while others were frozen in panic. I felt my glad I could help.”

Ethan and Emma, their curiosity piqued, looked up at Daniel with wide eyes. “Are you a hero?” Ethan asked, his voice still trembling but tinged with admiration.

Daniel smiled, a genuine warmth in his eyes. “I don’t know about a hero, but I’m here to keep you safe.”

Emma, her fear momentarily replaced by fascination, whispered, “Thank you for helping us.”

“You’re welcome, Emma,” Daniel said, crouching down to their level. “Just stay close and everything will be okay.”

Please Come Back

Please Come Back

Status: Ongoing


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