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Please Come Back 5

Alex POV.

I was just about to take an important call when a little boy came out of nowhere, stumbling right into me. The phone slipped from my grasp, and I caught it just in time, but my attention was immediately drawn to the kid. He stared up at me, his mouth opening as if to apologize, but no words came out. There was something eerily familiar about him–a flash of recognition in his eyes that caught me off guard. My heart skipped a beat because this kid looked like me.

I was still processing this uncanny resemblance when a voice cut through my confusion. Tm so sorry,” she said, rushing over to us. My eyes snapped up, and it felt like a bolt of lightning had struck through me. “Christiana?” I called out, ripping off my shades, as if seeing her without any barriers would make this moment more real. She looked as stunned as 1 felt.

This was insane. Absolutely insane. I had never expected to see her again, let alone with a little boy who was practically my mirror image. And wait–there was another one. A girl. The boy’s twin. Both of them looked like me. How was this even possible!

I was beyond shocked. My mind was reeling. “You… you have children?” I managed to say, my voice barely steady.

“Yes,” Christiana replied, her tone laced with a mix of bitterness and defiance. “It’s incredulous, right? That the barren ex–wife now has children” She quickly pulled the boy away from me and held the girl close too, calling her guards to secure them.

My breath hitched as I kept staring at the kids, then at Christiana, then back at the kids. They were about five years old, and I had divorced Christiana just five years ago. My men behind me were murmuring, clearly as shocked as I was, noting the striking resemblance the children had to me. They could be my children.

Before I could say anything, Christiana had scooped up her children and was barking orders authoritatively at her group of people, her demeanor strong and commanding “Let’s go,” she said firmly, holding their hands and guiding them away.

I remained frozen in my spot, my mind racing. The kids looked back at me with confused expressions, whispering to each other. “Mommy, who was that man? the girl asked, her voice curious.

“Just someone from the past, sweetie, Christiana replied, her voice softening for her children.

I was losing my mind. Something didn’t seem right. I watched her walk away, my thoughts in turmoil. This couldn’t be a coincidence. The kids were too similar to me for it to be anything else. I needed answers, but for now, all I could do was stand there, my world suddenly turned upside down.

Seeing Christiana again was like a punch to the gut. As she walked away with those two children who looked so much like me, I felt an overwhelming wide of emotions–shock, regret, confusion. I couldn’t tear my eyes away from them, especially from the boy who had collided with me. There was no denying the resemblance.

As I watched them leave, I turned to my PA, James, my voice low but urgent. “James, I need you to find out everything about her,” I said, my eyes still fixed on Christiana’s retreating figure.

James nodded, looking slightly taken aback by my intensity. Tll get on it right away, Mr. Williams.”

I didn’t expect to bump into her at the airport, especially not when I was about to take a flight to another city for a crucial business seminar. During the flight, I couldn’t stop thinking about her and the children. My mind kept replaying the moment I saw them, the shock on her face, and the unmistakable resemblance the kids had to me. It felt like a surreal dream, one I couldn’t wake up from.

Even when my flight landed and the business seminar began, I found it impossible to concentrate. My thoughts were consumed by Christiana and the twins. I kept wondering how it was possible that she had children–my children. I remembered our last encounter vividly, how she accused me of divorcing her because she couldn’t conceive. The irony was not lost on me, and it ate at my insides.

Finally, after what felt like an eternity, I returned to my hotel room. The moment I stepped inside, James was there, waiting for me with a file in hand.

“Mr. Davis,” he began, handing me the file. “I’ve got the information you asked for.”

I took the file, my hands trembling slightly. “Tell me what you found out,” I said, trying to keep my voice steady.

Chapter 3

James cleared his throat, glancing at his notes. “After you divorced her, Mrs. Davis–uh, Christiana–left the city. She moved to another city and started a small business. Over the past five years, she has grown that business into a successful enterprise. She gave birth to the twins, Ethan and Emma, five years ago. There hasn’t been another man in her life since you

I felt a chill run down my spine. “Five years ago, I repeated, more to myself than to James. “The kids… they’re mine.”

James nodded slowly. “It appears so, sir.”

The realization hit me like a freight train. The twins were mine.

Ethan and Emma.

I had children I didn’t know about, children I had abandoned because of my own mistakes. The weight of my actions bore down on me, and I felt guilt and a desperate need to make things right.

I sank into the nearest chair, the file slipping from my hands. “I need to see them,” I said quietly. “I need to see her. I have to make this right.”

James nodded again, understanding the gravity of the situation. Tll arrange for it, Mr. Davis”

As he left the room, I sat there, my mind racing. Seeing Christiana and the twins had turned my world upside down. I had to find a way to make amends, to be a part of their lives.

Please Come Back

Please Come Back

Status: Ongoing


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