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Love Sc 15

Chapter 15

Benjamin wanted nothing more than to slap himself when he realized what he was saying.

With Hayden around, Zara would never need his help.

“I mean, Hayden knows everything. He can do anything. If you have any questions, feel free to ask him. He’ll give you perfect answers every time!” Benjamin babbled as Hayden fixed his glare on him. He began praising Hayden.

Zara listened to his babbling earnestly. She even nodded every so often as he spoke.

In reality, she knew that Benjamin was just saying this because they were afraid that Hayden would get angry. That was why she was acting like she agreed with what he said. Hayden was stiff from the moment he walked into the private room. He was probably angry about his friends‘ conversation earlier.

Zara felt the need to do something to alleviate the awkwardness.

She tilted her head and said, “I know. Hayden’s good at everything.”

Even she herself felt repulsed at the blatant praise.

Hayden opened his mouth like he wanted to say something, but nothing came up.

He looked away from Zara.

Did she really not know how pretty she looked when she smiled?

When she smiled, her eyes were like little crescent moons, and her white teeth peeked out from between her red lips. The bright smile and head tilt were captivating. Zara saw Hayden’s ears going red. She smiled even wider.

When Hayden realized that she was trying to mollify him, his anger dissipated.

Now that the awkwardness was gone, Benjamin took his chance. “Here, Mrs. Gavino, let me give you a toast in your honor. May you and Hayden live happily ever after!” Colin pushed a glass of wine over to Zara.

Zara was taken aback for a moment. Then, she smiled and picked up the glass.

Hayden stopped her and took the glass out of her hand. “Zar doesn’t drink. I’ll drink on her behalf.”

However, Zara stopped him from drinking her wine and said with a smile, “Ben is toasting for our happily ever after, Hayden.”

Hayden didn’t know what she meant by that.

Zara continued, “Even if I don’t drink, I have to accept his toast.”

When she said that, the other men in the room cheered.

Zara had just implied clearly that she would marry Hayden!

Hayden was ecstatic. He didn’t know what to say or how to react.

He’d been waiting for this day for a long time.

Colin quickly urged Hayden to give Zara back her glass.

Hayden was still dazed. Zara took the glass and downed the entire thing in one gulp.

Then, she stood up and took out a little box from her box. In front of Hayden’s friend, she opened the box, revealing two custom–made rings inside. Hayden’s three friends were flabbergasted Was Zara proposing to Hayden now?

Zara put one of the rings onto Hayden’s ring finger before pushing the box into his hand. “Hayden, will you marry me?”

Hayden came back to his senses. No wonder Zara agreed to come over despite not wanting to join the party in the first place. She had gotten the rings while he was out!

He took the other ring out of the box and got onto one knee. He gazed deeply into Zara’s eyes. “Zara, will you marry me?” Zara smiled. “Yes.”

Maybe the answer had been yes all along

Love Sc

Love Sc

Status: Ongoing


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